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Step By Step: Old Testament Lesson 9: God and His Laws The Covenant and Commandments Rev. Christopher J. Respass Antioch Bible Institute Fall 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Step By Step: Old Testament Lesson 9: God and His Laws The Covenant and Commandments Rev. Christopher J. Respass Antioch Bible Institute Fall 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Step By Step: Old Testament Lesson 9: God and His Laws The Covenant and Commandments Rev. Christopher J. Respass Antioch Bible Institute Fall 2012

2 A. Contract? B. Commitment? C. Relationship? What is a Covenant? Covenant: a solemn promise made in the presence of God.

3 The Covenant and the Commandments I. God's Covenant with Israel A. The Covenant (Exodus 19:3-9) B. Elements of the covenant 1. Based on God's prior acts (v.4) 2. Conditional (v.4) a) People must obey his voice b) People must keep his commandments

4 The Covenant and the Commandments 3. Contained Blessings (v.5-6) a) be God's "treasured possession" b) Kingdom of Priests 1. could go to God directly 2. would bring people to God c) Be a "Holy Nation" 1. set apart for God's purpose while abstaining from sin.

5 The Covenant and the Commandments The Israelites agreed to the Covenant "....And all the people answer with one voice, 'All the words that The Lord has spoken we will do....and we will be obedient. " (Exod. 24: 3, 7, in relevant part )

6 The Covenant and the Commandments II.The Ten Commandments (Exod. 20:1-21). A. Structure 1. The first four commandments pertain to our relationship with God. 2. The last six relate to how we interact with other people. 3. Thus, following the first 4 commandments helps us fulfill the last 6 commandments.

7 The Covenant and the Commandments B. The List of Ten (Exod. 20:1-21) 1. No other Gods (v.3) 2. No graven/carved images (v.4-6) 3. Do not use God's name in vain (v.7) 4. Keep the Sabbath (v.8-11) 5. Honor your parents (v.12) 6. No Murder (v.13; see, MT 5:21-26) 7. No Adultery (v. 14; see, MT 5:27-28) 8. No Stealing (v.15) 9. No False Testimony (v.16) 10. No Coveting (v.17)

8 The Covenant and the Commandments C. How Can we apply these to our lives today? 1. No Other Gods 2. No Graven Images 3. No use of God's Name in vain 4. Keep the Sabbath 5. Honor Parents 10. No Coveting 9. No False Testimony 8. No Stealing 7. No Adultery (see, Mt. 5:27-28) 6. No Murder (see, Mt. 5:21-26)

9 The Covenant and the Commandments D. The Book of the Covenant shows how these commandments were to be applied in specific cases. The reference for this "book" is Exodus 20:22-23:33.

10 What does God expect from you? If you have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, you are part of his royal family and he is also in covenant with you to give you all that he has promised in his Word. That said....

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