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ENIAC The First Computer Presented By Armaan Abraham.

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Presentation on theme: "ENIAC The First Computer Presented By Armaan Abraham."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENIAC The First Computer Presented By Armaan Abraham

2 What is the ENIAC?  Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer  First general purpose electronic computer

3 Creation of ENIAC  Started production in 1943  Designed by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert  “Giant Brain”  Funded mostly by US army

4 Function of ENIAC -Could solve a large class of numerical problems -Used to study feasibility of hydrogen bomb -Used to calculate artillery firing tables for US army -Many scientists and engineers wanted to use it

5 Design -Individual panels to perform different functions -More than 30 tons -1800 square feet -150 kW of power -Numbers passed in between panels in order to achieve high speed calculating tfolio/eniac-1940s/

6 Components -17468 vacuum tubes -7200 crystal diodes -1500 relays -70000 resistors -10000 capacitors -Around 5 million soldered joints

7 -Could compute up to 357 10 digit multiplication equations per second -Several tubes burnt out per day and needed replacement -Longest time without failure was close to 5 days Other Facts

8 ENIAC’s Effects on Modern Day -Was one of the first general purpose computers that had no moving parts -Developed into better and more advanced computers -Helped make discoveries around computer technology -Helped engineers and scientists with complex equations -Marked an important day on technological history

9 BIBLIOGRAPHY - - - - -

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