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 The limbic system and the hypothalamus  Behavioural & motivational mechanism of brain.

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Presentation on theme: " The limbic system and the hypothalamus  Behavioural & motivational mechanism of brain."— Presentation transcript:

1  The limbic system and the hypothalamus  Behavioural & motivational mechanism of brain

2  Limbic system  components ◦ Hypothalamus, hippocampus, anterior nucleus of thalamus, septal nuclei, amygdala, paraolfactory area, portions of basal ganglia

3 Medial forebrain bundle connects the limbic system to the brain stem Medial forebrain bundle connects the limbic system to the brain stem

4  Border system  Entire neuronal circuitry ◦ controls emotional & motivational drives ◦ Controls Feeling of pleasure & punishment ◦ Is associated with the learning process ◦ Contains a Networks of distant neurons that function together

5  Called the “emotional” brain  Is essential for flexible, stable, adaptive functioning  Links different areas so integration can occur ◦ Integration:  separate things are brought together as a whole ◦ Processes emotions and allocates attentional resources  Necessary for ◦ emotional balance ◦ adaptation to environmental demands (including fearful situations, etc.) ◦ creating meaningful connections with others (e.g. ability to interpret facial expressions and respond appropriately), and more…

6  Componets  Hypthalamus – major part ◦ Behavioural control ◦ Control internal conditions (vegetative fxn)  Body temperature  Osmolality  Drives to drink or eat

7  A major control headquarter for the limbic system  Output signals ◦ Brainstem (Reticular areas-mesencephalon, pons & medulla) then to autonomic nervous system ◦ Diencephalon, cerebrum ◦ Hypothalamic infundibulum  Control secretory function of  Posterior & anterior pituitary gland  Thus controls ◦ Pathways of the limbic system ◦ Most of the vegetative and endocrine function of the body ◦ Many aspects of emotional behaviour


9  Vegetative & endocrine Functions ◦ Cardiovascular regulation ◦ Regulation of body temperature ◦ Regulation of body water ◦ Regulation of uterine contractility and milk ejection from the breasts ◦ Gastrointestinal and feeding regulation ◦ Control of endocrine hormone secretion by the anterior pituitary gland  Done through stimulation of specific areas/nuclei in the hypothalamus


11  Its Behavioural function and other associated structures  Stimulation of or lesions in the hypothalamus  Have profound effects on Emotional behaviour 1. lateral hypothalamus  Increases the general level of activity of the animal  over rage & fighting 2. ventromedial nucleus  Sense of satiety, decreased eating & tranquility 3. thin zone periventricular nuclei ◦ Fear & punishment reactions 4. anterior & posterior portions ◦ Sex drive  Effects caused by hypothalamic lesions ◦ Opposite to stimulation

12  Several limbic structures centered with the affective nature of sensory sensations  i.e weather the sensations  Pleasant/reward/satisfaction or  Unpleasant/punishment/aversion  Electrical stimulation of certain areas  pleases or satisfies the animal  where as stimulation of other areas  Causes Terror, pain, fear, defense, escape reactions

13  Reward centres 1.Major reward centres  located along the course of the medial forebrain bundle  Lateral Ventromedial nuclei of the hypothalamus 2.Less potent  Septum  Amygdala  Thalamus  Basal ganglia  Basal tegmentum  of the mesencephalon


15  Punishment centres ◦ Central gray area  surrounding the aqueduct of sylvius in mesencephalon  extending upward into the periventricular zone of the hypothalamus and thalamus  Less potent ◦ Amygdala & hippocampus

16  Rage  It is associated with punishment centers  Its an emotional pattern that involves the punishment centers  characterized by strong stimulation of punishment centers especially periventricular zone of the hypothalamus & lateral hypothalamus

17 Rage pattern  causes the animal to 1.Develop a defense posture 2.extend its claws 3.lift its tails 4.Hiss 5.Spit 6.growl & 7.develop piloerection, wide open eyes and dilated pupils

18  Further more ◦ Even the slightest provocation causes an immediate savage attach  Suppression of rage phenomenon ◦ Inhibitory signals from  Ventromedial nuclei  hypothalamus  Anterior cingulate gyri & subcortical gyri  Portion of hippocampi & anterior limbic cortex

19  Stimulating rewards system  Leads to exactly opposite emotional behaviours pattern occurs  Placidity & tameness  Importance of Reward & punishment in behaviour  Control our  bodily activation  drives  aversions or  motivations  Tranquilizers  Administration of chlorplomazine  Inhibit both the reward and punishment centres  Decrease the affective reactivity of the animal

20 ◦ Habituation vs reinforcement ◦ Animals builds up strong memory traces for sensation that are either rewarding or punishing but conversely develop complete habituation to indifferent sensory stimulator  Therefore  99 % of the information is thrown away  Less than 1 % is selected for retention

21 Before Training – a transient orienting response is induced to the sound Training – sound is paired with the shock After Training – placement in the box induces freezing when the sound is present.

22  The hippocampus ◦ Is the elongated portion of the cerebral cortex that folds inwards to form the ventral surface of the lateral ventricle ◦ Connections  portions of the cerebral cortex  basal structures of the limbic system  The amygdala  the hypothalamus  the septum &  the mammilary body

23  Outgoing signals ◦ Anterior thalamus, hypothalamus & ◦ Other parts of the limbic system  Thru fornix- a major communication pathway  Stimulation of its different areas ◦ Pleasure ◦ Rage ◦ Passivity ◦ Excess ◦ sex drive

24  It can become hyper-excitable sometimes  Hyperstimulation leads to ◦ Local epileptic seizures  With various psychomotor experiences such as  Olfactory, auditory, tactile & other types of hallucinations  Role in learning ◦ Bilateral removal e.g treatment of epilepsy  Individual presents with 1.Inability to learn 2.Recall most previously learned memories  Capable of short term memories (seconds- 1 or 2 minutes) 3.Cannot learn  new information based on verbal symbolism  the names of people meets daily

25  Incapable of long term memories ◦ Without hippocampus ◦ Consolidation of long term memories  verbal or symbolic thinking type  poor or  does not take place

26  Neurons at the pole of the temporal lobe below the cortex on the medial side  Greek name for almond shape  Has 3 nuclei, ◦ Basolateral ◦ corticomedial and ◦ central  Afferents 1.from all lobes of neocortex (temporal, parietal and occipital lobes) Especially from the auditory and visual association areas  Therefore called the window thru which the limbic system sees the place of the person in the world 2.& hippocampus and cingulate gyrus


28  Basolateral nuclei ◦ receive sensory input (visual, gustatory, auditory and tactile) From all areas of limbic cortex  projects to cortex for perception of emotion  Corticomedial nuclei ◦ receive olfactory inputs  Central nuclei contain output neurons ◦ to hypothalamus (major portion) ◦ periaqueductal grey (in brainstem ) ◦ Back into the same cortical areas ◦ Hippocampus & Septum &Thalamus  for physiological responses


30  Its stimulatory effect same as hypothalamus  The effects initiated through amygdala are then sent through hypothalamus  Efferent mediated thru hypothalamus Include  Increased or decreased ◦ arterial pressures ◦ Heart rate ◦ G.i.t motility & secretion  Defecation or micturation  Pupilary dilation or rarely constriction  Piloerection  Seceretion of various pituitary hormnones esp gonadotropins & ACTH

31  Involuntary movements ◦ Tonic movements-raising the head or bending the body ◦ Circling movements ◦ Occasionally clonic, rhythmical movements ◦ Different types of movements associated with olfaction and eating such as licking, chewing and swallowing  Others  Rage, escape, punishment, severe pain & fear  Sexual activities  Erection  Copulatory movements  Ejeculation  Ovulation  Uterine activity and premature labour

32  The Kluver-Bucy syndrome  Effects of bilateral ablation of the amygdala ◦ Behavioural characteristics a.Not afraid of anything b.Has extreme curiosity about everything c.Forgets rapidly d.Has a tendency to place everything in its mouth and sometimes tries to eat solid objects e.Has a sex drive too strong  attempts to copulate with  immature animals  animals of the wrong sex or  even animals of different species

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