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One-Person, One-Vote Rule Means that a vote in one district carries the same weight as a vote in any other voting districtMeans that a vote in one district.

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Presentation on theme: "One-Person, One-Vote Rule Means that a vote in one district carries the same weight as a vote in any other voting districtMeans that a vote in one district."— Presentation transcript:

1 One-Person, One-Vote Rule Means that a vote in one district carries the same weight as a vote in any other voting districtMeans that a vote in one district carries the same weight as a vote in any other voting district Approximately how many people are there in a voting district? 650,000

2 What is gerrymandering? When the majority party redraws voting districts to their advantageWhen the majority party redraws voting districts to their advantage –Impacts leadership in both the House & Senate

3 How Congress Works

4 A Bill v. A Law Bill - a proposed new law introduced within a legislature that has not yet been passed, enacted or adopted

5 Types of Bills public bill – a proposed legislative bill that deals with matters of general concern and applicationpublic bill – a proposed legislative bill that deals with matters of general concern and application private bill – a proposed legislative bill that deals with specific private, personal, or local matters rather than general affairsprivate bill – a proposed legislative bill that deals with specific private, personal, or local matters rather than general affairs appropriation bill – a legislative motion authorizing the government to spend moneyappropriation bill – a legislative motion authorizing the government to spend money –Must start in the House

6 A Bill v. A Law Law - a bill or act passed by a legislative body

7 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington And introduces a bill

8 Legislator Committee Member Politician Makes laws Screens bills Provides oversight Representative Provide services to & help constituents with problems Partisan Party loyalty – support party agenda Get re-elected Make deals

9 How should I vote? My constituents first or my country??? Floor vote on the Energy Bill! A Congressman’s Balancing Act

10 Who do Congressmen Represent? Delegate Duty to represent “the folks back home” and vote based on the will of their constituentsDuty to represent “the folks back home” and vote based on the will of their constituents Trustee Duty to vote according to their own conscience and view of what is best for the district, state or nation as a whole

11 Summary When members of Congress vote on a bill, should they be delegates first: (vote based on what her/his constituents want) OR a trustee first (vote based on their conscience and do what they think is right for the country as a whole)? –Explain your response.

12 Navigating the Legislative Obstacle Course

13 Step 1: An Idea for a Bill Sources:

14 Step 2: Writing & Introduction of Bill Senate: Bill formally read aloud on floorBill formally read aloud on floor Bill then given to clerkBill then given to clerk Referred to committee by Steering CommitteeReferred to committee by Steering Committee House: Bill dropped in hopper Referred to committee by the Speaker Sen. Smith introduces bill on the Senate floor ~ Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

15 Step 3: Committee Action House & Senate committees conduct public hearingsHouse & Senate committees conduct public hearings Experts testifyExperts testify Markup of billsMarkup of bills Committee vote: report favorably, unfavorably, or table billCommittee vote: report favorably, unfavorably, or table bill House Armed Services Committee

16 Step 4: Floor Action - Senate Party leaders schedule bills for floor debate on the calendarParty leaders schedule bills for floor debate on the calendar Unlimited debateUnlimited debate Filibuster - member(s) keep talking to block debate on a billFilibuster - member(s) keep talking to block debate on a bill Cloture vote by 3/5 of Senators (60) can end filibusterCloture vote by 3/5 of Senators (60) can end filibuster Floor vote: Roll Call, Standing, VoiceFloor vote: Roll Call, Standing, Voice Senator Strum Thurman still holds the record for the longest filibuster - 24 hrs 18 min. on the 1957 Civil Rights Act

17 Step 4: Floor Action - House Rules Committee schedules bills on calendar & decides whether amendments may be addedRules Committee schedules bills on calendar & decides whether amendments may be added Limited debateLimited debate Floor vote: Recorded, Standing, VoiceFloor vote: Recorded, Standing, Voice

18 Step 5: Approved Bill Crosses Over to Other House Approved bill must pass each chamber by a simple majorityApproved bill must pass each chamber by a simple majority

19 Step 6: Conference Committee Members from each chamber meet to reconcile differences in the two billsMembers from each chamber meet to reconcile differences in the two bills Senate-House Conference Committee works out details of the 2003 Healthy Forest Restoration Act

20 Step 7: Both Chambers Vote on Final Version of the Bill

21 Step 8: President Considers Bill President can: 1.sign the bill into law 2.veto bill 3.pocket veto Note: Congress can override veto with 2/3 vote in each house; only 4% of vetoes have been overridden

22 Critical Thinking Fact: About 5,000 bills are introduced in Congress every year, but only about 150 are signed into law. 1.Explain why so few bills become law. 2.Is that a good thing or a bad thing? 3. 3.Should the legislative process in Congress be reformed? If yes, what changes would you recommend? If not, why not?

23 Title: Imagine there’s no CongressArtist: Joe Heller, Green Bay Press-Gazette Date: 6/06/07Source:

24 Title: Breaking the Filibuster is not Enough Source:

25 Artist: RJ Matson Date: 6/14/07 Source: m/category/politics/politic al-cartoons/ m/category/politics/politic al-cartoons/

26 Source: Date: 5/6/06

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