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What does this mean and where do we go from here? Assessing an Information Literacy Program.

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Presentation on theme: "What does this mean and where do we go from here? Assessing an Information Literacy Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 What does this mean and where do we go from here? Assessing an Information Literacy Program

2 What is assessment? Assessment is:

3 What is assessment? Assessment is: accountability

4 What is assessment? Assessment is: accountability focus

5 What is assessment? Assessment is: accountability focus outcomes alignment

6 What is assessment? Assessment is: accountability focus outcomes alignment measurement

7 What is assessment? Assessment is: accountability focus outcomes alignment measurement acknowledgement of professional knowledge

8 What is assessment? Assessment doesn’t have to be:

9 What is assessment? Assessment doesn’t have to be: comprehensive

10 What is assessment? Assessment doesn’t have to be: comprehensive constant/inflexible/unchanging

11 What is assessment? Assessment doesn’t have to be: comprehensive constant/inflexible/unchanging intimidating

12 What is assessment? Assessment doesn’t have to be: comprehensive constant/inflexible/unchanging intimidating exceptional or out of the ordinary

13 What is assessment? Assessment doesn’t have to be: comprehensive constant/inflexible/unchanging intimidating exceptional or out of the ordinary singular to the library or completely self-sufficient

14 What is assessment? If you’re... meeting with your instruction faculty regularly to discuss best’re already assessing your program!

15 What is assessment? If you’re... meeting with your instruction faculty regularly to discuss best practices conducting regular student evaluations of information literacy’re already assessing your program!

16 What is assessment? If you’re... meeting with your instruction faculty regularly to discuss best practices conducting regular student evaluations of information literacy classes requiring students to complete graded worksheets, quizzes, tests,’re already assessing your program!

17 What is assessment? If you’re... meeting with your instruction faculty regularly to discuss best practices conducting regular student evaluations of information literacy classes requiring students to complete graded worksheets, quizzes, tests, etc. conducting pre-tests before instruction sessions to judge class’re already assessing your program!

18 What is assessment? If you’re... meeting with your instruction faculty regularly to discuss best practices conducting regular student evaluations of information literacy classes requiring students to complete graded worksheets, quizzes, tests, etc. conducting pre-tests before instruction sessions to judge class level partnering with academic faculty on assignments for both the course and’re already assessing your program!

19 Assessment Resources Print Resources Lindauer, B. G., Arp, L., & Woodard, B. S. (2004). “The three arenas of information literacy assessment.” Reference & User Services Quarterly, 44(2), 122-129.

20 Assessment Resources Print Resources Neely, T. Y. (2006). Information literacy assessment: Standards-based tools and assignments. Chicago: American Library Association.

21 Assessment Resources Print Resources Radcliff, C. J., Jensen, M. L., Salem, Jr., J. A., Burhanna, K. J., & Gedeon, J. A. (2007). A practical guide to information literacy assessment for academic librarians. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.

22 Assessment Resources Online Resources ACRL. (2008). Information literacy competency standards for higher education: Standards, performance indicators, and outcomes. Retrieved October 28, 2008 from informationliteracycompetency.cfm#stan

23 Assessment Resources Online Resources Information literacy assignment resource center: ACRL standards. (2008). Retrieved October 28, 2008 from ACRLstandards.htm

24 Assessment in Action Evolution of Our IL Program The beginning – traditional “one shot” BI classes

25 Assessment in Action Evolution of Our IL Program The beginning – traditional “one shot” BI classes Then came – START (Software Training & Research Techniques), 1989

26 Assessment in Action Evolution of Our IL Program The beginning – traditional “one shot” BI classes Then came – START (Software Training & Research Techniques), 1989 Which evolved into – Navigating for Information, 1997

27 Assessment in Action Evolution of Our IL Program The beginning – traditional “one shot” BI classes Then came – START (Software Training & Research Techniques), 1989 Which evolved into – Navigating for Information, 1997 And was renamed – Information Research & Technology, 1999

28 Assessment in Action Evolution of Our IL Program And now – a three-tiered program, part of our new General Education curriculum, 2002

29 Information Literacy Matrix Instruction levelsLevel 1 (English 111)Level 2 (English 200)Level 3 (IL Thread) Meredith Library Catalog searching Basic searches in library catalog – author, title, keyword Advanced searches in library catalog – subject, keyword Additional search techniques in catalog – limits, etc. Other library catalogsOther libraries – i.e., NCSU catalog More library catalogs & book finding aids – Library of Congress, WorldCat Boolean logic techniquesBoolean logic – and, or, notBoolean logic – truncation, nesting Boolean logic – proximity Web searchingBasic use of internet information, some advanced search skills Advanced search techniques Database searchingGeneral databases – Academic Search Premier, General OneFile Subject databases – basic useMajor databases – advanced techniques Reference sourcesGeneral referenceSubject referenceMajor subject reference Citation instructionGeneral citationsMore citation practice Evaluation of sourcesEvaluation of resources – general criteria More evaluation of resources Instruction levelsLevel 1 (English 111)Level 2 (English 200)Level 3 (IL Thread) Meredith Library Catalog searching Basic searches in library catalog – author, title, keyword Advanced searches in library catalog – subject, keyword Additional search techniques in catalog – limits, etc. Other library catalogsOther libraries – i.e., NCSU catalog More library catalogs & book finding aids – Library of Congress, WorldCat Boolean logic techniquesBoolean logic – and, or, notBoolean logic – truncation, nesting Boolean logic – proximity Web searchingBasic use of internet information, some advanced search skills Advanced search techniques Database searchingGeneral databases – Academic Search Premier, General OneFile Subject databases – basic useMajor databases – advanced techniques Reference sourcesGeneral referenceSubject referenceMajor subject reference Citation instructionGeneral citationsMore citation practice Evaluation of sourcesEvaluation of resources – general criteria More evaluation of resources

30 IL Program Evolution So where do we go from here?

31 IL Program Evolution So where do we go from here? Continue as part of General Education Program

32 IL Program Evolution So where do we go from here? Continue as part of General Education Program Extend Information Literacy to graduate programs

33 IL Program Evolution So where do we go from here? Continue as part of General Education Program Extend Information Literacy to graduate programs ASSESS!

34 Assessment Tools What are our tools? Worksheets Online discussions Quizzes Evaluations Faculty responses

35 Our Program Plan Information Literacy Goals & Outcomes ACRL standards influence all three levels of our IL Program “Upon completion of an Information Literacy course students will: Critically evaluate a research problem; Select appropriate information resources; Use efficient techniques in searching library online catalogs, information databases, the World Wide Web, and traditional print and microform materials for research and general interest information; Critically evaluate information for quality and appropriateness to the research problem; Recognize bibliographic data in order to accurately cite research.”

36 Our Program Plan Correlation of MC program levels, IL Program/General Education learning outcomes, assessment measurement tools & schedule, & ACRL standards MC levelMC learning outcomeOutcome measurementAssessment schedule (“odds & evens”) ACRL standards, performance indicators, outcomes 1 Critically evaluate a research problem 111-W1, 200-W2, 111-Q, 200-QOdd (2009, 2011…)Standard 1.1.e 1 Select appropriate information resources 111-W1, 111-W2, 111-W3, 111- W2DB, 111-W3DB, 111-Q, 200-W1, 200-W1, 200-LCSHQ, 200-W3, 200-Q Even (2010, 2012…)Standard 1.1.a Standard 1.1.c Standard 1.2.c Standard 2.3.b Standard 2.4.b Standard 3.4.g 1 Use efficient techniques in searching 111-W2, 111-W2DB, 111-W3, 111-W3DB, 111-Q, 200-W2, 200-W3, 200-LCSHQ, 200-Q Even (2010, 2012…)Standard 2.1.c Standard 2.2.b Standard 2.2.d Standard 2.3.a Standard 2.4.c Standard 3.7.b Standard 4.2.b

37 Our Program Plan Progression of outcome development 1) Identify a skill (ex. Boolean logic techniques) 2) Find the applicable ACRL standard(s) 3) Identify appropriate level(s) of program 4) Align with program’s defined outcome 5) Decide how to best measure 6) Determine the assessment schedule

38 Tips from an Assessment Director You don’t have to do everything all at once.

39 Tips from an Assessment Director You don’t have to do everything all at once. You don’t have to do everything all the time.

40 Tips from an Assessment Director You don’t have to do everything all at once. You don’t have to do everything all the time. Sometimes, your best judgment/professional opinion is a good enough reason.

41 Small Group Exercise Discussion Points What are you already doing that turns out to be assessment? What would you like to assess, but aren’t sure how or if you already do? Program assessment ideas/successes

42 To wrap things up... Jennifer Hanft Reference Librarian Susan McClintock Head of Reference Carlyle Campbell Library Meredith College, Raleigh On the wiki ◦CCL Info Lit matrix ◦recommendations  print & online tools ◦samples & examples  class evaluation forms  Info Lit pre-test  level 1 & 2 worksheets  discussion board posts  bibliography exercise

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