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Simple Electrical Circuits Lesson 2-The Basics Recap.

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Presentation on theme: "Simple Electrical Circuits Lesson 2-The Basics Recap."— Presentation transcript:

1 Simple Electrical Circuits Lesson 2-The Basics Recap

2 Draw the circuit symbol for a bulb

3 Draw the circuit symbol for an ammeter

4 What component is used to measure electrical current? A.Switch B.Resistor C.Ammeter D.Voltmeter

5 Which component changes electrical energy into light energy? A.Bulb B.Switch C.Cell D.Battery

6 Which component is a store of chemical energy? A.Bulb B.Battery C.Switch D.Resistor

7 Which of these materials is not a conductor of electricity? A.Water B.Graphite C.Lead D.Wood

8 Name this circuit symbol. A.Ammeter B.Switch C.Bulb D.Voltmeter V

9 Q1. Is the circuit below a series or parallel A2 A A3 Q2. If the reading on Ammeter A is 2A- What will the reading on A2 and A3 be?

10 Q1. Is the circuit below a series or parallel A1A1 A2A2 A3A3 A4A4 Q2. If the reading on Ammeter 4 is 2A what will the reading on: A2, A3 and A1 be?

11 V2V2 V3V3 V1V1 NB Voltmeters are connected in parallel Q1. Is the circuit below a series or parallel Q2. If the reading on Voltmeter 1 is 8V what will the readings on V2 and V3 be?

12 For a series circuit, the sum of the voltages for each component is equal to the voltage across the cell or battery. V 1 = V 2 + V 3

13 V1V1 V2V2 V3V3 Q1. Is the circuit below a series or parallel Q2. If the reading on Voltmeter 1 is 8V what will the readings on V2 and V3 be?

14 For a parallel circuit, the voltage across the cell/battery is the same as the voltage across each branch. V 1 = V 2 = V 3

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