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Conflicts in Africa Rwanda & Darfur. United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948) United Nations Convention.

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1 Conflicts in Africa Rwanda & Darfur

2 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948) United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948) “Genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to group (c) Deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”

3 History of the Conflict Two major ethnic groups in Rwanda Two major ethnic groups in Rwanda – Hutus (majority popul. – 85%) – Tutsis (minority of popul. – 14%) Speak same language, follow same traditions, live in same areas Speak same language, follow same traditions, live in same areas So what happened??? So what happened???

4 History of the Conflict Rwanda was colonized by Rwanda was colonized by – Germany (1894-1916) – Belgium (WWI-1962) Belgians favored the Tutsis over Hutus Belgians favored the Tutsis over Hutus – Tutsis were more similar to Europeans – Tutsis given higher status (better jobs, housing, & education) – Resentment among Hutu grew

5 Conflict Grows Hutus began to form nationalist party in 1959 Hutus began to form nationalist party in 1959 – Killings of Tutsi (20,000 in one year) – Tutsi refugees fled to Uganda Rwanda gained independence from Belgium in 1961 Rwanda gained independence from Belgium in 1961 – Rwanda becomes its own republic state in 1962 – Conflict lasting between Hutu government & Tutsi rebels – Tutsi refugees form Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF)

6 The Conflict Grows Two extremist Hutu militias Two extremist Hutu militias – Interahamwe “those who stand together”, “those who work together”, “those who fight together” “those who stand together”, “those who work together”, “those who fight together” Backed by Hutu gov’t Backed by Hutu gov’t – Impuzamugambi “those who have the same goal” “those who have the same goal” Hutu miliia Hutu miliia

7 Fast Forward to 1990s”: Catalyst to Genocide President Juvenal Habyarimana’s plane was shot down in April 1994 President Juvenal Habyarimana’s plane was shot down in April 1994 – Responsibility for attack is disputed – Both RPF (Tutsis) & Hutu extremists blamed

8 The Tragedy April 29, 1994 – radio broadcasts urge elimination of Tutsis April 29, 1994 – radio broadcasts urge elimination of Tutsis – 1/7 th of population slaughtered -Within 2 weeks  250,000 Tutsis & moderate Hutus killed -800,000 Rwandans killed between April & July -RPF stated that 1,071,000 were killed, 10% of which were Hutu -African Rights estimates the number “as around 750,000” -Human Rights Watch  at least 500,000

9 Aftermath & Continuing Conflict RPF gains control of provisional gov’t RPF gains control of provisional gov’t – Hutu refugees flee (mainly Interahamwe) Continue violence against Tutsis in refugee camps Continue violence against Tutsis in refugee camps International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda Was international community too slow in responding to the crisis? Was international community too slow in responding to the crisis?

10 Darfur, Sudan Sudan is the largest country by area in Africa Sudan is the largest country by area in Africa Darfur is a region in western Sudan, approximately the size of Texas Darfur is a region in western Sudan, approximately the size of Texas 6 million people used to live in Darfur 6 million people used to live in Darfur UChicago STAND

11 History of Conflict in Darfur Sudan’s borders encompass many ethnic and religious groups Sudan’s borders encompass many ethnic and religious groups – North: Arab, Muslim – South: African, Christian Darfur: African, Muslim, Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa tribes Darfur: African, Muslim, Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa tribes Northern Sudan was constructed without ties to Southern Sudan, and the Darfur region wasn’t annexed as a province of Sudan until 1916, almost 50 years after the North and South were unified. Northern Sudan was constructed without ties to Southern Sudan, and the Darfur region wasn’t annexed as a province of Sudan until 1916, almost 50 years after the North and South were unified. UChicago STAND

12 History of the Conflict in Darfur 1956 Sudan gains independence from British rule 1956 Sudan gains independence from British rule Civil war between North and South from 1955-1972 and again from 1983-2002 Civil war between North and South from 1955-1972 and again from 1983-2002 South Sudanese not represented in Khartoum government South Sudanese not represented in Khartoum government While oil was discovered in Southern Sudan in the 1970s, the Khartoum government demanded all of the oil revenues be funneled to the national government While oil was discovered in Southern Sudan in the 1970s, the Khartoum government demanded all of the oil revenues be funneled to the national government Peace agreement in 2003 Peace agreement in 2003 UChicago STAND

13 In 2003, two rebel groups from Darfur rise up against the Sudanese government In 2003, two rebel groups from Darfur rise up against the Sudanese government – Sudanese Liberation Movement (pictured) – Justice and Equality Movement The political aim of the rebel groups is to compel to Sudanese government to address underdevelopment and political marginalization of the region. UChicago STAND

14 Janjaweed Sudanese government arms Janjaweed militia, comprised mostly of members of Arab nomadic tribes who have been in conflict with settled farmers in Darfur. Janjaweed kill and expel Darfurians Sudanese government arms Janjaweed militia, comprised mostly of members of Arab nomadic tribes who have been in conflict with settled farmers in Darfur. Janjaweed kill and expel Darfurians Janjaweed has been translated as “devil on a horse” in Arabic Janjaweed has been translated as “devil on a horse” in Arabic Janjaweed in military fatigues in Geneina. UChicago STAND

15 Janjaweed Tactics In addition to killing and expelling members of a village, the Janjaweed burn their food stores so that the survivors cannot return. In addition to killing and expelling members of a village, the Janjaweed burn their food stores so that the survivors cannot return. A government soldier burning the food storage of the villagers in Marla. UChicago STAND

16 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) & Refugees 2.5 million refugees and IDPs in Sudan and neighboring Chad. 2.5 million refugees and IDPs in Sudan and neighboring Chad. Three generations of farmers, formerly self-sufficient, now forced to live in a camp. UChicago STAND Thousands die each month from the effects of inadequate food, water, health care, and shelter in a harsh desert environment. Pictured are graves outside and IDP camp. Thousands die each month from the effects of inadequate food, water, health care, and shelter in a harsh desert environment. Pictured are graves outside and IDP camp.

17 International Responses & Challenges In July 2004, Congress declared the crisis in Darfur to be a genocide. In September 2004, on behalf of the U.S. government, Secretary of State Colin Powell followed suit. In July 2004, Congress declared the crisis in Darfur to be a genocide. In September 2004, on behalf of the U.S. government, Secretary of State Colin Powell followed suit. – First time a genocide declared as such while in progress In February 2005, the U.S. led the U.N. to pass the first resolution to send a peacekeeping mission to Darfur. In February 2005, the U.S. led the U.N. to pass the first resolution to send a peacekeeping mission to Darfur. September 2006: U.N. resolution authorizing the deployment of 17,000 peacekeepers with a Chapter VII mandate to protect. September 2006: U.N. resolution authorizing the deployment of 17,000 peacekeepers with a Chapter VII mandate to protect. – But only with the consent of the Sudanese government. – Sudanese government adamantly refuses to consent, as they are sponsoring the genocide. UChicago STAND

18 International Responses & Challenges Currently 7,000 African Union troops on the ground. This is the size of the police force of Dallas in a region the size of Texas Currently 7,000 African Union troops on the ground. This is the size of the police force of Dallas in a region the size of Texas – Insufficient mandate to actively protect civilians – Under-funded – Lacking training and technology – Lacking manpower – overstretched UChicago STAND

19 International Responses & Challenges China, Russia, Malaysia and India’s investments in Sudanese oil fund the Khartoum government’s perpetuation of genocide. China, Russia, Malaysia and India’s investments in Sudanese oil fund the Khartoum government’s perpetuation of genocide. China and Russia are also on the United Nation’s security council China and Russia are also on the United Nation’s security council The US Congress has passed significant pieces of legislation on Darfur. These include funding for peacekeepers in Darfur and reauthorization of economic sanctions against Sudan. The US Congress has passed significant pieces of legislation on Darfur. These include funding for peacekeepers in Darfur and reauthorization of economic sanctions against Sudan. Connection with Sudan in war on terror Connection with Sudan in war on terror UChicago STAND

20 South Sudan Becomes Independent Republic of South Sudan – 2011 Republic of South Sudan – 2011 – Capital = Juba Disputes still remain Disputes still remain "Justice, Liberty, Prosperity" Salva Kiir Mayardit, the first elected President of South Sudan. His trademark hat was a gift from then-President of the US George W. Bush UChicago STAND

21 What can be done?

22 Sources UChicago STAND (A Student Anti- Genocide Coalition) UChicago STAND (A Student Anti- Genocide Coalition) New Jersey Darfur Coalition New Jersey Darfur Coalition

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