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+ FARNRPAN 2012 Regional Food Security Multi- Stakeholder Policy Dialogue Mr. Lawrence Ndambuki Muli, Advocacy & Communications Associate, Human Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "+ FARNRPAN 2012 Regional Food Security Multi- Stakeholder Policy Dialogue Mr. Lawrence Ndambuki Muli, Advocacy & Communications Associate, Human Resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 + FARNRPAN 2012 Regional Food Security Multi- Stakeholder Policy Dialogue Mr. Lawrence Ndambuki Muli, Advocacy & Communications Associate, Human Resources & Youth Division, Human Resources, Science & Technology Department, AUC AFRICAN YOUTH CHARTER AND THE AU DECADE FOR YOUTH EMPOWERMENT

2 + African Youth Decade Plan of Action (2009-2018) Declared by the African Union Assembly in January, 2009, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Framework for multi-sectoral and multidimensional engagement of all stakeholders towards the achievement of the goals and objectives of the African Youth Charter. Facilitates more coordinated and concerted efforts towards inexorably increasing youth empowerment and development. Supports the development of national and regional plans of action and also provides a framework to allow coordinated activities at the continental level. Provides a Link to AU Member States on the synergy between youth empowerment and development to national development goals and priorities.

3 + The African Youth Charter : Adopted at the 7 th Ordinary Session of the Conference of Heads of States and Government: July 02,2006 in Banjul, The Gambia Signed by 41 Member States, Ratified by 32 Member States, 6 Member States have not signed or ratified Enshrines rights, duties, freedoms and responsibilities of African Youth and lays the pedestal for national programmes and strategic plans for Youth empowerment. Emphasizes the importance of youth participation and involvement as key actors and beneficiaries of the development of the continent. Offers key stakeholders involved in Youth development e.g. Governments, Youth, Civil Society and International Partners with a continental framework to exacerbate youth development.

4 + Status of the African Youth Charter

5 + Article 19: Sustainable Development and Protection of the Environment State Parties are obliged to:- Encourage the media, youth organisations, in partnership with national and international organisations, to produce, exchange and disseminate information on environmental preservation and best practices to protect the environment; Train youth in the use of technologies that protect and conserve the environment; Support youth organisations in instituting programmes that encourage environmental preservation such as waste reduction, recycling and tree planting programmes; Facilitate youth participation in the design, implementation and evaluation of environmental policies including the conservation of African natural resources at local, national, regional and international levels; Develop realistic and flexible strategies for the regeneration of forests and intensive actions to prevent the expansion of deserts.

6 + Africa’s Youth, Agriculture & Environment Prioritize Education for Sustainable :National education curriculum, pedagogic capacity building learning process. Enhancing a multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder capacity building process: Scientific, technical capacity, fiscal Enhance green youth entrepreneurship and education, creation of youth enterprise funds, provision of capital and start up loans Revitalize agricultural and environment sector, invested in rebranded, modernized and boosted into a hub and pool for attractive green jobs for youth. Advocate for bridging of the gap between international financing frameworks and the national financing sectors to prevent a dichotomy that would inexorably lead to inequality.

7 + Why Youth? Africa’s youth population offers a demographic bonus making up about 60% of Africa’s 1 billion people The African Youth Charter provides the pedestal and legal framework for championing meaningful and effective Youth participation Youth Volunteers are an intellectual pool of human resource capital that can make significant and concrete difference across the continent Mobilizing youth consequently has a long term value for leadership development Performance based and results driven interventions and framework of youth developmental work in Africa

8 + Youth Division/AUC Work on Implementation of the AYC and DPoA African Union Youth Volunteers Corps (AUYVC):-Launched in December 2010,Continental volunteer program that identifies, trains and deploys young volunteers in Africa as a capacity building and life skills wholesome learning experience. African Youth Forums:- Annual program that brings together African Youth to discuss current issues in Africa and provide recommendations to their African leaders. African Youth Charter Implementation Programme:- A framework aimed at enhancing the process of implementation & domestication of the AYC. Statistical Database Framework on African Youth Development Indexes:- Assessing demographic shares and trends; Analyzing the socio-economic situation of young people in Africa and designing evidence based youth policies, strategies and programmes;

9 Invest in Youth. Shape Africa’s Future! Investir em Jovens. Futuro Forma de África! Investir dans la jeunesse. Afrique du Shape avenir! الاستثمار في الشباب. شكل أفريقيا في المستقبل ! Thank You ! Merci Beucoup Asante Sana

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