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RESULTS Training Woodlot Reporting to RESULTS Online Data Entry March 2013 Mei-Ching Tsoi

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Presentation on theme: "RESULTS Training Woodlot Reporting to RESULTS Online Data Entry March 2013 Mei-Ching Tsoi"— Presentation transcript:

1 RESULTS Training Woodlot Reporting to RESULTS Online Data Entry March 2013 Mei-Ching Tsoi

2 Modules 1.Legislative Context and Business Documentation 2.Online Data Entry 3.Online Data Entry Demo 4.ESF Submission 5.RESULTS Canned Reports


4 Submission Type MandatoryApproximate TimingSpatial Data Required Details Opening Definition YesAt Harvest Completion* Following Amendments Annual Report Deadline YesIncludes site plan, tenure. Must be provided to create Opening for all other reporting. DisturbanceYesUpon Harvest Completion or Annually OptionalForest Cover update is required with disturbance activity reporting Silv ActivityYesUpon Activity Completion or Annually Optional Forest CoverYesAt Harvest Completion Free Growing Declaration Regeneration Declaration (when required or volunteered) YesIdentifies inventory and silviculture labels as well as damage agents. Supports milestone declaration. Reporting Lifecycle * Post Harvest Forest Cover should not have NSR and reflect planting stocking, if possible. Otherwise, opening will have NSR until Free Growing

5 Must have a bceid account and authorized to submit to RESULTS RESULTS Access

6 RESULTS Pre-Conditions Cutblock must be status of “HB” or “LC” Use of Exhibit ‘A’ Online Spatial Function FTA CP application with spatial by cutblock submitted Only one standard unit and one Forest Cover polygon created for the opening All of the above conditions must be met to use RESULTS online entry. If require more than one Standard Unit or more than one Forest Cover, then must use submit via ESF.

7 RESULTS Online Entry

8 Exhibit ‘A’ Check Box to be used for WL with FTA CP Spatial by Block available for: Opening Creation Standard Unit Creation (only one SU) Amendments Forest Cover (only for one forest cover polygon)

9 Go to Opening Tab Add new Opening

10 Enter minimum data for new opening: District Opening Category Licence/CP/Cutblock Opening Gross Area Approval Date (if Site Plan requiring approval or use current date) Previous Stand Label Include Exhibit ‘A’ Spatial Box.

11 New Opening ID system’s assigned to opening created. Opening ID or tenure informatin may be used for subsequent ESF submissions.

12 S305-Multi-Tenure enables adding extra tenures, if applicable. Note that one tenure must be set to Prime (Yes) while all others are non-prime (No). Designated Prime Licence (Yes) will be displayed in the Opening Header.

13 New Openings contains no SUs. Must create new SU. Amendment will be used to create SUs but will require approval. Use Rationale with text: “This is not an amendment” to inform district that this procedure is to create a SU for the new opening. Amendment will be only option to provide SS ID (approved stocking standard). Must accept confirmation to proceed.

14 Keep adding for each section and save. Only one Standard Unit can be created. Add New SU. Then: Add mandatory data required for first section: SU Net Area to be Reforested SS ID (if applicable) BEC Milestone offsets Save this first. Add any subsequent section and save each section if requiring individual stocking standard components. Include Exhibit A will allow attachment of FTA CP Cutblock Spatial. Use Rationale any required context Then select Back to S310 Stocking Standard Screen.

15 Amendment Proposed allows changes to draft amendment until ready to submit. Once Submit Amendment and Accept will send amendment to Ministry for approval. Confirmation required to submit. Status: AMD once an amendment has been initiated

16 Submitted Amendment changes Status from “AMD” to “SUB” Opening’s amendment goes to District Inbox for approval.

17 Amendment Approval will changed Status from “SUB” to “APP” and enables to Standards Unit to appear in S310 Stocking Standard with SP Map. If Not Approved, then Status will revert back from “SUB” to “AMD” for next action; can modify and re-submit or delete amendment and start over.

18 Disturbance Reporting must be provided prior to Forest Cover submission. ESF both Disturbance and Forest Cover may be submitted under the same submission.

19 Provide any silviculture activities Planting requires added species, trees planted and lot information.

20 Forest Cover can be added Online but can only have one Forest Cover Polygon for the opening. Disturbance Reporting must be entered before “New Forest Cover” option will appear.

21 1 st step – Enter Forest Cover Polygon (without Exhibit ‘A’ spatial). Polygon must contain all mandatory specified in the RISS-WL This example polygon has NSR status and does not require Layer and Species. If IMM status, then layer and species must be provided. Save – to ensure all attribute requirements have been met. 2 nd step – once Forest Cover is saved, then Check off Include Exhibit ‘A’ Spatial box and Save again. This second step associates Exhibit ‘A’ spatial to the forest cover polygon.

22 Completed Forest Cover will be shown in S320-Forest Cover Summary Screen with reference to Forest Cover Map

23 Add any new forest cover polygon updates as required (ie. free growing) Example of IMM polygon All Forest Cover submissions are tracked via Forest Cover History

24 Land Status summarizes forest cover submission by date and by stocking status/type.

25 Milestone Declarations may be completed online or by ESF. Submission Date is date is auto-filled with current date of entry or ESF submission. Use Comments to provide RPF No. for declaration and any special notes pertaining declaration if important.

26 Standards ID usage is based on Woodlot Licence Plan or Ministry Defaults Note that Woodlot Defaults can be searched using % which is a wildcard. Need to review standard as many does not include EFG and have LFG value while WLPPR is default of 20.

27 Standards ID usage is based on Woodlot Licence Plan or Ministry Defaults HFP – Provincial Default With Default Standards Indicator “Yes”

28 Opening Creation at Harvest Completion 1.Opening creation 2.Standards Unit (Site Plan content) 3.Disturbance Reporting 4.Forest Cover update reflecting post-harvest stand condition

29 Silviculture Activity (annually) Completed Silviculture Reporting Planting report include lot and species information RESULTS has planning feature that may be useful

30 At Achieved Regeneration (optional, subject to WLP) 1.Forest Cover update reflecting achieved regeneration 2.Regeneration Milestone At Free Growing Completion 1.Forest Cover update reflecting free growing conditions 2.Free Growing Milestone

31 RESULTS provides ability to supply SU Modification actions online and via ESF. Site Plan (no SS ID) Amendment Requires Approval FPCBC (WLFMR) Site Plan (no SS ID) Approval Required No Approval Required Opening Status “APP” – active opening, nothing pending “AMD” – active opening, draft amendment “SUB” – active opening, submitted amendment for approval requires District Inbox action Note that pre-RESULTS, any SU Modification was paper-based, therefore changes not tracked on the system and must refer to opening files. SU Modifications FRPA (WLPPR) Site Plan (SS ID)


33 RESULTS – Technical Documentation Provides processing rules, dependencies, optionality, context of what information and where it is located in RESULTS – clues to which tables to look for. Online & ESF Submission Requirements – need to refer to both

34 RESULTS – Training Recordings & documentation Refer to Training website for powerpoints, documentation, recordings or any upcoming training opportunities. More themes exists than what is shown on this slide.

35 References on RESULTS Website Business Documentation Business/Spatial Views Technical Documentation Application and ESF Training Resources

36 RESULTS – Application Support

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