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Visitation Day University

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1 Visitation Day University
A registered ‘Team Impact University’ Tuition Centre

2 Our Purpose: Provide tertiary education to the Body of Christ
Offer programs for the academic & practical training of the whole person to develop balanced & character sound Christians. Provide courses & curriculum to assist in the development of gifting, calling & ministry. Train & qualify people for successful careers as Christians in both ministry & secular vocations.

3 Accreditation All our courses are accredited by Team Impact University in the USA who are authorized to grant Certificates, Diplomas and Degrees up to Doctorate level by religious exemption. Visitation Day University is a registered tuition centre for Team Impact University. All courses are accredited by the World Wide accrediting commission. Credits: The university, at the discretion of the Team Impact board, may grant credits for other courses completed and Team Impact courses count for credits at many other institutions.

4 Accreditation The purpose of accreditation is to:
Additionally, Visitation Day University carries accreditation for various other biblical & secular courses from various other educational institutions from time to time. The purpose of accreditation is to: certify that an institution has met the established standards of excellence assist prospective students in identifying reputable institutions, which offer degree programs that will meet their needs and goals allow institutions to evaluate the acceptability of transfer credits into their own curricula programs

5 Team Impact University Council for Reference:
Beck, Dr. Pete, Sr., Apostle and Founder, Masterbuilders DeKoven, Stan, Ph.D., Founder and Director, Vision University Gill, A.L., Th.D., Faculty, Vision University Joyner, Rick, Founder and Director, Morningstar Fellowship Marsh, Keith, Pastor Strite, Eugene, Pastor, World Harvest Outreach Thomas, Michael, Pastor, Love and Faith Christian Fellowship Woods, Dan, Ph.D., Professor of History, Ferrum College

6 Courses offered at Visitation Day University:
Under-Graduate: 1st Year Certificate 2nd Year Diploma Disciplines: Ministry, Theology, Counseling, Prophetic ministry, Education and Business, Creative Ministry, Leadership Post – Graduate: 3rd & 4th Year Bachelor Degree 5th & 6th Year Masters Degree 6th & 7th Year Doctorate Degree

7 Modules for 1st Year Certificate in Ministry: (Foundations Year)
COURSE NAME: CREDITS: CC101 Christian Foundations 3 CC102 Spiritual Gifts CC103 Dynamic Prayer CC104 Old Testament Survey CC105 New Testament Survey CC106 Christian Ethics CC107 Releasing your Divine Call CC108 Biblical Excellence CC109 Spiritual Warfare CC110 Spiritual Strongholds

8 Modules for 2nd Year Diploma in Ministry: (Foundations Year)
COURSE NAME: CREDITS: DC201 Learning to lead in ministry 3 DC202 The Book of Ephesians DC203 Supernatural Healing & Health DC204 Systematic Theology DC205 Praise and Worship DC206 Christian Life Management DC207 Kingdom Principles DC208 21st Century Evangelism DC209 The 21st Century Church DC210 Authority of the Believer

9 Degrees: Bachelor Degree in Theology Bachelor Degree in Ministry Bachelor Degree in Prophetic Ministry Bachelor Degree in Christian Counseling Bachelor Degree in Christian Education Bachelor Degree in Christian Entrepreneurship Master’s Degree in Theology Master’s Degree in Ministry Master’s Degree in Prophetic Ministry Master’s Degree in Christian Counseling Master’s Degree in Christian Education Master’s Degree in Business Entrepreneurship Master’s Degree in Christian Leadership Doctor of Ministry Degree Doctor of Divinity Degree

10 Entrance Requirements
Matriculation / Senior Certificate (High School Diploma) Students over the age of 24, with a minimum grade 10 may apply to enroll

11 Cost: Visitation Day University offers quality Christian education and training at an extremely affordable and competitive rate. Bursaries & subsidies are available to less advantaged individuals by application.

12 All books, study guides and fees.
Cost: Prices subject to exchange rate at time of payment 1st Year Certificate in Ministry: $810.00 2nd Year Diploma in Ministry: $810.00 Includes: All books, study guides and fees. Payment plans are offered to Students as follows: Registration Fee: $50.00 Deposit: $410.00 Monthly Payments: $40.00 X 10 Months

13 Cost: Full Accommodation: $6,570.00 per course (10 months)
RESIDENTIAL PACKAGE – FULL BOARD FOR: Less than $25.00/day Full Accommodation: $6, per course (10 months) Transportation: $ / course own transport can be hired Includes: All meals, fully serviced Board, Laundry & limited internet Access Payment plans are offered to Students as follows: Fee does not include return airfare to South Africa – O.R Tambo International Airport Deposit: $ Monthly Payments: $470.00 X 10 Months NB: The Res. Package cost is additional to the course fee and deposit as per the schedule.

14 Sponsorships: Visitation Day University is limited to the amount of scholarships it can award the less advantaged. Sponsorship programs are available to provide ‘would be’ benefactors with an opportunity to provide for the education of selected beneficiaries. Sponsorship programs include full course sponsorship as well as residential learnerships for university & ‘Gap Year’ students.

15 Visitation Day University International
Leadership Visitation Day University International

16 Dr Vaughn Hutchinson, D.Div: University Director & Chancellor
Dr Vaughn Hutchinson is founder and President of Visitation Day Ministries International. Dr Vaughn Hutchinson also serves as the University Chancellor. Dr Vaughn Hutchinson holds many years of practical ministry experience and is an international prophetic voice. Dr Vaughn Hutchinson has been recognized as international speaker and has also been recognized by Team Impact University for his contributions to the ministry, in which he holds a Doctor of Divinity Degree. Dr Vaughn serves the Body of Christ in prophetic & apostolic office.

17 Dr Nicolas F. Marais, Ph.D: University Dean
Dr Nicolas Marais is the Dean of the University in South Africa. His fields of study include: Theology (B.Th) & Christian Counselling (M.Min –Couns & Ph.D). He has launched more than one Bible College and is experienced in the management and operation of Christian educational centres. Dr Nicolas has been involved in higher education for over 5 years.

18 The Revolution has Begun –
Visitation Day University International © 2010

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