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LAN 111.15 1/12/15 F IRST -Y EAR S PANISH (P ART 1) S ECTION 2.

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Presentation on theme: "LAN 111.15 1/12/15 F IRST -Y EAR S PANISH (P ART 1) S ECTION 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 LAN 111.15 1/12/15 F IRST -Y EAR S PANISH (P ART 1) S ECTION 2

2 Philosophy This class is intended for students with no knowledge or very little knowledge of Spanish. If you are uncertain about your level of Spanish, please, take the online readiness test in the dept. website: (I will email this link to everyone after class today ) The last day to change levels is January 21 (next week Wednesday!) Unfortunately, this class is not eligible to count towards Honors credit

3 Philosophy I will speak in Spanish as much as possible and you will be encouraged to speak ONLY Spanish in class. Learning a language requires practice USING the language to express your ideas. This is why we use Spanish in class. Don’t be nervous!! I will do my best to make sure you understand what’s going on… never be afraid to ask me for help!

4 The UNIDOS program PRIOR to coming to class, you will have to view interactive presentations/tutorials of new grammar/vocabulary concepts at home and complete related activities. Class time will be spent practicing what you have learned at home and discussing any concerns with the material. If you do NOT COMPLETE the assignments, you will feel lost in class.

5 The UNIDOS program All online assignments are open from day one, but it is recommended you work on the assignments one or two days before they are due so the information will be fresh in your mind when you come to class. In order to help you summarize the new concepts you learn at home, you will be given a table (graphic organizer) to complete. You are required to show your work to me every day!

6 MATERIALS We have put together a package just for ISU that you can buy at ISU bookstores. (Barnes & Nobles in the Bone Student Center and The Alamo II) This package gives you the text and the online access to all materials for LAN 111 and LAN 112. IF you make the decision to purchase the book elsewhere, make sure you also purchase access to MySpanishLab (the online platform). Also, if you are unsure this is the class for you, DO NOT unwrap the package. Once you unwrap the package, you will NOT be able to return it.

7 MATERIALS Barnes & Nobles sells the package new for $158.65 The Alamo II sells the package new for $121.20 If you buy it used (without an access code), you can buy an access card from Pearson online Unidos Access card for 1 semester: $79.80 Unidos Access card for 24 months: $131.50 ( WE USE THE SAME BOOK IN LAN 112.15!

8 Grade breakdown Final Exam25% Chapter Tests20% Online Homework20% Oral Assignments15% Written Exercises 10% Participation10% G RADING S CALE A= 89.5-100 B= 79.5-89.4 C= 69.5-79.4 D= 59.5-69.4 F= 59.4 and below

9 Chapter Tests Two chapter tests (non-cumulative) and one Final exam (cumulative). The chapter tests will include listening, grammar, and vocabulary sections. The final exam will include listening, grammar, vocabulary, reading and culture sections. Exam dates are on the syllabus and in the Calendar in MySpanishLab. You have plenty of time to avoid any time conflicts. If you cannot take the Final exam the day it is scheduled, you will need to tell the Language Coordinator (Dr. Mir by May (???) (I’ll let you know the exact date as the final approaches) Please, go over the policy in the syllabus about requesting a make-up exam. A make-up will ONLY be granted according the policy in the syllabus.

10 Oral Exercises You will have one attempt and 5 minutes to complete oral exercises in MySpanishLab. The first three minutes are for planning, and the last two recording your answer. The lowest score will be dropped from the final course grade. If I suspect you are reading something you have written down, I will ask you to complete a similar activity in person.

11 Written Exercises There will be two writing exercises per chapter. Please do not use online translators! Some will be done in class, and some will be assigned as homework. The lowest score will be dropped from the final course grade.

12 Participation You learn Spanish by using Spanish so your participation in class activities and your use of Spanish in class are essential. Every three weeks you will self-assess your participation in class. I will then agree or disagree with your assessment. Make an effort to speak only in Spanish in class!!!

13 Participation and Absences Stay in the target language!! (Spanish) Using English or your cell phone will negatively effect your participation grade. I cannot award you participation points if you’re absent.  Every absence will result in a 5 point deduction from your participation grade. If you have a valid reason to be absent, you must notify me 24 hours BEFORE the absence. Please don’t email me to ask me what you missed in class. That’s what your classmates are for

14 Homework All homework is done online. After class TODAY, I will send everyone instructions to register for the course in MySpanishLab. The package you bought at one of the ISU bookstores includes the access to MySpanishLab. However, you will need a code that I will send you today to register for my class online. All assignments can be accessed from the Calendar or the To do list through MySpanishLab. It is recommended you do not wait until last minute to begin your HW attempts so that you can email me if any questions arise

15 Homework You will have three attempts for each assignment. All assignments are due at 8AM on their due date. For every day that an assignment is late, there will be a 5% penalty for that particular assignment. This means you have up to 20 days to turn in a late assignment for any points Remember, any points are better than no points!

16 Homework Some homework assignments do not require any submissions These are the interactive presentations and tutorials that will cover grammar and vocabulary. You MUST watch them because you will need the information in these presentations and tutorials to complete the assignments that follow These presentations are SUPER IMPORTANT as they will be the main way you learn vocabulary and grammar This allows us to spend class time applying these newly learned concepts in conversation!

17 Homework Other types of homework assignments include “Readiness Checks” These are pre-tests that measure your knowledge of English grammar prior to learning that grammar concept in Spanish These “Readiness Checks” are mandatory, but will not count toward your course grade. So try your best, and don’t omit them! You will also complete video and cultural activities online. The Extra-Practice and tests will be available as extra tools to help you prepare for the chapter tests.

18 Homework Please check your gradebook regularly throughout the semester to make sure each of your submissions are being recorded. If you come to me at the end of the semester reporting that MySpanishLab has not recorded any of your submssions, there is nothing I can do  So please tell me ASAP so we can fix it right away! DO NOT CONTACT me asking for an extension for online assignments. ONLY under special circumstances (e.g. you have been hospitalized), will we (myself and the department) consider an extension. Remember, ALL activities are available from day one, so feel free to work ahead!

19 VERY IMPORTANT You have plenty of time to complete online exercises BUT do not wait until the last minute to do so. Sometimes the internet may be down or an unexpected circumstance prevents you from accessing the web but even in these cases YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for completing assignments on time. Check the Calendar in MySpanishlab EVERY DAY so you know what needs to be completed. Late work IS accepted, however a 5% penalty will be applied for each day the assignment is late. NO extra credit will be offered

20 If you have any technical problems with MySpanishLab, it is best to contact the technical support through Pearson. Not me. HOWEVER, please, contact the technical support AS SOON AS YOU think there is a technical problem. Use Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, etc. Internet Explorer is not recommended. Check on the Gradebook in MySpanishLab regularly to learn about your performance and progress. Please note that the Gradebook updates EVERY TWO HOURS, so if you don’t see a submission right away, please check back in two hours

21 Academic Dishonesty Don’t use Google Translate! Familiarize yourself with ISU’s Academic Dishonesty Policies Please, don’t use Google Translate! Instead, invest in an English to Spanish dictionary Or use online dictionaries for free! (like

22 Disability Concerns The University will accommodate students who are unable to take examinations on scheduled days for religious reasons, provided they consult with their instructor in advance about alternative arrangements. Any student needing to arrange a reasonable accommodation for a documented disability should contact Disability Concerns at 350 Fell Hall, 438-5853 (voice), 438-8620 (TTY). It is the student’s responsibility to provide the instructor with the Disability Concerns card early in the semester. If the card is provided later in the semester, accommodations as indicated in the card will be provided from that day on only.

23 Extra Help Visit me during my office hours! Or by appointment The LAN department provides free tutoring hours, as well as a list of available free-lance tutors. You may use this service for everything except for writing assignments. You can go to the tutor with specific grammar questions. All tutors keep a log of their tutoring sessions with specific information about services provided to make sure you use tutoring services as outlined here

24 If at any time you have ANY QUESTIONS about your online assignments, please, ask me. IMPORTANT: The first online assignment is a quiz on the syllabus. You will need to read the syllabus and take the quiz, Introduction to the Course. Due date: Friday, January 16.

25 Getting Started in MySpanishLab

26 Course ID: CRSKLKU-4042995 You Need:

27 Online Access This can be purchased either through an Access Code online or With an Access Code that comes with a NEW textbook

28 Step 1: Go to  Under the large Register section on the right side of the page, click the Student button.

29 Step 2: Read the onscreen instructions and click: OK! Register Now

30 Step 3: Choose one the following: Yes, I have an access code or No, I need to buy access.

31 Step 4: When asked if you have a Pearson Education Account, either select No, to Create a new account, or, if you’ve registered for another Pearson product, select Yes and enter your information. If you have an Access Code enter at the bottom of the page as well.

32 Step 5: Fill out the appropriate information fields then click Next. If you entered an Access Code, you will be brought to a page where you can access your LanguageLab. If not, please enter your payment information so you can Purchase Access.

33 Step 6: You’re now registered! Click Log In Now to enroll and access your MyLanguageLab course.

34 Step 7: You will brought to a blue screen, click Enroll in a Course. On the next screen, enter your Course ID: CRSKLKU-4042995

35 Need help? Visit and click the “Student” button under “Register Now” -Helpful videos -Frequently Asked Questions -System Requirements -Other helpful “getting started” info! Or visit our 24/7 Technical Support site at Send us a Tweet at @PearsonSupport

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