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Training the Best Workforce! Larry D. Armanda Therma-View Infrared and Energy Consultants S. Williamsport, PA & A. Tamasin Sterner Pure Energy Coach LLC.

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Presentation on theme: "Training the Best Workforce! Larry D. Armanda Therma-View Infrared and Energy Consultants S. Williamsport, PA & A. Tamasin Sterner Pure Energy Coach LLC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training the Best Workforce! Larry D. Armanda Therma-View Infrared and Energy Consultants S. Williamsport, PA & A. Tamasin Sterner Pure Energy Coach LLC Lancaster, PA

2 Two Main Goals for This Time Together 1.Preview what you will see outside if you take the tour 2.Share information about COACH so you can decide if you’d like to use COACH

3 Why Did We Create COACH? ►We love and respect the people who work in weatherization and the home performance industry, and ►We saw a need for a mobile, hands-on training lab, and ►We want to support you as you learn and practice, and ►We want to be the BPI Affiliate companies you choose to train and test you and your staff

4 House as a System When we air seal and insulate, we change how the building and all its systems operate. We need to inspect and test to make sure we are safe, the occupants are safe, and the building is safe: before we start and when we leave.

5 History ►Found and purchased: Summer of 2010 ► Reality Check…: Fall and Winter, 2010  Removed bedroom and bathroom  Discovered rotten roof  Rebuilt roof  Interior finished  Furnaces installed ►Maiden Voyage: May 2011 ►Graphics: August 2011





10 What You Can Learn in COACH ►All about gas and oil combustion appliances:  Safety Controls  Venting  Testing: Draft Pressure Carbon Monoxide Efficiency CAZ Depressurization Gas Leaks Different Test Equipment

11 Furnaces Through the Ages

12 Oil Burners

13 Combustion Appliances That Can Backdraft

14 Air Leakage Testing ►Blower Door ►Zone Testing ►Pressure Pan ►Exhaust Fan Flow Measurement ►Infrared with the Blower Door

15 Zone Testing

16 ZPD House

17 Exhaust Fan Flow Testing

18 Pressure Pan AUDITOR’S TOOLBOX Photo courtesy of The US Department of Energy

19 Duct Blaster Use duct pressurization testing to quantify: ►Total duct leakage ►Duct leakage to outdoor Photos courtesy of Energy Conservatory BUILDING ASSESSMENT

20 Blower Door IN D O O R AI R Q U A LI T Y Photos courtesy of The US Department of Energy

21 Infrared Scanning Photo courtesy of PA Weatherization Training Center BUILDING ASSESSMENT

22 Testing, Re-Certification, CEU’s

23 Who Has Already Benefited ►The State of Connecticut  50 WAP and ARRA Contractors ►First Energy  15 Program Managers ►J&F Energy Solutions  Hosted Two Sessions, 25 Technicians

24 And Other Guidelines

25 Thank You Larry D. ArmandaA. Tamasin Sterner

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