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Key Applications Module Lesson 11 — Using Microsoft Office 2003 Computer Literacy BASICS.

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1 Key Applications Module Lesson 11 — Using Microsoft Office 2003 Computer Literacy BASICS

2 2 Objectives Start Office 2003 applications. Navigate through an Office document window. Customize the document window to make it easier to accomplish specific tasks. Open, save, and print documents. Close documents and applications. Use onscreen and online help features.

3 Computer Literacy BASICS 3 Vocabulary Document File compatibility I-beam Office Assistant Path Save Scroll

4 Computer Literacy BASICS 4 Microsoft Office 2003 Microsoft Office 2003 is an integrated software package that enables you to share data among the applications. The applications available depend on the Office suite that is installed and the selections made during the installation. There are several different Office suites, each with a different combination of applications.

5 Computer Literacy BASICS 5 Microsoft Office 2003 Suite Applications

6 Computer Literacy BASICS 6 Starting an Office Application There are two ways to start an Office application: – Double-click an application icon on the desktop. – Use the Start menu. When you launch most Office applications, a new blank document will be displayed. A document is a data file in any application.

7 Computer Literacy BASICS 7 Navigating Application Screens You can have multiple applications open at the same time. Each open application will display in the taskbar at the bottom of the screen, as shown below. Start buttonShow Desktop button Buttons represent- ing open Office application buttons

8 Computer Literacy BASICS 8 Using the Mouse to Navigate Scroll up Scroll left Scroll right I-beam Drag scroll bar to move either direction Scroll down The scroll bars and scroll boxes allow navi- gation through a document with the mouse.

9 Computer Literacy BASICS 9 Using the Keyboard to Navigate You can use the arrow keys to move the insertion point up, down, left, and right in a document. The PgUp and PgDn keys move the insertion point up or down about the depth of your screen every time you press one of the keys.

10 Computer Literacy BASICS 10 The Application Window Title bar Menu bar Standard toolbar Insertion point Status bar Vertical scroll bar Horizontal scroll bar Task pane

11 Computer Literacy BASICS 11 Common Elements in Application Windows The title bar, displaying the name of the data file and the name of the application you are using The menu bar, providing access to drop-down menus The Standard toolbar with buttons for frequently used commands Scroll bars with scroll boxes for navigating through the document with the mouse

12 Computer Literacy BASICS 12 Common Elements in Application Windows (cont.) The status bar, providing information about the current document The taskbar at the bottom of the screen, with buttons to access other open programs or documents

13 Computer Literacy BASICS 13 Use the View Menu to Customize the Document Window You can display other toolbars besides the Standard toolbar in your document window. Toolbars that are checked on the View menu’s Toolbars submenu will display in your window. You can also change the magnification level of a document—how large or small the text and graphics appear on the screen—using the Zoom command.

14 Computer Literacy BASICS 14 The Zoom Command Click the Zoom command on the View menu to open the Zoom dialog box, which offers set percentages for display as well as a Fit option that fits the page contents to the screen. There also may be options for views, such as Page width and Whole page or a Percent text box, where you can enter a specific percentage or click the up and down arrows to find a percentage you prefer for the display.

15 Computer Literacy BASICS 15 Working with Toolbars The choices on the Toolbars submenu may differ slightly between applications. An optional toolbar may “float,” overlaying part of the document, or may be firmly anchored above or below the document. This arrow accesses Add or Remove Buttons. The drag point lets you move a toolbar anywhere in the window. The Drawing Toolbar

16 Computer Literacy BASICS 16 Opening and Saving Office Documents You use the same procedures to open and save documents in all Office applications. The terms document and file are used interchangeably in Windows. Opening a document means to load a file into memory from disk. Saving a document means to store it on disk.

17 Computer Literacy BASICS 17 Office Filenames and Extensions Each file or document is identified by a filename and an extension, which are separated by a period. Office applications automatically add a file extension indicating the type of file when it is saved. – Word assigns the extension.doc – PowerPoint assigns the extension.ppt – Excel assigns the extension.xls – Access assigns the extension.mdb

18 Computer Literacy BASICS 18 Path Names Files are saved and retrieved using path names. A path is the route that the operating system takes to locate the file. At left is the full path for a file, which identifies the disk drive and any folders relative to the location of the file, as well as the filename. DiskFolder Filename

19 Computer Literacy BASICS 19 Opening a Document There are several ways to open an Office document: – Select Open Office Document on the Start menu. – Or select the Open option from the File menu in an Office application. – Or click the Open button on the application’s toolbar. All of these options will display the Open dialog box, which you can use to locate and open a file.

20 Computer Literacy BASICS 20 The Open Dialog Box Look in box List of available folders and files Back button Places bar Types of files displayed Up one level button Open button

21 Computer Literacy BASICS 21 Problems Opening a File Problems that can arise when trying to open a file include the following: – You may not be able to find the file that you are trying to open. – The file may be corrupted or damaged. – The file may not be compatible with the version of the application or the operating system you are using. You can take steps to deal with problems so that you can eventually open almost any file.

22 Computer Literacy BASICS 22 Saving a Document The quickest way to save a document is by clicking the Save button on the Standard toolbar. – The file will be saved with its current name in its current location. Get in the habit of saving your document frequently to safeguard against a system crash.

23 Computer Literacy BASICS 23 Using the Save As command You can save a file with a new name and/or location by using the Save As command from the File menu. – If saving the file for the first time, assign a name to the file that describes its content or purpose. – You can use descriptive filenames because the path to the file can include up to 255 characters. – Filenames cannot include any of the following characters: / \ * ? “ | : ;

24 Computer Literacy BASICS 24 The Save As Dialog Box You can use the F12 key as a shortcut to open the Save As dialog box.

25 Computer Literacy BASICS 25 Printing a Document The easiest way to print a document is to click the Print button on the Standard toolbar when the document is active. This option sends the document to the printer using default print parameters. To set or modify print settings, select the Print option from the File menu to open the Print dialog box. Options in the Print dialog box will vary based on which application you are running.

26 Computer Literacy BASICS 26 The Print Dialog Box

27 Computer Literacy BASICS 27 Closing Documents and Applications Clicking the document Close button will close that file. Clicking the application Close button will close all documents and end the application itself. An open document also has a Close but- ton below the application Close button. All open applications have a red Close button at the upper-right corner.

28 Computer Literacy BASICS 28 Closing Documents and Applications (cont.) You can also close a document using the Close option on the File menu. To close an application, select Exit from the File menu. When you close an application, you also close any open files.

29 Computer Literacy BASICS 29 Office Help Features There are several types of help available for Office applications: ToolTips and ScreenTips provide information about a tool or screen feature. The Office Assistant is an animated Help character that you can display for assistance whenever working in an Office application. There is a Microsoft Office Online Web site where you can find extensive help for Office applications.

30 Computer Literacy BASICS 30 ToolTips and ScreenTips If you do not know the function of a toolbar button, rest the mouse pointer on the button to see the name of the function display in a ToolTip. ScreenTips appear in several kinds of situations. – When you rest the mouse pointer on a color box in a color drop-down list (such as in the Font dialog box), a ScreenTip tells you what color the square represents. – As you key text, you may see a ScreenTip that suggests how the application can complete a word or phrase for you by pressing Enter.

31 Computer Literacy BASICS 31 The Office Assistant The Office Assistant is an animated Help character that offers tips to help you use Office applications and finds answers to your questions. If the Office Assistant is not visible on the screen, open the Help menu and select Show the Office Assistant. Enter a question in the text box and click the Search button to have the Office Assistant look for information to answer your question.

32 Computer Literacy BASICS 32 Online Help The Ask a Question box is at the right side of the menu bar in all Office applications. Click in the box, key your question, and press Enter to open a pane with Help topics that can answer your question. More options are available in the Help window, which you can display by clicking the application’s Help command on the Help menu (such as Microsoft Office Word Help) or by pressing the F1 key.

33 Computer Literacy BASICS 33 Internet Help from Microsoft’s Web Site You can also find answers for frequently asked questions for all Office products at the Microsoft Office Online Web site. To go to the Microsoft Web site, open the Help menu and choose Microsoft Office Online. You must have an Internet connection to access the Office Web site.

34 Computer Literacy BASICS 34 Summary You can start Office applications by clicking the Start button on the taskbar and selecting the application from the Programs folder, or you can double-click the application icon on the Desktop. Navigating through an Office document involves using the mouse, scroll bars, arrow keys, and keyboard shortcuts.

35 Computer Literacy BASICS 35 Summary (cont.) Standard features found in every Office application window include the title bar, menus, toolbars, scroll bars, status bar, and taskbar, as well as a task pane that appears when you open an application. You can customize an Office document window by displaying task-specific toolbars and adding or removing buttons from toolbars.

36 Computer Literacy BASICS 36 Summary (cont.) The View menu Zoom command allows you to specify exactly what size to display the page. The Open dialog box enables you to open a file from any available disk and folder.

37 Computer Literacy BASICS 37 Summary (cont.) Problems opening files can involve corrupted data or file compatibility issues such as trying to open a file in a different application, in an earlier version of an application, or in another operating system than was used to create it. There are ways to open and use almost any Office file, however.

38 Computer Literacy BASICS 38 Summary (cont.) To save a document using a new filename, open the File menu and choose the Save As command. To print a document, you can use either the Print button on the application’s toolbar or you can open the File menu and choose Print. To close document windows and application windows, you click the Close button or open the File menu and choose Close or Exit.

39 Computer Literacy BASICS 39 Summary (cont.) ToolTips and ScreenTips provide immediate help without interrupting your work. The Office Assistant offers tips and will help you search for answers to specific questions. The Help window and the Microsoft Office Assistance Center Web site are also sources of assistance with Office applications.

40 Quick Quiz 1.If an application does not display a document ready for data entry when you open an application, click the _______________ button. Computer Literacy BASICS 40

41 Answer: New Blank Document Computer Literacy BASICS 41

42 2.When the mouse pointer indicates you can insert text, it is called a(n) _______________. Computer Literacy BASICS 42

43 Answer: I-beam Computer Literacy BASICS 43

44 3. You can find information about the current document in an Office application in the _______________. A. taskbar B. menu bar C. status bar D. toolbar Computer Literacy BASICS 44

45 Answer: C Status Bar Computer Literacy BASICS 45

46 4.True or False? You can never view more than one page at the same time in an Office document. Computer Literacy BASICS 46

47 Answer:False Computer Literacy BASICS 47

48 5. True or False? When you click the Save button on the Standard toolbar, the document is saved with the same filename and in the same location. Computer Literacy BASICS 48

49 Answer: True Computer Literacy BASICS 49

50 6.To close a document without exiting the application you are using, you can select the Close command from the File menu or click the _______________ button. A.Document Close B.Application Close C.Document Exit D.Save Changes Computer Literacy BASICS 50

51 Answer:A Document Close Computer Literacy BASICS 51

52 7.How can you quickly identify a toolbar button? Computer Literacy BASICS 52

53 Answer: Point to the toolbar button to display a ScreenTip with the toolbar button name. Computer Literacy BASICS 53

54 Discussion Question #1 Why do you think there are so many different ways to start Office applications? Which way do you prefer to start an Office program? Why? Computer Literacy BASICS 54

55 Discussion Question #2 When would you find it helpful to change the size of a document display? Do you find it useful to have options for size of display, such as 50% or 200%, as well as content display options, such as Page width and Many pages? Why or why not? Computer Literacy BASICS 55

56 Discussion Question #3 What kinds of file compatibility issues could occur if you were collaborating with a coworker on a report and your computer was a new PC notebook, whereas your coworker was working on an older desktop Macintosh? How could you ensure that you could access each others’ files without problems? Computer Literacy BASICS 56

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