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Professor Debabrata Ray September 15, 2012Chennai Global Scenario of Voluntary Blood Donation Donors Profile and Motivation Techniques.

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Presentation on theme: "Professor Debabrata Ray September 15, 2012Chennai Global Scenario of Voluntary Blood Donation Donors Profile and Motivation Techniques."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professor Debabrata Ray September 15, 2012Chennai Global Scenario of Voluntary Blood Donation Donors Profile and Motivation Techniques

2 Major Surgical Interventions Major Accidents Women in Childbirth New born Babies Cancer Patients Congenital Blood Disorders Burn Victims Indications of Blood Transfusion Surgery, Trauma and Cancer are today replacing communicable diseases as leading cause of death

3 Indications of Blood Transfusion 234 Million Major surgical operations performed annually world wide 63 Million people undergoing surgery for traumatic injuries 31 Million for treating cancer 10 Million for pregnancy related complications Hemorrhage accounts for 25 % of 5,30,000 maternal deaths 3,00,000 children born each year with Thalassaemia

4 Indications of Blood Transfusion Road traffic accidents kill 1.2million people Road accidents injure or disable between 20 and 50 million people in a year -A large proportion require transfusion during 24 hours of treatment In Malaria-prone areas children are susceptible to life threatening anaemia resulting from malaria requiring high volume of transfusion 109 Countries are malaria endemic

5 Modern blood transfusion is the end result of dedicated endeavour of a large numbers of scientists, researchers and doctors spanning over a period of 400 years

6 Three types of Blood Donors Voluntary Donor Relative or Replacement Donor Paid Donor or seller

7 Blood Collection Global Scenario Collection 93 million units from all three types of donors

8 Blood Collection Global Scenario Global need 150 million units 62 of 193 member countries of WHO meet their total blood need from voluntary donors 40 countries collect less than 25 % blood supply from voluntary blood donors 82 Countries collect fewer than 10 donations per 1000 population 26 Countries have paid donation around 800000 million units MAJORITY OF THE COUNTRIES DEPEND ON SO CALLED REPLACEMENT OR RELATIVE DONORS

9 ANNUAL NEED10 million units COLLECTION FROM VOLUNTARY DONORS5.5 million units Gujarat West Bengal Tamilnadu 80 % collection voluntary LOW PERFORMING STATES Bihar Delhi Haryana Uttar Pradesh Punjab 40 % collection voluntary All other states are in between Maharashtra Tripura Chandigarh HIGH PERFORMING STATES




13 2 % is 100 % 1. Australia 2. Austria 3. Belgium 4. Belarus 5. Botswana 6. Brunei Darussalam 7. Burundi 8. Canada 9. Central African Republic 10. Cook Iceland 11. Cute D’lvoire 12. Croatia 13. Cuba 14. Cyprus 15. Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 16. Denmark 17. Egypt 18. Estonia 19. Finland 20. France 21. Hungary 22. Iceland 23. Iran 24. Ireland 25. Italy 26. Japan 27. Kenya

14 2 % is 100 % 28. Luxembourg 29. Malawi 30. Malta 31. Malaysia 32. Monaco 33. Namibia 34. Netherlands 35. New Zealand 36. Niue 37. Norway 38. Portugal 39. Republic of Korea 40. Rwanda 41. San Marino 42. Senegal 43. Singapore 44. Slovakia 45. Slovenia 46. South Africa 47. Spain 48. Surinam 49. Swaziland 50. Sweden 51. Swizerland 52. Thailand 53. Togo 54. Tokelau 55. Turkey 56. Tuvalu 57. Uganda 58. United Kingdom 59. United States of America 60. Uruguay 61. Zambia 62. Zimbabwe

15 Blood Donor Motivation recruitment and retention is a specialized art based on scientology. And only real voluntary donors can ensure safe blood transfusion. They are the back bone of blood safety.

16 World Population 7000 Million Annual Blood Collection of the World from Voluntary, Replacement and Paid Donation - 93 Million Units

17 This Blood is good enough to fill 40 Modern Olympic Swimming Pools.

18 But not enough to meet to the global need which stands at 150 million units

19 Out of the Collected Blood only 38% is collected in South East Asian countries where India, Nepal, China, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Philippines and Sri Lanka are located.

20 82% of World population live in this South East Asian Area

21 Australia Population: 20,264,082 Annual Collection: 112,030 New Zealand Annual Collection: 1,60,000 For a Population of 3,800,000

22 Blood Collection per 1000 population in different countries Canada55 Singapore24 Korea Malaysia 22 New Guinea9 China4 Sudan2 Australia58 Switzerland62 New Zealand56 Greece55 Hong Kong27 Jordan17 Mexico10 Philippines7 Vietnam2 Japan70

23 Estonia36 Latavia24 Lithuania21 Malta42 Poland24 Slovenia51 Slovekia40 Hungary43 UK46 Macao23 Zimbabwe10 Fiji2 Ethiopia0.4 Brazil2 Portugal31 San Marino51 Spain38 Sweden51 Cyprus57

24 Latin American Countries Percentage of Voluntary Collection Argentina7804408% Brazil293181351% Bolivia3862118% Chile1738146% Columbia49500442% Costarica4862549% Cusu589106100% Eucador7920430% Elsalvador7614210%

25 Euatemala686264% Honduras4878319% Mexico11360474% Nicaragua4655845% Panama461762% Paraguay297186% Peru1456656% Dominican Republic7711518% Uruguay9967532% Venezuela3425264%

26 Although there are donation but Voluntary Donation is less Who are the donors? So called Replacement and paid donor So, there are still Paid Blood Collection in the World

27 Annual Blood Collection in Europe Total Population: 464, 480, 702 Total Collection: 19, 798, 817 Per 1000 Population: 43 Donations



30  Organisation within Blood Bank U. K, Canada, Australia,  Organisation working from outside Denmark, Italy, West Bengal  Service has MOU with other organisation Singapore

31 Two Models of Approach Publicity Propaganda Entorement Publicity Propaganda Entorement

32 Catch Them Young Australia France Portugal U. S. A West Bengal



35 Donors Profile By Age By Male / Female Ratio

36  Blood Mobile  Camp  Blood Bank  Fixed Site Blood Collection

37 Some Experience and Techniques  Japan  Portugal  Belgium  Turkey  Canada  New Zealand  German  Australia  Italy  Monaco  U.S.A  Philippines  South Africa  Zimbabwe  India

38 2 % is 100 %

39 Thank you

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