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Philadelphia Regional Update

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Presentation on theme: "Philadelphia Regional Update"— Presentation transcript:

1 Philadelphia Regional Update
US CENSUS BUREAU Philadelphia Regional Update Erran Persley, Data Dissemination Specialist Tennessee State Data Center Network Training Session November 18, 2014

2 US Census Bureau Philadelphia Region Update
Regional Realignment Data Dissemination Activities 2014 Census Test 2015 Annual Housing Survey Geographic Support System Initiative (GSS-I) LUCA Race, ACS

3 Regional Realignment Before

4 2013 Regional Realignment After

5 US Census Bureau Philadelphia Region Data Dissemination Program
Staff in Philadelphia PA, Washington DC, Columbus OH, Richmond VA, Nashville TN Conduct workshops, presentations, trainings, webinars, exhibit at conferences, data requests Provide support to respondents on the 2012 SBO survey and other surveys

6 US Census Bureau Philadelphia Region Data Dissemination Program
Data for Decision Makers Targeted Data Dissemination E-gov blasts Congressional and Legislative Business Community

7 Data Service Activities in Tennessee
Governor’s Housing Summit Tennessee Department of Health-American FactFinder workshop Rutherford County Chamber of Commerce-Economic Census Presentation Mid-South Grant Writers-Census and Grant Data Tools Workshop 26th Legislative District-Training Session and Workshop Nissan North America-Business Expansion Consultation Lane College Small Business Incubator Project

8 2015 Annual Housing Survey National Sample Metropolitan Sample
Memphis May to September 2015 Interview Period Recruiting has begun

9 Current Surveys ACS, CPS, SOC, CE, NCVS, NHIS, and more Response Rates
Local Awareness and Support Link to Census on your website Letter to Encourage Participation

10 2014 Census Test Purpose is to research modern and cost effective methods to participate in the census Use of internet to increase self-response and reduce paper questionnaires Improve follow-up data collection methodologies Selected areas in Montgomery County MD and Washington DC

11 2014 Census Test Pre-register with preferred method of contact
Variety of response options: internet, phone, paper Use of automated instrument to improve data collection from non-responding households

12 2015 Census Test Draft Test new methods to improve the 2020 Census
Maximize Self-Response Awareness and Promotion Campaign

13 Race and Hispanic Origin 2010 Census Race and Hispanic Origin Alternative Questionnaire Experiment
The U.S. Census Bureau has released the results of the 2010 Census Alternative Questionnaire Experiment (AQE) on race and Hispanic origin. The 2010 Census AQE focuses on improving the race and Hispanic origin questions by testing a number of different questionnaire design strategies. This is among the largest quantitative efforts ever done for race and Hispanic origin research, and this important research is part of the Census Bureau's planning for the 2020 Census.

14 MAF/TIGER: Supporting the 2020 Census+
Geographic Support System Initiative (GSS-I) Integrated program utilizing partnerships for: Improved address coverage Continual spatial feature updates Enhanced quality assessment & measurement (QI) May allow for a targeted address canvassing operation in 2019 (cost avoidance) Better quality throughout the decade to support intercensal surveys (ACS, Pop. Estimates)

15 GSS-I Partnership: Data Acquisition
Launched GSS-I Partnership Program FY13 Identified ~56 initial ‘Phase 1’ partners to provide native address, structure point, and/or street centerline datasets Used GSS-I partnered data for production test of process and software first ½ of FY13 FY13 ‘Phase 2’ expanded production universe FY14 similar acquisition goals



18 Boundary and Annexation Survey
Will resume in 2015 Census is working with Tennessee's Office of Local Government

19 Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA)
PL Soliciting feedback through focus groups

20 American Community Survey Content Review Feedback

21 Background The Census Bureau engaged in a comprehensive review of the content of the American Community Survey beginning in The review steps included: Examining and confirming the value of each question on the ACS Confirming and updating the statutory and regulatory authority for the questions on the ACS with federal agencies Gathering input from customers Analyzing data Developing recommendations for ACS content that will provide the most useful information with the least amount of burden to the public

22 Objectives and Scope Objectives:
Use pre-specified, unbiased criteria to identify potential questions for removal (Phase I) Obtain comprehensive understanding of ACS question uses, justification, and merit for potential revision or removal (Phases II & III) Scope: All questions (and subparts) currently on the ACS Questionnaire

Stay Involved! View the ACS Content Review Web Page: Sign up for GovDelivery ACS Subscriber Notices: Review Federal Register Notices

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