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Creative Writing Workshop Week 1 Marysville Art League Marty Amrine.

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Presentation on theme: "Creative Writing Workshop Week 1 Marysville Art League Marty Amrine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creative Writing Workshop Week 1 Marysville Art League Marty Amrine

2 Getting Started Dreams – Free Thought – Notes – Dream it, Write it Curiosity – Remember what it was like to have childlike wonder – Don’t be afraid to ask who, what, when, where, why

3 Breaking the Law Education – Fear of being wrong – I wasn’t taught to write Rules – Just let go Grammar, punctuation & spelling – who cares!

4 Thinking Too Much When you have an idea, hurry and get it on paper. The more time you spend thinking about your idea, the more likely it is that you will destroy your idea. Brainstorm Observe Activity – find something in this room and write about it. (5 minutes) – Share

5 Have Fun! Dreaming and writing should be fun Activity – I dream of being… – I am scared of…

6 Doing! – No Time – No Energy – No EXCUSES! Your dreams are passive, so make sure your writing is active. – Exercise: Write a paragraph about why want to write. Share

7 For Next Workshop Make a list of 3-5 challenges that keep you from writing. Identify how you plan to overcome these challenges. Make a list of 3-5 ideas – they can include, but are not limited to, a character, a sentence, paragraph, topic, etc. Don’t hold back! **End of Workshop Project – On the 6 th workshop, we will all share a written project. It can be poetry, a short story, chapter of a novel, chapter of memoir, essay, etc. There are no other guidelines, other than to have fun!

8 Creative Writing Workshop Week 2 Marysville Art League Marty Amrine

9 Last Week Let’s chat about our challenges & how we are going to overcome them Let’s discuss our ideas

10 Why Write? Professional – Business writing – Novel Personal – Memoir – Journal/Diary

11 2 Stages of Writing 1 st Stage – Creative – Playful – Explore *Do not be careful *Do not read what you have written *Surprise yourself 2 nd Stage – Read – Analyze – Rewrite

12 Exercise What book(s) are you currently reading? List your 3 favorite books Do they have anything in common?

13 Exercise Writing warm up – – Write non-stop for 5 minutes – Do not stop to think – Do not pause, leave a space if necessary – Do this at home too!

14 Unlock Your Inner Writer Life Experiences – If you can read this presentation, you have all the experience you need to write Write 3 life experiences and share – We will read these, so please make sure you are comfortable sharing the experiences

15 For Next Workshop Take one of your life experiences and create an opening sentence. – Even though it is just one sentence, please try and incorporate the experience into the sentence. – We will read these aloud, so please make sure you are comfortable with the experience. Create a fictional character name to go along with your sentence. (The character does not have to be mentioned in the sentence)

16 Creative Writing Workshop Week 3 Marysville Art League Marty Amrine

17 Last Week Did you try to write for 5 min non-stop? If so, how did it go? Let’s share our sentences What are your character names?

18 Get Ready to Write! Part 1 – 5 min or 3 pages – Pretend you are the paper or computer screen – Or choose your own object in this room – Write how you feel in 1 st person “I” Part 2 – 5 min or 3 pages – Now pretend you are the pen or keyboard – Or choose another object in this room – Write how you feel in 1 st person “I”

19 Get Ready to Write Again! Part 3 – 5 min or 3 pages – Now write a conversation between pen/paper or screen/keyboard or the two chosen objects

20 Keep a Writer’s Journal Thoughts Feelings Story Ideas Characters Dreams Everything that pops into your head

21 Time to be a Superhero Be honest in your writing Do not be afraid to take a chance “Journals need not be grim or boring.” “Magic happens when one engages in regular and long-term involvement with oneself in words on paper.” “Expressing the joys of your life, appreciating what’s good today, playing with ideas – all are potentially magical.” “Trusting Yourself” Source – Anybody Can Write by Roberta Jean Bryant, 1999.

22 For Next Workshop Create a paragraph and focus on something great that happened to you since the last workshop Write a paragraph, poem, or essay on the following prompt – Write about a place you’ve never been. The place can be real and one that you’ve had an interest in visiting or it can be a fictional place.

23 Creative Writing Workshop Week 4 Marysville Art League Marty Amrine

24 Last Week Let’s share our paragraphs Any questions or problems with your writing? How is your final project coming along?

25 Doubts Internal Critic – Don’t think too much – Ignore “I can’ts, I won’ts, or I trieds”. Exercise: Allow your self-doubt to speak for itself. Do it with a sense of humor. – Use 1 st person “I”.

26 Enjoy Yourself If you don’t enjoy writing, why will anyone enjoy reading your writing? Writing gives you the chance to explore your unknown. – Adventures – Mythical characters and creatures – Inner desires

27 Exercise Write about something you enjoy doing – 5 minutes, try to write continuously – Share Write something positive about something you dislike – 5 minutes, try to write continuously – Share

28 For Next Workshop Topics and words are all around us each and everyday. – Start a list of words, phrases, or topics you learn while reading novels, magazines, or newspapers

29 Creative Writing Workshop Week 5 Marysville Art League Marty Amrine

30 Last Week Share list of words, phrases, or topics that caught your eye Any questions or problems?

31 Most Common Writer’s Block Think Before You Write Do Research Instead Get Plenty of Advice Take All Comments Personally Wait for Inspiration Procrastinate! Procrastinate! Always Be Serious Source: Anybody Can Write by Roberta Jean Bryant, pages 104-106, 1999

32 Criticism Ignore internal & external criticism – My Master’s Thesis Write Anyway – Do Not Give In! Write A lot – The more you write, the more material you have to work with Commit to Yourself – Find a good time to write – Find a good space to write – Seek support from your family This should be your time to write. No interruptions!

33 Advice Don’t take advice you don’t agree with – Everyone is a critic People that don’t understand what you are attempting to do Potential competition – Watch out for extreme encouragement Family There may be people afraid to hurt your feelings

34 Exercises! Part 1: – Write about what you would wish for if you were granted just one wish. Part 2: – Write about yourself as if you are an accomplished writer. Be creative Go big or go home!

35 For Next Workshop Finish your project Write a paragraph giving me feedback for the workshop and give to me at week 6 workshop. – Do not put your name on it and please be honest. – I promise I can handle the criticism

36 Creative Writing Workshop Week 6 Marysville Art League Marty Amrine

37 Final Night!! Share Projects Any final questions? Risks & Rewards of a Writing Life Pages 186-187 Anybody Can Write – Thank you so much for attending this workshop! – Any questions or final comments?

38 Tools Anybody Can Write by Roberta Jean Bryant Writer’s Digest - The Writer’s Idea Workshop by Jack Heffron. Outwitting Writer’s Block by Jenna Glatzer If you ever need to chat or have any questions, you can reach me – Facebook: Freelance-Writer/120777864599222 Freelance-Writer/120777864599222 – Blog: – Twitter: @marty_amrine

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