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Mark Mitchell, D.O., FACOEP, FACEP Senior VP – Provider Services Schumacher Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Mark Mitchell, D.O., FACOEP, FACEP Senior VP – Provider Services Schumacher Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mark Mitchell, D.O., FACOEP, FACEP Senior VP – Provider Services Schumacher Group

2  Many systems available that vary in ease of use.  Are the EM Leaders involved in the selection process?  Is the rollout in stages or hospital wide all at once?

3  Did the facility purchase training?  Is the training adequate?  When does the training occur? ◦ If too far out from Go Live date is an issue  Who provides training for new providers(after go live period)?  Will the facility pay for the EM Providers to undergo the training?

4  Door to Provider Time  Turn around time (LOS)  LWOTs  Patient Satisfaction  Overtime or additional Coverage  RVU/Visit  E & M Downcode %

5  Door to Provider Time  Turn around time (LOS)  LWOTs  Patient Satisfaction  Overtime or additional Coverage  RVU/Visit  E & M Downcode %  Patient Satisfaction

6  Medical Director leadership and positive outlook – Be a role model.  Insure all providers participate in training.  Training about 2 weeks prior to go live. ◦ Too far in advance and providers don’t have the opportunity to use what is learned and forget it.

7  Resources available 24/7 during go live transition period.  Build and use template shortcuts.  Establish ED Superuser.  Plan for additional coverage in advance.

8  Recruiting – Can’t just walk in and work if unfamiliar with EMR. ◦ Some facilities have limited training opportunities. ◦ Must have log on information  Still not formatted with ease to find historical information.  Need prompts on Clinical Decision Making and Evidence Based Medicine

9  Easy access to patient information regardless of where care performed.  Ability for patient’s records to follow them.  Communication tool with other healthcare providers.  More cost effective care: ◦ Elimination of duplicate test and medications. ◦ Assist in proper disposition: Admit/Observation/Discharge/Transfer

10  Mark Mitchell, D.O., FACOEP, FACEP ◦ Senior Vice President – Provider Services Schumacher Group Office: 337-354-1124

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