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The Sector Managed Apprenticeships programme has received co-investment from the UK Commission for Employment and Skills through the Growth and Innovation.

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Presentation on theme: "The Sector Managed Apprenticeships programme has received co-investment from the UK Commission for Employment and Skills through the Growth and Innovation."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Sector Managed Apprenticeships programme has received co-investment from the UK Commission for Employment and Skills through the Growth and Innovation Fund. Sector Managed Apprenticeships Partnership between – e-skills – BT - NiTP

2 Strategic objectives Make the apprenticeships route into the IT sector as popular with employers of IT professionals as the graduate route Change the attitude of the IT sector to apprenticeships Focus on SME employers 1

3 Role of BT Provide apprentice employers with confidence by carrying out quality assurance of the training provider and the provision Provide support to apprentices by offering opportunities for professional development Provide access to the BT apprentice applicant database for candidates not located in BT recruitment areas – therefore offering an alternative IT sector employment opportunity Advise on the framework design and standards 2

4 Role of the National Skills Academy for IT Provide IT sector endorsement of the training provider (NiTP)– through the Training Quality Panel Provide apprenticeship Gold Standards developed through research into skills gaps and engagement with a cross section of sector employers Provide Marketing support Project manage the roll out of the Gold Standards brand with employers and apprentices 3

5 Role of NiTP Create delivery programme to match the Gold Standards Engage with SME’s to create the apprenticeship jobs Engage with young people to select candidates who will meet employer needs Register the apprentices and train them according to the Gold Standards in consultation with their employers Work with BT to accommodate their quality assurance process 4

6 The Talent Pool BT applicants tick a box to opt into the National Skills Academy for IT scheme for finding employment BT provide these applicants to the Academy each week – the Academy checks then passes to TP The Academy has built an online candidate management system to handle the BT applicants The system enables any employer to provide their unused applicants to any Academy approved provider 12 apprentices have been employed since January 5

7 Programme achievements in 8 months 313 apprentices in 8 months into new jobs 90% SMEs 60% first time apprentice employers 6 DateEmployersApprenticeslocations Oct '12841044 Jan '131712058 Apr '1325031310

8 What employers say (1) “taking on an IT Gold Standard Apprentice is a priority for our company. We will benefit from the structured technical learning our apprentice will receive. The recruitment process, and the professional and business skills gained, mean that our apprentice will be quickly able to add value, making financial sense for our business.” Philip Oakley, Owner – OutserveWeb.

9 What employers say (2) The apprenticeship programme forms part of our strategic plan for our organisations succession planning and personnel management and has been a successful model for us, one that I would recommend [Sandye Place] We have been provided with many applicants and almost every candidate has been a successful to fit the role required. It has been a seamless task in recruiting new employees. [CAPTEC] 7

10 What apprentices say Forrest Rundle, an IT Gold Standard Apprentice at Fresh Metrics in Birmingham is excited to be part of the scheme. “It’s a great start to my IT career. I am learning skills with NiTP and applying them right away with Fresh Metrics, so I can really make a contribution to the company.”

11 Key successes SME’s have bought into the project and should be commended AGE grant has been a great help SME’s wont engage unless they can support their apprentices – a great sign of commitment A theme emerging of SME’s building their businesses around Apprentice resource based on good experience so far Potential to industrialise across sector 8

12 More to do Supply chains using OEMs and their supply chains Gold Standards maintaining quality as more providers enter the market licensing 9

13 What next? How do we better share date on talented potential apprentices? How do we ensure we have national/pan-sector coverage so all SMEs can get this sort of service? How do we industrialise the model? 10

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