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RHP 12 Learning Collaborative.  Cohort Updates  Learning Collaborative Event (August 20) Registration and Poster Presentation  Visit RHP 12 Webpage.

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Presentation on theme: "RHP 12 Learning Collaborative.  Cohort Updates  Learning Collaborative Event (August 20) Registration and Poster Presentation  Visit RHP 12 Webpage."— Presentation transcript:

1 RHP 12 Learning Collaborative

2  Cohort Updates  Learning Collaborative Event (August 20) Registration and Poster Presentation  Visit RHP 12 Webpage  Waiver Updates  Statewide Learning Collaborative

3  August 20, 2014 (7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)  Registration..\Regional Learning Collaborative Events\August 20, 2014\Learning Collaborative Registration Form_distributed.pdf..\Regional Learning Collaborative Events\August 20, 2014\Learning Collaborative Registration Form_distributed.pdf  Poster Presentation ◦ Template..\Regional Learning Collaborative Events\August 20, 2014\Draft Poster Presentation\Regional Learning Collaborative Events\August 20, 2014\Draft Poster Presentation

4  7:30-8:00 Registration, Breakfast & Poster Presentation Set up  8:00-8:15 Welcome & Introductions  8:15-9:00 HHSC Updates Presented by Ardas Khalsa from HHSC  9:00-9:30Break-Poster Presentations  9:30-10:15First Panel-Care Coordination/Transitional Care  10:15-10:45Break-Poster Presentations  10:45-11:45Provider Presentations (4)  11:45-1:00Networking lunch  1:00-1:45Second Panel-Behavioral Health  1:45-2:00Break  2:00-3:00Provider Presentations (4)  3:00-3:30Closing Comments  3:30-5:00Cohort Meetings

5 Under Construction p/learning-collaborative

6 Bobbye Hrncirik

7  Category 3 Feedback ◦ Region 12 Summary  Approved No Action Required – 78  Approved with additional clarification – 65  Not approved as described – 7 ◦ New Outcome Selections require an updated Category 3 selection tool ◦ Feedback forms & Updated Cat 3 selection tools are due to HHSC by COB, Monday, August 5 th ◦ Please “cc” us, the anchor when you send your feedback and/or selection tool to HHSC

8  Category 3 Baseline ◦ Baseline Period must occur before September 30 th 2013 w/ a minimum of 6 months data. ◦ If you do not have 6 months worth of data for a baseline or you plan to report a baseline of Zero you need to email the waiver box.  October Reporting of Cat 3  Baseline reporting– 50% of DY3 funds. If you decide not to report baseline because you need additional time to scrub data, actual chart review, etc. you can report your baseline during April Reporting period. Selection Tool payments – 50% of DY3 funds New 3 year projects Providers who submitted selection tool after March 10 th but by March 31 st.

9  Plan Modifications ◦ Highly recommended that you read the Change Request Companion Document and review each of your projects DY4 & 5 narratives & milestone/metric tables thoroughly. ◦ New 3 Year focus on DY4 review ◦ Focus on the Milestone & Metric Tables and the wording of each baseline/goal statement. MOST important for payment ◦ Early QPI achievement –HHSC requesting proactive increase if achievement 2 years early ◦ Change Requests may NOT be rescinded

10  Timeline ◦ August 5 th – Plan Mods & Technical Changes for due to Anchor. ◦ August 8 th – Anchor submits change requests to HHSC. ◦ September 12 th – HHSC provides change feedback to anchors ◦ September 26 th, 5:00pm – Anchors submit responses to HHSC ◦ October 14 th – HHSC provides preliminary determination, revised narratives, and updated milestone/metric tables ◦ After July 2014 – ONLY 3 Year Projects, CAT 3 and by HHSC mid point assessment request

11  DY3 April Reporting DSRIP Payment ◦ July 31 st

12  September 9 th and 10 th – Austin, TX  Registration deadline was last Friday, July 25 th.  Additional slots to be redistributed. Please let us know if you are interested.



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