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Autum Casey- Texas A&M University Tom Grabowski- U. of Texas- Pan American Kevin Rigdon- U. of Houston Joshua Williamson- West Virginia University.

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Presentation on theme: "Autum Casey- Texas A&M University Tom Grabowski- U. of Texas- Pan American Kevin Rigdon- U. of Houston Joshua Williamson- West Virginia University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Autum Casey- Texas A&M University Tom Grabowski- U. of Texas- Pan American Kevin Rigdon- U. of Houston Joshua Williamson- West Virginia University

2  Introductions  A look at a variety of programs (BA, BFA, MFA)  Where do degrees/skill sets overlap  Questions

3  Major Area Coursework Requirements  Script analysis  Acting I  Theatre Technology 1  Basic Theatrical Design  Theatre History 1  Theatre History 2  Directing  +12 hours in Concentration (options on next page)

4  12 hours from (3 courses)  Stage Make-up  Costume Technology  Stage Management and Arts Administration  Theatre Technology 2  Scene Design  Costume Design  Lighting Design  New Technology for Designers  Design as Performance

5  Study Abroad in Costa Rica  Digital Lighting  Design as Performance  Directed Studies- Research Project

6  Light Lab Assistants- paid staff position (10 hrs/wk)  Production  Assistant Designer- main-stage productions  Student Designer- second stage productions  Master Electrician  Light board operator  Electrician

7  Basic electricity and wiring  Hang & focus of typical lighting instrumentation  Vectorworks & Lightwright  Troubleshooting a rig  Programming- conventional, LED, & automated gear (various light boards)  Design process for a lighting design  Creating a repertory plot for a proscenium space  Creating a design based on a script for a thrust space

8  BA in Communication – Theatre  NAST accredited  643 majors, 174 TTF  Unified program content  We show a story to an audience.  6 shows per season (2 TYA)  Summers rotate between PASS (theatre) and PAST (television/film)

9  3 tracks (Design, Performance, TV/Film)  Comm Core: Acting I, TV Production, Directing I & II, Adv TV Production and Theatre History I (18 hrs)  Technical electives: Technical Production I & II, Costume Technology, Scene design, Costume design, Lighting Design, Drawing & Rendering, Contemporary or World Drama, Location Film & Video, Theatre History II and Practicum. (33 hrs)  Other Electives: 9 hrs chosen from Summer Theatre workshop, Summer Television workshop, Special topics, video editing I & II, scriptwriting or other Comm classes

10  TV/Film Track: Same Core + Video Editing I & II  Technical electives: Technical Production II, Speech for Stage & Screen, Lighting Design, Scene or Costume Design, Location Film & Video, Motion Picture History, Summer Television Workshop and Practicum. (27 hrs)  Other Electives: 18 hrs chosen from Special Topics, scriptwriting or other Comm classes

11  Mainstage production staffing  Design opportunities  Production crewing (credit via practicum)  Additional production opportunities  Student class projects – theatre/film performed/show as part of practicum  Summer productions staffed by students.  Special Topic projects.  Work for other departments (Dance, Music)

12  Consoles – Expression line, Ion, Roadhog  Software – Vectorworks, Sound Forge, Final Cut pro, Premiere, Avid  Fixtures –  Conventional – ECT, Altman, Mole Richardson  Automated – High End  Video – JCV and Sony Cameras, TriCaster

13 BA in Theatre BA in Dance BFA in Theatre with Areas of Emphasis (AoE) in: Acting Design/Technology Puppetry/Creative Dramatics MFA in Theatre with AoE in: Acting Scene Design/Technology Lighting Design/Technology Costume Design/Technology School of Theatre & Dance

14  Minors (18 credit hours):  Theatre  Dance  Technical Theatre (AoE):  Lighting Technology  Scenery Construction  Costume Technology School of Theatre & Dance

15 National Association of Schools of Theatre (NAST) Accredits institutions with theatre curricula. School of Theatre & Dance

16  Graduate Assistantships:  GTA’s  GA’s  GRA’s  Tuition Waivers:  Meritorious Waiver Hours  By the credit hour  Graduate FTE = 9 credit hours

17  FTE = 0.5 (20 hours per week)  Tuition waiver: Out-of-state waiver Full waiver (WVU) 50/33/25% Waivers (Doesn’t always include College/School tuitions)  Health Insurance  Stipend ($10,000-18,000 typ.)  Must still pay fees—ASK Student Accounts!!!

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