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Power Electronics Notes 07B Some Real-World Issues in DC/DC Converters

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1 Power Electronics Notes 07B Some Real-World Issues in DC/DC Converters
Marc T. Thompson, Ph.D. Thompson Consulting, Inc. 9 Jacob Gates Road Harvard, MA Phone: (978) Fax: (888) Web: © Marc Thompson,

2 Summary Efficiency Component selection (inductors, capacitors)
Off-the-shelf ICs Electromagnetic interference (EMI) and EMI testing

3 Basic Buck Converter --- Efficiency
This converter suffers from low efficiency at low output voltage, due to finite diode drop For 1.2V output, a 0.4V diode drop results in 19% loss of efficiency for Vin = 4V Power loss in diode is (1-D)VDIL assuming constant VD

4 Synchronous Buck Converter --- Efficiency
This is the basic buck with an additional controlled switch to lower losses when diode is on Higher efficiency than standard buck; more complicated control; typically >10% more efficiency than standard buck Need to be very mindful of timing in the two switches (shoot–through) Synchronous switch

5 Synchronous Buck Converter --- PSIM
“Dead time” circuit ensures that Q1 and Q2 are never on at the same time Note: 0.5 microsecond dead time is probably excessive

6 Synchronous Buck Converter --- PSIM
Note that after turnon of the diode/switch the voltage drop decreases from 0.5V to 0V. The MOSFET drop is lower than the diode drop Diode on Sync. switch on

7 Other Losses in DC/DC Converters
Switch ON resistance (conduction loss) Turn on/off switching loss Diode ON voltage Diode reverse recovery (if any) Diode reverse current Inductor ESR Capacitor ESR Losses in MOSFET gate driver PWM and control system power dissipation Etc., etc.

8 Boost Converter Efficiency
Assume lossy inductor

9 Boost Converter Efficiency
Assume lossy inductor

10 Boost Converter Efficiency vs. Duty Cycle
Calculate efficiency; assume Rind/RL = 0.1

11 Boost Converter Output Voltage vs. D
Calculate effect on output voltage assume Rind/RL = 0.1 Ideal boost Nonideal boost

12 Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) in DC-DC Converters

13 Converter Input Filter
Added to reduce ripple component drawn from input source Reference: Kassakian, et. al., Principles of Power Electronics, pp

14 Converter Input Filter (cont.)
If RC >> T, almost all the ripple current passes through C Reference: Kassakian, et. al., Principles of Power Electronics, pp

15 Converter Input Filter (cont.)
Reference: Kassakian, et. al., Principles of Power Electronics, pp

16 Example 1: 170W Buck Converter Filter Caps
Po = 170 Watts. Average input current = 10A Let’s look at the switch current and the RMS current rating on the input filter capacitor (Cf) and output filter capacitor (Cload) Main output filter capacitor (330 F) Main input filter capacitor (22 F) 16

17 Example 1: Buck Converter Input Filter
Switch current is very discontinuous; average = 10.3A, RMS = 12.35A Look at input capacitor current; RMS capacitor current = 4.8A Need to spec cap with this RMS value Switch current Input capacitor current 17

18 Example 1: Buck Converter Output Filter
RMS current in Cload = 0.27A Output capacitor current 18

19 Example 2: Capacitor ESR
Real-world capacitors have equivalent series resistance (ESR) This ESR may have dominant effect on output voltage ripple Note: sometimes we need to worry about the equivalent series inductance as well

20 Example 2: Effects of Capacitor ESR
Without ESR, output ripple is 24 mV-pp ESR has increased ripple to approximately 30 mV-pp

21 Impedance of Capacitor

22 Impedance of Capacitor

23 Key Things to Specify when Selecting a Capacitor
Temperature coefficient of capacitance Equivalent series resistance (ESR) Voltage rating Ripple current Series inductance Polarized or non-polarized Leakage/dielectric loss Physical size

24 Electrolytic Capacitors
25V rating

25 Tantalum Capacitors 15F, 35V = 9.2 mJoules; 4.7F, 16V = 0.6 mJoules

26 Ceramic Capacitors Used mainly for bypassing

27 Mica Capacitor Low capacitance, low loss

28 Film Capacitor

29 Inductors Toroids Planar spiral Surface-mount

30 Real-World Inductors Things to spec: inductance, RMS current, peak current, SRF, ESR, package type/dimensions Reference:

31 Real-World Inductors Reference:

32 Real-World Inductors Reference:

33 Real-World Inductors Reference:

34 Real-World Inductors Reference:

35 Buck Regulator ICs Reference:

36 Buck Regulator Internal (integrated) power switch

37 Another Buck Regulator (Linear Technology)
External MOSFET switches Reference:

38 Interleaved Buck Regulator (Fairchild)
Fairchild FAN5090 Reference:

39 Multiphase Buck Regulator (Fairchild)
Fairchild FAN5094 Reference:

40 Boost Regulator (Linear Technology)
Internal switch Reference:

41 Another Boost Regulator (Linear Technology)
Interleaved outputs Reference:

42 SEPIC (Linear Technology)

43 Cuk (Linear Technology)

44 Buck/Boost (Linear Technology)

45 Buck/Boost (Linear Technology)

46 EMI Let’s look at electromagnetic interference (EMI)
We’ll focus on the switch current isw in the boost converter Reference: Alexander Kusko and Marc Thompson, Power Quality in Electrical Systems, McGraw-Hill, 2007

47 EMI Reference: Alexander Kusko and Marc Thompson, Power Quality in Electrical Systems, McGraw-Hill, 2007

48 Example 3: EMI Find the spectrum of the drain current for a boost converter operating at a switching frequency fsw = 500 kHz, a duty cycle D = 0.5, and with a switch risetime and falltime tr = 25 nanoseconds. Reference: Alexander Kusko and Marc Thompson, Power Quality in Electrical Systems, McGraw-Hill, 2007

49 Testing for Conducted EMI
Line impedance stabilizing network (LISN) Reference: Alexander Kusko and Marc Thompson, Power Quality in Electrical Systems, McGraw-Hill, 2007

50 LISN Reference: Keith Billings, Switchmode Power Supply Handbook, McGraw-Hill, 1999

51 EMI Filter Reference: Alexander Kusko and Marc Thompson, Power Quality in Electrical Systems, McGraw-Hill, 2007

52 EMI Filter Reference: On Semiconductor

53 Typical EMI Spectrum from a DC/DC Converter
In this case, fsw ~ 300 kHz DC 1st 2nd 3rd Reference: Power Integrations, Inc., “Techniques for EMI and Safety,” Application Note AN-15, June 1996 ,

54 Conducted EMI Standards
Covers 150 kHz – 30 MHz Reference: Power Integrations, Inc., “Techniques for EMI and Safety,” Application Note AN-15, June 1996 ,

55 Conducted EMI Testing Differential mode capacitor
Reference: T. Curatolo and S. Cogger “Enhancing a Power Supply to Ensure EMI Compliance,” EDN, Feb. 17, 2005, pp

56 Conducted EMI Testing Add bypass capacitors
Reference: T. Curatolo and S. Cogger “Enhancing a Power Supply to Ensure EMI Compliance,” EDN, Feb. 17, 2005, pp

57 Conducted EMI Testing Differential-mode choke
Reference: T. Curatolo and S. Cogger “Enhancing a Power Supply to Ensure EMI Compliance,” EDN, Feb. 17, 2005, pp

58 Conducted EMI Testing Common-mode filter
Reference: T. Curatolo and S. Cogger “Enhancing a Power Supply to Ensure EMI Compliance,” EDN, Feb. 17, 2005, pp

59 Radiated EMI Standards
There are also radiated EMI standards Radiated EMI is tested up to 1000 MHz Reference: Texas Instruments, Inc.,

60 EMI Testing Lab EMI testing is often done In-house (pre-certification)
At specialty EMI testing labs (Chomerics, Curtis-Straus, etc.)

61 Example 4: Non-Ideal Buck Simulation

62 Example 4: Buck Simulation Results

63 Example 4: Buck Simulation Results
Switch current In this case, switch current = supply current

64 Example 4: Buck Simulation Results
Switch current spectrum; fsw = 200 kHz 1st 3rd 2nd

65 Example 5: Non-Ideal Buck Simulation with Input Filter

66 Example 5: Non-Ideal Buck Simulation with Input Filter
Switch current Supply current Capacitor current

67 Example 5: Buck Simulation Results
Switch current spectrum; fsw = 200 kHz Switch current Supply current Capacitor current

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