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Present Perfect for Life Experiences The Warehouse Madrid Pre-Intermediate Class.

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1 Present Perfect for Life Experiences The Warehouse Madrid Pre-Intermediate Class

2 Present Perfect For life experiences that happened sometime before now. We don’t know or don’t say when they happened. I’ve been to England. He’s seen Star Wars 15 times.

3 Past Simple If we saw exactly when something happened He got married in 2011. He moved to Madrid in 1965.

4 Positive Present Perfect subjectauxiliarypast participle I‘veseenevery star wars film. He’s‘smetsome of the actors.

5 Negative Present Perfect subjectauxiliarypast participle Ihaven’tseenany star wars films. He’shasn’tmetany of the actors.

6 Add –ed or -d To make regular past participle There is no rule for irregulars! You’ve just got to memorize them!

7 Four examples of Present Perfect 1.He’s written hundreds of newspaper articles. 2.He’s been to Star Wars conferences all over the world. 3.Todd has also met some of the actors. 4.He’s given me a lot of happiness.

8 Four examples of Past Simple 1.On May 25 th, 1977, seven-year-old Todd Philips went to see the movie Star Wars for the first time. 2.Todd met his wife, Holly, at a Star Wars party in 1994. 3.In January 2002 Todd started queuing to see Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones – four months before the film opened! 4.Last year I met Ewan McGregor.

9 Ewan McGregor Ewan McGregor was born in Scotland in 1971. He decided to be an actor when he was only nine and he made his first film in 1992. So far in his career he’s appeared in a lot of different types of film, including comedies, musicals, dramas and the Star Wars movies. His uncle, Denis Lawson, was in the original Star Wars in 1977 and McGregor starred in his first Star Wars movie 22 years later.

10 In his career Ewan has worked with actresses like Cameron Diaz and Nicole Kidman, and his films have won lots of awards. He loves acting and when he finished filming the musical, Moulin Rouge, he said “I’ve never been happier to do anything in my life.”

11 3 interesting things you have done in your life and 3 you haven’t 1.I’ve travelled alone. 2.I’ve worked in 10 different states. 3.I’ve played 5 different sports. 4.I’ve sung as the lead in a school musical. 5.I’ve worked since I was 16 years old. 6.I’ve held 20 different jobs in my life. 1.I’ve travelled alone. 2.I’ve worked in 10 different states. 3.I’ve played 5 different sports. 4.I’ve sung as the lead in a school musical. 5.I’ve worked since I was 16 years old. 6.I’ve held 20 different jobs in my life.

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