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28.12.2006 1 Company Presentation of Uhlberg Advisory.

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Presentation on theme: "28.12.2006 1 Company Presentation of Uhlberg Advisory."— Presentation transcript:

1 28.12.2006 1 Company Presentation of Uhlberg Advisory

2 28.12.2006 2 Who We Are International consulting company Operating worldwide Headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany Developing management solutions & systems

3 28.12.2006 3 Philosophy We work strictly to the client‘s needs We employ exclusively top professional staffs We respect regional and local needs and habits We deliver sustainable results

4 28.12.2006 4 Which Are Our Services Acquisition of projects for major companies Development of TA and complex IT solution projects in the fields of: - education, - company processes automation, and - e-government Implementation of projects Carrying out of studies Making procurement specifications for various public procurement procedures

5 28.12.2006 5 Sectors E-learning solutions Higher Education business Vocational Training and Education Business management training Public administration development with a special focus on e-government and police matters ICT projects for business management solutions SME consulting Controlling & company planning

6 28.12.2006 6 Regions Western Europe (Germany, Belgium) Balkans (Croatia, BiH, Albania, Montenegro, Romania) Baltic States (Latvia, Lithuania) Russian Federation Southern Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia) Mediterranean (Turkey) Middle East (Jordan, Lebanon)

7 28.12.2006 7 Major References Developing an e-business portal offering business support services for Romanian SMEs Best-practice Study : “E-Government in service to the taxpayers: developing and enlarging on-line administrative services”. The study covers 17 EU countries e-Business project to design and set up of three e-content factories and three e-universities in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia at the same time Higher Education project developing and implementing a common MIS for all ten public Jordanian Universities with a procurement budget of 15 Mio. €

8 28.12.2006 8 Major Clients....

9 28.12.2006 9 Mr. Egon Fleischer – Trainer Profile aged 46, economist Has worked as team leader, project director, and e- learning expert in international consulting projects has extensive familiarity with designing and leading publicly financed projects, worldwide Has experience as manager and expert field of e- business, VET, SME and cross-cutting issues as M&E

10 28.12.2006 10 We thank you very much for your attention!

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