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Today in I.S.… Fact of the Day

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Presentation on theme: "Today in I.S.… Fact of the Day"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today in I.S.… Fact of the Day
Week #2 Quarter 2 (10/21) I.S. Learning Goal: I can describe the features and components of the atom. I can apply models to features of an atom Fact of the Day The element Californium is a radioactive metallic chemical element with the symbol Cf and atomic number 98 it is often called the most expensive substance in the world (as much as $68 million for one gram.) Warm Up Question: Explain the difference between a group and a period on the periodic table. To Do Today: *Practice Lewis Dot structure Homework: None

2 Periods Each row is called a “period”
The elements in each period have the same number of shells 1st Period = 1 Shell 2nd Period = 2 Shells 3rd Period = 3 Shells 4th Period = 4 Shells Periodic table of elements video

3 Groups Group 8 = 8 electrons Group 1 = 1 electron
Except for He, it has 2 electrons Group 1 = 1 electron Group 2 = 2 electrons Each column is called a “group” Each element in a group has the same number of electrons in their outer orbital, also known as “shells”. The electrons in the outer shell are called “valence electrons”

4 Transition Metals Transition Metals have slightly different rules for shells and valence electrons.


6 Today in I.S.… Homework: None Fact of the Day
Week #2 Quarter 2 (10/22) Homework: None I.S. Learning Goal: I can describe the features and components of the atom. I can apply models to features of an atom Fact of the Day There are 86,400 seconds in a day Earth is gradually slowing down. Every few years, an extra second is added to make up for lost time Warm Up Question: From the periodic table name 2 elements that are liquid, 2 solids and 2 gasses To Do Today: *Practice Lewis Dot structure *Begin drawing of Bohr models

7 Lewis Structures Find your element on the periodic table.
Put onto back of “Find that Element!” handout Lewis Structures Find your element on the periodic table. Determine the number of valence electrons. This is how many electrons you will draw. 7

8 Lewis Structures Find out which group (column) your element is in.
The Lewis structure was named after Gilbert N. Lewis, who introduced it in his 1916 article The Atom and the Molecule.[4] They are similar to electron dot diagrams in that the valence electrons in lone pairs are represented as dots, but they also contain lines to represent shared pairs in a chemical bond (single, double, triple, etc.). Find out which group (column) your element is in. This will tell you the number of valence electrons your element has. You will only draw the valence electrons. 8

9 Order of How to Draw Lewis Dot Structures

10 Lewis Structures Write the element symbol.
Carbon is in the 4th group, so it has 4 valence electrons. Starting at the right, draw 4 electrons, or dots, counter-clockwise around the element symbol. 10

11 Lewis Structures Check your work.
Using your periodic table, check that Carbon is in the 4th group. You should have 4 total electrons, or dots, drawn in for Carbon. 11

12 Lewis Structures Pg 9 On back your worksheet “Its Elemental!”, try these elements on your own: H P Ca Ar Cl Al 12

13 Lewis Structures On your worksheet, try these elements on your own: H
P Ca Ar Cl Al 13

14 Lewis Structures On your worksheet, try these elements on your own: H
P Ca Ar Cl Al 14

15 Lewis Structures On your worksheet, try these elements on your own: H
P Ca Ar Cl Al 15

16 Lewis Structures On your worksheet, try these elements on your own: H
P Ca Ar Cl Al 16

17 Lewis Structures On your worksheet, try these elements on your own: H
P Ca Ar Cl Al 17

18 Lewis Structures On your worksheet, try these elements on your own: H
P Ca Ar Cl Al 18

19 Complete Onto Notebook Paper
Page 10 Complete Onto Notebook Paper

20 Today in I.S.… Week #2 Quarter 2 (10/23&24) Homework: name and symbol quiz Friday. Elements 1-10 I.S. Learning Goal: I can describe the features and components of the atom. I can apply models to features of an atom Warm Up Question: Draw the Lewis Dot Structure for the elements: Sr, Sn, I Fact of the Day Mosquitoes like the scent of estrogen, hence, women get bitten by mosquitoes more often than men do. Sr Sn I To Do Today: *Complete Lewis dot structures *Begin drawing of Bohr models

21 Complete Onto Notebook Paper
Page 10 Complete Onto Notebook Paper

22 Lewis Dot review Bohr Models
Back of page 10 Lewis Dot practice Groups= number of valence e- Periods= number of rings around nucleus of atom Each ring/energy level can hold a certain number of e- Period 1 can hold a max of 2e- Period 2 can hold a max of 8e- Period 3 can hold a max of 18e- Period 4 can hold a max of 32e- Period 5 can hold a max of 18e- Period 6 can hold a max of 8e- Period 7 can hold a max of 2e- 2008

23 Bohr Diagrams Find your element on the periodic table.
Determine the number of electrons – it is the same as the atomic number. This is how many electrons you will draw.

24 Bohr Diagrams Find out which period (row) your element is in.
Elements in the 1st period have one energy level. Elements in the 2nd period have two energy levels, and so on.

25 C Bohr Diagrams Draw a nucleus with the element symbol inside.
Carbon is in the 2nd period, so it has two energy levels, or shells. Draw the shells around the nucleus. C

26 C Bohr Diagrams Add the electrons. Carbon has 6 electrons.
The first shell can only hold 2 electrons. C

27 Bohr Diagrams Since you have 2 electrons already drawn, you need to add 4 more. These go in the 2nd shell. Add one at a time - starting on the right side and going counter clock-wise. C

28 C Bohr Diagrams Check your work.
You should have 6 total electrons for Carbon. Only two electrons can fit in the 1st shell. The 2nd shell can hold up to 8 electrons. The 3rd shell can hold 18, but the elements in the first few periods only use 8 electrons. C

29 Bohr Diagrams Try the following elements on your own: H He O Al Ne K C

30 Bohr Diagrams Practice page 11

31 H Bohr Diagrams Try the following elements on your own: H – 1 electron
Al Ne K H

32 Bohr Diagrams O Try the following elements on your own: H He
O - 8 electrons Al Ne K O

33 Bohr Diagrams He Try the following elements on your own: H
He - 2 electrons O Al Ne K He

34 Bohr Diagrams Al Try the following elements on your own: H He O
Al - 13 electrons Ne K Al

35 Bohr Diagrams Ne Try the following elements on your own: H He O Al
Ne - 10 electrons K Ne

36 Bohr Diagrams K Try the following elements on your own: H He O Al Ne
K - 19 electrons K

37 Cl Ne Today in I.S.… Fact of the Day
Week #2 Quarter 2 (10/25 ) I.S. Learning Goal: I can describe the features and components of the atom. I can apply models to features of an atom Fact of the Day When you die your hair still grows for a couple of months. That is why most ghosts and scary dead creatures have long hair Warm Up Question: Draw Lewis dot for elements: Cl and Ne Cl Ne To Do Today: *Quiz *Bohr Model building practice Homework: None Bohr models:

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