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I NFECTIOUS D ISEASES JUNIOR HEALTH. W HAT IS AN INFECTIOUS DISEASE ? Any disease that is caused by an agent that has invaded the body. They are caused.

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Presentation on theme: "I NFECTIOUS D ISEASES JUNIOR HEALTH. W HAT IS AN INFECTIOUS DISEASE ? Any disease that is caused by an agent that has invaded the body. They are caused."— Presentation transcript:


2 W HAT IS AN INFECTIOUS DISEASE ? Any disease that is caused by an agent that has invaded the body. They are caused by different pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and animal parasites.

3 P ATHOGENS All infectious diseases are caused by pathogens. A pathogen is any agent that causes disease.

4 D IFFERENT TYPE OF PATHOGENS ARE : Bacteria Virus Fungus Parasite Protozoan

5 H OW ARE INFECTIOUS DISEASES SPREAD ? Person to person – example: kissing, drinking from same glass, having sexual contact. Food and water- Food borne diseases are often spread when pathogens from an infected person or animal contaminate food.

6 H OW ARE INFECTIOUS DISEASES SPREAD ? Environment: Pathogens are present on most of objects around you. Example: the phone you used this morning and the money you have in your wallet.

7 H OW ARE INFECTIOUS DISEASES SPREAD ? Animals: Pathogens live in or on animal bodies and can carry diseases from animal to person.

8 H OW ARE INFECTIOUS DISEASES TREATED ? Antibiotics- medicine used to kill or slow down growth of bacteria. Antibiotics work by preventing the growth and division of bacteria cells. Eventually antibiotics cause antibiotic sensitive bacteria to die

9 A NTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE Improper use of an antibiotic promotes the growth of antibiotic resistant bacteria. This antibiotic resistant bacteria CAN spread to other people.

10 A NTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE A condition in which bacteria can no longer be killed by a particular antibiotic.

11 H OW YOUR BODY FIGHTS DISEASE Your body uses your skin and chemicals to fight pathogens. Your body also has more specialized defenses such as the inflammatory response, physical barriers and the immune system

12 I NFLAMMATORY DISEASE Sometimes pathogens are able to cross the protective barriers that are your skin. Example: getting a cut or burning yourself

13 I NFLAMMATORY RESPONSE Inflammation is the second way your body protects itself from pathogens Inflammation is a reaction to injury or infection that is characterized by pain, redness or swelling

14 W HITE BLOOD CELLS White blood cells fight disease, kill bacteria, combat allergic reactions, destroy old damaged cells and kill invalid organisms.

15 W HITE BLOOD CELLS Certain white blood cells produce antibodies that bind to specific pathogens and warn other white blood cells to destroy the pathogens.

16 H OW TO PREVENT SPREAD OF DISEASE Get vaccinated Keep clean Don’t share personal items Cover your mouth Be on guard when outdoors

17 SYMPTOMS Symptoms are changes that you notice in your body or mind that are caused by a disease or disorder.

18 SYMPTOMS Common symptoms of infection: Fever Rash Sore throat Headache Fatigue Tired eyes Nausea

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