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General organisation Supervision on the transport of dangerous goods in the Netherlands Hennie van der Stokker

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1 General organisation Supervision on the transport of dangerous goods in the Netherlands Hennie van der Stokker

2 Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport Legal Position of the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate is part of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment and an independent inspection entity of the Ministry Some historical facts: The State Traffic Inspectorate (RVI) was established by Royal Decree at 1936 In 1992 the Dangerous Goods Inspector Corps (established at 1886) joined the RVI

3 Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport Legal Position of the Inspectorate On the 1 st of July 2001 the State Traffic Inspectorate RVI merged with the other inspectorates of the Ministry of Transport, Water Management and Public Works into the: Transport and Water Management Inspectorate In 2012 the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management merged with the Ministry of Housing and Environment 1-1-2012: Inspectorates of both ministeries are merged: Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate

4 Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport old current Ministry The old situation versus the current situation Ministry policy making policy enforcement policy execution (licencing & certifying) Inspectorate policy making policy execution (licencing & certifying) policy enforcement

5 Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport The Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate monitors and promotes compliance with both national and European legislation and regulations in favour of a safe and sustainable:  Human environment  Transport

6 Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport Human Environment:  Safety of building constructions and drinking water  Minimization of risks of hazardous substances and industries  Proper processing of waste and the prevention and clean-up of contaminated soil and water Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate

7 Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport Transport:  Transport by road, rail, water and air  Rail and Aviation infrastructure  Rest and driving (sailing/flying) times  Professional competence (training of personnel) Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate

8 Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport Core activities  Issuing permits / certificates / exemptions  Enforcing the law o Supervising o Investigating  Reporting incidents  Investigating accidents … in partnership with other (non) governmental bodies (where ever possible). Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate

9 Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport Current forms of supervision  Horizontal supervision (through voluntary agreements = convenant)  Systemic supervision (conducting audits)  Reality checks (site and object inspections) Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate

10 Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport In the event of non-compliance, we … make recommendations issue warnings impose administrative sanctions such as fines or penalty payments take enforcement action, including withdrawal of permits arrangements with public sector rewards information

11 Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport Planning and accountability  Multi-annual plan  Supervision programme based on risk analyses  Annual report Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate

12 Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport A changing world, context take on new challenges meet changing demand develop new forms of supervision internationalisation technological developments So we need to:

13 Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport Strategy for the future  Greater collaboration with other inspectorates and enforcement counterparts  Improve service to subjects of inspection  Supervision policy:  founded on trust  based on risk selection  Reduction of administrative burden  Knowledge development  Reducing organisation  More interaction with public companies Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate

14 Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport

15 Legislation in the Netherlands Act on transport of dangerous goods Ordinance Carriage of Dangerous Goods: Ministerial Decree: *appendix 1 = ADR / RID / ADN / ADNR *appendix 2 = national regulations *appendix 3 = national authorities

16 Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport Integral basis for legislation of the inland transport (road, rail and inner waterways) Applicable to all transport acts: loading, unloading, leaving parked, moored of conveyances, offer and acceptance of dangerous substances, deposit of dangerous substances during their carriage, packing, filling, exploiting of a container, tank, packaging, conveyance, receipt of DG and security Act on transport of dangerous goods

17 Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport (Amendments of) ADR / RID / ADN: Ministerial Decree: Signed by the Minister (every two year) Published in the Government Gazette (coming into force) Translation of all international amendments in Dutch language: one integrated (consolidated) text of ADR / RID / ADN / ADNR

18 Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport 2008/68/EC 95/50/EC and 2004/112/EC 2010/35/EC 94/63/EC

19 Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport 95/50/EC and 2004/112/EC Uniform procedures for checks on the transport of DG by road Harmonisation of checks on the transport of dangerous goods: Intensity Number Execution Settlement of checks

20 Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport Supervision on the transport of dangerous goods

21 Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport Supervision on all modes

22 Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport Basic principles for the execution of our inspections on DG  Multimodal: inspections at logistic junctions (terminals)  Riskbased  Concluding of convenants  Object / Company inspections

23 Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport Annual (joint) program: (transport) of dangerous goods Carried out by several enforcement entities within ILT: ILT/Rail and Road Transport ILT/Netherlands Shipping Inspectorate ILT/Civil Aviation Authority the Netherlands ILT/Hazardous Substances and Products ILT/ Hazardous Industry Multimodal inspections Domain specific

24 Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate Companies Packages / Tank(containers) Recognized bodies Fireworks Reporting of incidents transport of dangerous goods Dangerous waste Stowage Junctions (ECT terminal, Schiphol airport, Rail Terminals) Classification of DG (sampling) Multimodal inspections

25 Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport Domain specific inspections (Road and Rail) Road inspections Railway inspections Weather circumstances Drip leakage of railwagons (shunting yard Kijfhoek) Leaving of railway wagons during transport (railway yards)

26 Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport Domain specific inspections (Shipping) Inspections on ships IMBSC-Code (IIMDG-Code) Board – Board transfers Degassing of inland water vessels Stability of ships Bunker oil inland waterways

27 Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport Domain specific inspections (Air) Inspections on the airside + ground handlers Transit of freight supplies Inspections on reporting of incidents with DG Redesign Cargo

28 Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport Business service Exemptions and approvals Approvals for segregation Reporting of radioactive materials Approvals of explosives in ports (ministerial order) Authorisations of fireworks

29 Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate Practice of our inspections  Safety first! Use of personal safety equipment  Gas measurement will be carried out according to protocol ILT  Inspection according to ADR, IMDG-Code, ADN or RID  Doubts about classification: sampling by ILT

30 Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport In the event of non-compliance (in general)  Make recommendations  Issue warnings  Impose administrative sanctions such as fines or penalty payments  Take enforcement actions, including withdrawal of permits  Public disclosure (naming / shaming)  Seizure of vehicles / packages etc. (high costs for restore activities) Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate

31 Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport At the end of our inspections: Compliance is improved Transport of DG is in accordance with all regulations Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate

32 Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport Questions / Notifications etc. Information Centre: +31 (0)88 - 489 00 00

33 Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport 33

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