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Literacy in the Content Area. Purpose of Today Today I want to help you… ● Understand the role you play with literacy in the content area ● Locate some.

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Presentation on theme: "Literacy in the Content Area. Purpose of Today Today I want to help you… ● Understand the role you play with literacy in the content area ● Locate some."— Presentation transcript:

1 Literacy in the Content Area

2 Purpose of Today Today I want to help you… ● Understand the role you play with literacy in the content area ● Locate some resources you can use in your classroom ● Create a system for you to implement literacy in the content area (graphic organizers) and ways to assess the learning

3 What is “doing” literacy?

4 The Role YOU Play…




8 And, if the research isn’t enough, Iowa Core Mandates that you do in the Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects. Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects. “If we develop people who can read and write well, but aren’t inclined to do so, what will we have really accomplished?” -Nell Duke

9 Resources Textbooks- Look at each section as a “chapter” Magazines - Library, Group Subscription, On-line ● Educational Sources - Scholastic, National Geographic Scholastic ● Books- Historical Fiction, Biographies……. ● Reading Passages- look to colleagues Login: 50511aea Password: plaea8

10 Create a System Brad Niebling- “All of this is making sure the Iowa Core is implemented and students are learning the Iowa Core.” ● Graphic Organizers Graphic Organizers

11 Authentic Tasks Wiggins & McTighe claim the long- term purpose in schooling is transfer. Transfer is defined as: “to equip learners to take what they have learned and use it outside school” Basically, apply what they know to effectively address realistic issues and problems.

12 Authentic Tasks - Examples of Tasks Examples of Tasks -G.R.A.S.P.S G oal: The student’s aim in the scenario R ole: What role should students play in scenario? A udience: Who do students need to address? S ituation: Context for task performance P roduct/Performance : Evidence of understanding

13 Challenge for you… Look for a resource you could use in your next unit that would naturally incorporate literacy. Use a “literacy focused” graphic organizer. Create a performance task for your students using the GRASPs framework that ties it all together.

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