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CSCE 431 Final Project Aaron Loveall, Cory Walker, Kern Loest, Michael Nootbaar, Anthony Fleshner, and Aaron Herstein.

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Presentation on theme: "CSCE 431 Final Project Aaron Loveall, Cory Walker, Kern Loest, Michael Nootbaar, Anthony Fleshner, and Aaron Herstein."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSCE 431 Final Project Aaron Loveall, Cory Walker, Kern Loest, Michael Nootbaar, Anthony Fleshner, and Aaron Herstein

2 Requirements Purpose ▫Construct a unified web-based hospital management system ▫To allow patients, doctors, nurses, and pharmacists (the users of the system) to easily access information

3 Requirements Product Scope ▫Covers all aspects of the interactions in the hospital between the patients and various employees ▫Uses a central database to integrate and store all information ▫Only excludes actual physical operation of the hospital (e.g. maintenance)

4 Requirements System Perspective ▫Web-based system based on a PHP website interacting with a SQLite database ▫User interacts directly with the browser system (driven by HTML and PHP) and the PHP code interacts with the SQLite database

5 Requirements System functions include: ▫Registration ▫Login ▫Appointment scheduling ▫Prescription management ▫Payroll ▫Account management

6 Requirements Functional requirements include ▫Registration ▫Login ▫Profile Update ▫Appointment Scheduling ▫Medical Record editing ▫Prescribe Medicine ▫Fill Prescription ▫Check In/Check Out ▫Retrieve Profile Info ▫Payroll

7 Requirements Security Requirements ▫Implements a user registration system. Only registered users can view any sensitive information ▫Doctors, nurses, and pharmacists can only be registered by a system administrator ▫Information about patients, doctors, nurses, and pharmacists can only be accessed and viewed by the appropriate user

8 Requirements In all, this system provides a comprehensive management system. As such, users can interact without having to be physically at the hospital. Because it is web-based, this system can be accessed from anywhere.

9 Testing Procedures Tested during each iteration Examples: ▫Iteration 1: Login and registration ▫Iteration 2: Making appointments ▫Iteration 3: Prescriptions and check in/out ▫Iteration 4: Billing and payment ▫Iteration 5: Complete system

10 Testing Procedures (cont.) White Box Testing ▫Used for our testing during each iteration ▫Involved choosing inputs to exercise paths through the code while determining the appropriate outputs ▫Helped testing paths between different units of our software

11 Testing Procedures (cont.) Black Box Testing ▫Used after our final iteration ▫Focused on testing the software design based on the specifications and requirements ▫Used a form of “state transition” testing to test a user could move between different features ▫Tested that users were only allowed to perform the tasks stated in the requirements for their role

12 GRASP Patterns Creator: Responsible for the creation of objects ▫Example: add.php Information Expert: Delegates responsibilities ▫Example: users.php Controller: deals with system events ▫Example: register.php

13 GRASP Patterns (cont.) Polymorphism: functions with multiple forms ▫Example: account.php Indirection: reuse between two elements ▫Example: patientCheck.php with checkIn.php and checkOut.php

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