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Cédric VAN APPELGHEM PhD Supervisor: Prof. Pascal Louvet Financial information relevance and financial policy along the corporate lifecycle.

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Presentation on theme: "Cédric VAN APPELGHEM PhD Supervisor: Prof. Pascal Louvet Financial information relevance and financial policy along the corporate lifecycle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cédric VAN APPELGHEM PhD Supervisor: Prof. Pascal Louvet Financial information relevance and financial policy along the corporate lifecycle

2 Presentation structure 2 Introduction: Corporate Lifecycle Implications for financial information Research question Data and methodology Agenda and potential difficulties Theoretical and managerial implications

3 Corporate lifecycle 3 Activity starts Activity expands Activity is mature Activity declines New product or market introduced

4 Impact on financial information and corporate financial policy 4 Difficulty assessing start-up firms and their performance Information asymetry between insiders and other investors Financial information relevance lifecycle (Disle, 2004; Dumontier, 2004)

5 Research question 5 How does corporate financial information relevance influence corporate financial policy and external investment along the corporate lifecycle? Ownership structure Debt maturity structure Corporate performance External Investment

6 Data and methodology 6 European data extracted from Thomson Financial or Osiris 16 countries 2000- 4000 samples Excluding financial firms 4 portfolios of firms based on corporate lifecycle steps Principal component analysis

7 Research Agenda and potential difficulties Next 6 months: Building development stage portfolios Finding missing data in Osiris Circulating papers worldwide 7

8 Theoretical implications 8 Clarify impact of corporate lifecycle phase on firm financial policy Managerial & Legislative implications Improve start-up funding and rescue of bankrupt firms

9 Thank you for your attention! What about your questions?

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