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Tornadoes The Twirling twisting terror by Elijah, Isaac, Mahdi, Hasan, Solamie.

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Presentation on theme: "Tornadoes The Twirling twisting terror by Elijah, Isaac, Mahdi, Hasan, Solamie."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tornadoes The Twirling twisting terror by Elijah, Isaac, Mahdi, Hasan, Solamie

2 What is a tornado and how are tornadoes formed? Tornadoes are funnel clouds or rotating columns of air that stretch from storms to the ground. To be real tornadoes, they must touch the ground for at least a few seconds or move across the earth for miles. Most tornadoes last less than ten minutes. Tornadoes are formed from supercells which are rotating thunderstorms with a radar circulation called a mesocyclone.

3 Where and when can tornadoes occur? Tornadoes occur all over the world including Australia, Europe, Africa, Asia, and South America. For example, New Zealand reports approximately 20 tornadoes every year. Two places with the highest amount of tornadoes other than the U.S.A. are Argentina and Bangladesh. Usually tornadoes occur between 3 pm to 9 pm.

4 How are tornadoes measured, detected, or forecasted? A way to determine the strength of a tornado is by looking at the damage it made. Scientists can estimate the wind speeds from the damage.To do this an Enchanced Fujita Scale was implemented by the National Weather service in 2007 to rate tornadoes in a more accurate way. The Enhanced Fujita scale brings in more variables than the original Fujita scale when assigning a wind speed rating for a tornado incorporating 28 damage indicators. Some examples of these are building type, structure, and trees.

5 How can people keep safe from a tornado? DURING A TORNADO: ● Go to a basement. ● If you do not have a basement, go to an interior room without windows on the lowest floor such as a bathroom or closet. ● If you can, get under a sturdy piece of furniture, like a table. ● If you live in a mobile home get out. They offer little protection against tornadoes. ● Get out of automobiles. Do not try to outrun a tornado in your car, leave it immediately. ● If you’re outside, go to a ditch or low lying area and lie flat in it. ● Stay away from fallen power lines and stay out of damaged areas. IF YOU’RE AT SCHOOL DURING A TORNADO: ● Every school should have a disaster plan and have frequent drills. ● Basements offer the best protection. ● Schools without basements should use interior rooms and hallways on the lowest floor away from windows. ● Crouch down on your knees and protect your head with your arms.

6 How can people keep safe from a tornado? AFTER A TORNADO: ● Stay indoors until it is safe to come out. ● Check for injured or trapped people, without putting yourself in danger. ● Watch out for downed power lines. ● Use a flashlight to inspect your home.

7 What is the difference between a tornado warning and a tornado watch? A tornado warning means that there is a tornado currently on ground or has been found or detected by a Doppler radar. When this happens, seek shelter immediately. A tornado watch means that tornadoes are possible in your area. During a tornado watch you should stay tuned to the radio or T.V news.

8 What are some important items to put in an emergency tornado disaster kit? ●Water—one gallon per person, per day (3-day supply for evacuation, 2-week supply for home) ●Food—non-perishable, easy-to-prepare items (3-day supply for evacuation, 2-week supply for home) ●Flashlight ●Battery-powered or hand-crank radio (NOAA Weather Radio, if possible) ●Extra batteries ●First aid kit – Anatomy of a First Aid KitAnatomy of a First Aid Kit ●Medications (7-day supply) and medical items ●Multi-purpose tool ●Sanitation and personal hygiene items ●Copies of personal documents (medication list and pertinent medical information, proof of address, deed/lease to home, passports, birth certificates, insurance policies) ●Cell phone with chargers ●Family and emergency contact information ●Extra cash ●Emergency blanket ●Map(s) of the area

9 We think it is important to study severe weather because... You can learn many new things and what causes the weather and learn how to survive the tornados. You could also know how dangerous a tornado can be on the Enhanced Fujita Scale.

10 Are tornadoes a serious threat to our state? Tornadoes are a serious threat to our state because of many reasons. They destroy houses, flip cars, cross rivers, dig trenches that can be 3 feet, and lift lightweight objects 10,000 feet into the air.

11 Extra facts about tornadoes... ●They may strike quickly, with little or no warning. ●They may appear nearly transparent until dust and debris are picked up or a cloud forms in the funnel. ●The average tornado moves Southwest to Northeast, but tornadoes have been known to move in any direction. ●The average forward speed of a tornado is 30 mph, but may vary from stationary to 70 mph. ●Tornadoes can accompany tropical storms and hurricanes as they move onto land. ●Waterspouts are tornadoes that form over water. ●Tornadoes are most frequently reported east of the Rocky Mountains during spring and summer months. ●Peak tornado season in the southern states is March through May; in the northern states, it is late spring through early summer.


13 This was made by the following people Mahdi, Hasan, Isaac, Elijah, and Solomie Websites we used... ● ● ● ● ● ● 7_Tornado.pdf 7_Tornado.pdf ● ● ●

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