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Behavior Management Training for ACES Staff Melissa Caison Paul Wirth Guilford County Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "Behavior Management Training for ACES Staff Melissa Caison Paul Wirth Guilford County Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Behavior Management Training for ACES Staff Melissa Caison Paul Wirth Guilford County Schools

2 Introduction   Who we are   What we do   Who you are   Topics that we will cover – –Proactive Steps in Behavior Management – –Physical Aggression – –Bullying – –Non-compliance – –Runners

3 Proactive Steps in Behavior Management   Structure of the Group – –Low – –Medium – –High   Expectations for Behavior – –What they can and cannot do – –Your rules – –Reinforcers/Consequences   Supervision of the Students – –Where you should be – –When you should be there

4 Structure of the Group   Your structure depends on the need of the students – –Low Structure   Small groups, older students, students that are more responsible – –Medium Structure   Larger groups, younger students, students that are responsible but can become more challenging – –High Structure   Larger groups, younger students, students that consistently are having behavioral difficulties

5 Expectations for Behavior   If you know how you want them to behave, you need to tell them-   How do they tell you what they need?   How do they use the bathroom and get water?   What are the rules for your group- – –Teach them to the students and review them often – – Keep it simple- 3-5 rules max   What happens when they follow the rules? – –Reinforcements   What happens when they don’t follow the rules? – –Consequences   What you can and cannot do

6 Supervision of Students   One of the more important pieces of Behavior Management – –Students must be monitored at all times to protect:   Students   Yourself   Active Supervision – –An effective supervisor will be:   THERE   AWARE   ON TIME

7 Playground Supervisor Who Wasn’t Paying Attention

8 Supervision : Expect   An effective supervisor communicates high expectations for cooperation and compliance verbally and nonverbally. – –Be aware of your body language, facial expressions and tone of voice.   An effective supervisor is proactive and intervenes early. – –Interact positively with students who are known to have difficulty. – –Do not ignore misbehavior.

9 Bullying   What does bullying look like? – –Physical, verbal, emotional – –Can be seen or behind the scenes   What are the characteristics of a bully- – –Socially inadequate – –Few or no friends – –Can either be very outspoken or very shy

10 Bullying   Strategies for Bullying – –Supervise and be aware   Looking for the signs – –Things missing – –Students complaining about specific student repeatedly – –Speaking with the student, parents, school staff   Involve as many people as possible   Develop a plan for the student

11 Physical Aggression   Comes in many forms – –Aggressive towards objects, peers, staff   Strategies – –Find the source of the aggression   Frustration, anxiety, learned behavior, etc. – –Look for a Pattern   Specific activities, times, etc – –Teach the Student   Social Skills   Replacement Behavior

12 Physical Aggression   More Strategies – –Structure the Environment to allow fewer opportunities – –Limit activities that can become a competition – –Be as near to the student as possible – –Communicate concerns with parents and school staff to develop a plan of action – –Stress expectations of behavior; have reinforcers and consequences available

13 Non-compliance

14 Non-compliance Otherwise known as:   Defiance   Failure to adhere   “Hardheaded”   Headstrong   Not listening   Oppositional   ODD-(Oppositional Defiant Disorder)   Stubborn   Steadfast

15 Non-compliance (cont’d) Very important!! Remember: You cannot make anyone do anything! What you can do:   Create as many opportunities for the student to be successful.   Utilize positive reinforcement to encourage compliance.

16 Non-compliance (cont’d)   The way you interact or behave with students directly influences their behavior and reactions.   Rather than “manhandling” the student and physically making them do what you ask, you should: – –Set limits – –Offer proactive praise and positive encouragement.

17 Setting Limits Limits should be :   Enforceable –   Reasonable -   Clear and Concise –

18 Setting Limits (cont’d) When setting limits you can also: Offer choices:   For example, say, “If you (initial request), then you can (positive outcome). If you do not (initial request), then (undesirable outcome).

19 Setting Limits (cont’d) Why this works:   Whether a student is officially diagnosed with ODD or not, students who are consistently defiant often lack problem solving skills.   Using this form statement assists these students with becoming aware of the possible outcomes of their actions.   Consistency with this method will eventually send the message that defiance will “not get me what I want”.   When setting limits, your reaction and facial expression is important for effective delivery.   Expect compliance, and walk away after making the statement, allowing sufficient time to choose.

20 Ineffective Strategies   Entering into power struggles – “I am the authority figure and you need to do what I say!”   Making challenging statements/gestures – “Did you hear what I said?” or standing over or next to the student while waiting for a response.   Answering the student back – responding to attempts to negotiate or verbal manipulation. Utilize the “broken record technique”. Stick to the topic and repeat your directives and possible outcomes without explanations.

21 You Should:   Put the responsibility back on the student by simply stating, “you choose the behavior, then you choose the consequences”.   Remain calm   Be consistent   Listen   Enforce limits/consequences   Make positive eye contact

22 You should not:   Overreact   Match their emotions therefore escalating with the student   Take their inappropriate behavior personally   Failing to respond or ignoring the behavior hoping it will go away or because you just don’t want to deal with it   Make false promises

23 **NOTE** Chronically defiant students often have:   Irrational thinking   Quick tempers   Annoyance, resentment, and hostility toward authority figures and adults in general   Excuses for their inability to cope   A need for attention, but then seem to want to be left alone (passive aggressive)

24 Defiant and noncompliant kids need:   Lots of strong praise and support   Separation from others if student becomes a severe distraction and/or belligerent. **Note** Classic “time-out” as a consequence is usually not effective. For a chronically defiant student, this does not usually allow time for reflection. It gives the student time to plot revenge or to “stew”.   Structure – this is done by setting limits consistently

25 Runners

26 Running cont’d AKA:   Elopement   Abandoning areas   Leaving assigned areas

27 Running cont’d First you should determine the function of the behavior or the purpose of the behavior. Possible reasons:   To gain power and/or control   Attention   Avoidance of task/person/school   Anxiety

28 Running cont’d. If their purpose is to gain power and/or control: Remember how to set limits?   This gives the student a sense of control because it allows for the opportunity to choose the behavior and consequence.   You can proactively offer opportunities for prestige and recognition.

29 Running cont’d If their purpose for running is for attention:   Refrain from overreacting and making sudden movements.   You can proactively offer lots of attention when the student is displaying appropriate behavior. The idea is to send the message that appropriate behavior will earn attention.

30 Running cont’d If the student’s purpose for running is to avoid:   A task: – –Determine the students ability to perform the task – –Provide assistance when possible/necessary – –Provide contingent rewards if possible

31 Running cont’d.   A person – –Investigate the situation – –Obtain as much information on the student as possible to determine effective techniques, students’ learning styles, triggers, etc. – –If possible, change groups so the student does not require contact from the undesirable individual

32 Running cont’d   School – –Remind student that after school program is only for a limited time. – –Make all attempts to make the experience desirable if students display appropriate behaviors. – –Obtain parental support

33 Running cont’d  Anxiety –Determine what may be causing the anxiety *Noise levels – provide student with headphones or earplugs * Difficulty in large groups – If possible, provide an area with limited persons. Teach student coping skills (counting, staying focused on task at hand, ignoring, taking deep breaths, etc.)

34 Running cont’d.  Proactive Measures: –Always be aware of exits –Attempt to refrain from triggers –Keep student in eyesight –Offer verbal intervention if you notice student becoming agitated and/or anxious –Attempt to divert students’ attention from stressor –Make arrangements for easy communication with other staff (walkie-talkies, nonverbal signals, etc.)

35 Running cont’d  Once student is in the progress of running: –Do not chase the student. This is a liability issue! Remain a safe distance from student. –Keep the student in your eyesight. –Do not threaten the student or engage in excessive verbiage –Document incidents –Obtain parental support –SET LIMITS

36 In conclusion Following incidents of Noncompliance and Running;  Follow up with a brief discussion – Refrain from lecturing!  During this discussion, include: –The dangers of running –Determine any patterns of behavior and make possible/necessary modifications –Teaching of coping skills –Teaching of problem solving skills

37 Cont’d –Briefly re-teach your program’s expectations and possible consequences –Negotiate alternatives for behavior –Develop a behavior contract Take this time to connect with the student and to develop a rapport!

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