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Dennis Donovan, Sam Schachter, and Kara DiOrio Per. 3 October 18, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Dennis Donovan, Sam Schachter, and Kara DiOrio Per. 3 October 18, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dennis Donovan, Sam Schachter, and Kara DiOrio Per. 3 October 18, 2012

2  Who: The Prophet Muhammad  What: The religion of Islam  Where: Mecca, Saudi Arabia  Why: To share the revelations from Allah (God)  When: A.D. 610

3 A collection of all the revelations and teachings of God written down.

4 Islam law/ legislation system derived from the Qur’an.


6  Islam: “surrender”  Monotheism  “Whoever strays bears the full responsibility for straying.”  Judgment Day  Priests

7  Basic Duties of Islam  Declaration of Faith  Daily Prayer  Charity  Fasting on Ramadan  Hajj

8  “There is no god but God, Muhammad is the messenger of God.”  Islam and other prophets

9  Daily prayer  Masjids/mosques  Face Mecca

10  Give charity to poor (2.5%)  Zakat—purification  Greediness=Antithesis

11  Fasting Sundown-sunset  Fast during Holiday Ramadan  Ramadan=month

12  Hajj—The pilgrimage  Mecca  Kaaba shrine

13  Effort in God’s service  U.S. Stereotypes  Actual Meaning/action

14  Similar to Judaism, Christianity  Sunni, shia are main two

15  Traditional  “Fundamentalists”  Strictly Qur’an  Modern & Popular Islam

16  Members=Shiites  Ali ibn Abi Talib  Descendants = Leaders  Shia—Followers of Ali

17 Islam facts  Definition of Islam: the religious faith of Muslims, based on the words and religious system founded by the prophet Muhammad and taught by the Qur’an, the basic principle of which is the absolute submission to a unique and personal god, Allah  The symbol for Islam is a crescent with a star  Adopted in the 7th century

18  The countries with the most followers of Islam are Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, turkey, Iran, Egypt, Nigeria, Algeria and morocco  Around 21% of the world’s population is Islamic

19  Islamic is the second largest world religion  It is the fastest growing religion in the world  Arabic is the official language  In Arabic the word “Allah” translates to “God”  Islam's laws and thoughts in general are based on 6 fundamental Beliefs

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