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LCGP-PPT(45) MKT0052 0607 Sensible Insurance for Today’s Lifestyles.

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Presentation on theme: "LCGP-PPT(45) MKT0052 0607 Sensible Insurance for Today’s Lifestyles."— Presentation transcript:

1 LCGP-PPT(45) MKT0052 0607 Sensible Insurance for Today’s Lifestyles

2 What are the headlines saying? Healthcare costs are still rising fast and 46.6 million Americans are uninsured! Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, August 29, 2006

3 Rate of Inflation Americans Face a Healthcare Crisis Healthcare costs keep increasing, and so does the rate of general inflation Sources: Health Affairs, 2005; Employer Health Benefits 2006 Annual Survey 2002 2003 2004 9.3% 7.7% 8.2% Percentage of Healthcare Cost Increase 10% 7% 5%

4 Persons Without Health Insurance The rising costs in healthcare are pushing up health insurance premiums, forcing Americans to often choose to go uninsured. Paying for healthcare out of pocket without insurance can become a problem. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, August 29, 2006 1992 1996 2002 2003 2004 2005 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Number of uninsured people in millions This becomes a problem if you are a member of the uninsured!

5 The Cost of Healthcare Hospitals take the biggest bite of the healthcare dollar, but physician costs are not far behind. Source: Trends in the Health of Americans, 2006

6 Where Do the Largest Medical Expenses Occur? Hospital Confinement Surgical Expenses Emergency Room Charges Source: Trends in the Health of Americans, 2006

7 Hospital Confinement vs. Doctor’s Office Bills The average cost of a four-day hospital stay, which includes room/board, surgical, miscellaneous and emergency expenses is nearly $20,000!* The average cost of a doctor’s office visit is only $200.* Sources: *Washington Post, October 22, 2006

8 Therefore, the most important areas to cover are: Hospital Confinement Surgical Expenses Emergency Room Charges

9 It’s your health! You choose your healthcare providers. Who? What? When? Where? These are questions that you answer! UA’s Freedom of Choice

10 With United American Insurance Company, you are in control of your healthcare: No gatekeepers No primary care physicians No pre-certification No worries about using out-of-network providers which could run up huge co-payment obligations. UA’s Freedom of Choice

11 If protecting yourself and your family from the rising cost of healthcare is a priority, then you should consider an affordable health insurance policy. UA’s Freedom of Choice

12 United American’s FLEX GUARD Plus offers options for controlling your premiums without giving up benefits, and has optional features for your protection. UA’s Freedom of Choice

13 Built In Features Policy Form GSP2. This policy has some limitations and exclusions. Plans and benefits vary by state. Issue Ages: 0-63 Freedom of Choice - UA Policyholders are free to visit any hospital or doctor they wish. Guaranteed Renewable as long as premiums are paid on time. Flexibility & Benefits – Policy serves as basic or supplemental insurance. Build to Suit - You design the policy with the coverage required to meet your needs. Choice of Benefit Amount – $100,000*; $75,000*; or $55,000* Portable Coverage – Individual policy goes where you do. Coverage for Individuals and Families Download Sample Brochure * Subject to Daily Dollar Limits

14 The following benefits apply in an inpatient setting or outpatient surgical setting. $200 deductible must be met before benefits begin. Hospital Expense Maximum* for any one injury or sickness $55,000 maximum* for any one injury or sickness $75,000 maximum* for any one injury or sickness $100,000 maximum* for any one injury or sickness Hospital Expense Benefits After you pay the $200 deductible, the policy pays 80% of incurred daily and miscellaneous expenses during a hospital stay, up to the daily dollar limits shown at right and maximum benefit provisions. 80%, up to $2,200 per day for days 1-10; 80%, up to $1,100 per day for the next 30 days 80%, up to $3,000 per day for days 1-10; 80%, up to $1,500 per day for the next 30 days 80%, up to $4,000 per day for days 1-10; 80%, up to $2,000 per day for the next 30 days * Subject to daily dollar limits Inpatient or Outpatient Surgical Benefits

15 The following benefits apply in an inpatient setting or outpatient surgical setting. $200 deductible must be met before benefits begin. Surgical Expense Benefit * Pays incurred expenses, up to the allowable amount detailed in the policy, for surgeon's fees. The largest surgical benefit will be paid. 100%, up to $7,500 100%, up to $10,000 Assistant Surgeon + up to 20% of Surgical Expense Benefit for Assistant Surgeon Anesthesiologist + up to 25% of Surgical Expense Benefit for Anesthesiologist Outpatient Hospital Surgery* † After you pay the $200 deductible, daily and miscellaneous expenses are covered as a one day confinement for surgery performed in a hospital or state licensed surgical center. 80%, up to $2,200 per day for days 1-10; 80%, up to $1,100 per day for the next 30 days 80%, up to $3,000 per day for days 1-10; 80%, up to $1,500 per day for the next 30 days 80%, up to $4,000 per day for days 1-10; 80%, up to $2,000 per day for the next 30 days Ambulance Benefit Policy pays for ambulance service to or from a hospital. 80% of incurred expenses for ambulance services, up to $200 *Allowable surgical benefit amounts are specified in the Surgical Schedule within the policy. † Pays in addition to the Surgical Expense Benefit. Inpatient or Outpatient Surgical Benefits $55,000 $75,000 $100,000

16 INPATIENT ONLY BENEFITS Inpatient Daily Room Benefit Covered under Hospital Expense Benefits Daily Intensive Care Benefit Hospital Expense Benefits increased by $1,000 per day for days 1-10 Hospital Admission Benefit Additional Benefit paid for each hospital stay $100 to be used as you see fit Registered Nurse Benefit Pays for three shifts each day of full-time care during a hospital stay 80%, up to $100 per 8-hour shift; up to 3 shifts per day; 90 days maximum Physician’s In-Patient Visits Pays for one doctor’s visit each day during a hospital stay which doesn’t require a surgical operation. 80%, up to $50 per visit; Maximum of $2,000; for any one illness or injury Inpatient Benefits

17 OUTPATIENT ONLY BENEFITS Outpatient (non-surgical) Benefit including: Outpatient Hospital Expense Diagnostic imaging, X-rays, MRIs, etc. 80% up to $300 80% up to $400 80% up to $500 You can increase coverage by $500 or $1,000 with the Optional Additional Outpatient (non-surgical) Benefit Physician’s Outpatient Visits: Pays for doctor’s visit at a doctor’s office, clinic or at home Annual physical exam 80%, up to $25 per visit; 80%, up to $50 for one annual exam each year; $250 maximum per year. You can double this benefit amount with the Optional Additional Physician’s Visits Benefit Outpatient Benefits

18 The following health add-ons are available at an additional cost. This optional health coverage will not continue if you cancel your FLEX GUARD Plus policy.

19 Outpatient Benefit: Choose an additional $500 or $1,000 in outpatient non-surgical coverage.

20 Additional Physician’s Outpatient Visits Benefit: Double the benefit amount for your doctor visits and annual physical exam. 80% of the doctor’s fee, up to $50 per visit; 80% of the annual physical exam fee, up to $100 for one annual exam per year; annual maximum of $500.

21 Optional Accident Benefit Rider (Rider Form R-ACC2): You choose a benefit amount of $10,000, $20,000, or $30,000. The Rider pays ONE of the following: Accidental death benefit; Lump sum amount for specified injuries; Weekly hospital stay benefit; or, First aid medical care benefit. You must qualify for this optional rider. Optional Health Coverage

22 These life add-ons are available at an additional cost. You will receive a separate policy for any life insurance purchased in addition to your FLEX GUARD Plus policy. Optional Life Coverage

23 Optional Life Policy Qualification: If you qualify for a standard issue FLEX GUARD ® Plus policy, without select benefit or exclusion riders, you are automatically eligible for up to $20,000 Whole Life or Term Life insurance. Optional Life Coverage

24 Optional Whole Life Policy (Policy Form SWL) or Term Life Policy (Policy Form RT10): You and/or your spouse can select either Whole Life or Term Life insurance and choose a face amount from $1,000 up to $20,000. Tobacco/non-tobacco rates available. Optional Life Coverage

25 Optional Child Term Life Rider (Rider Form U4272): Available with the purchase of an adult Whole Life or Term Life policy. Choose $5,000 or $10,000 of coverage for children age 0-17. Optional Life Coverage

26 United American stands on… Stability — Meeting the life and health insurance needs of the public for over half a century. Financial Strength — A+ (Superior) financial strength rating from A.M. Best (as of 06/06) AA “Very Strong” financial strength rating from Standard & Poor’s (as of 02/06) Quality Protection — Insurance coverage to protect you and your family now and in years to come. Superior Service — One-on-one personal service for the life of your policy, backed by Home Office support.

27 Why Should You Choose United American? Providing quality health protection since 1947 Excellent ratings with A.M. Best and Standard & Poor’s Local offices Personal support (ability to speak with a live person, either Home Office staff or Agent) Individual qualification (not a group plan) Guaranteed renewable policies, as long as premiums are paid on time Issue age pricing Freedom of Choice Optional Discount Services Program helps drive down the cost of healthcare services

28 UA Partners ® Program Dental Vision Hearing Chiropractic Prescription Drug Vitamins & Nutritional Supplements 24-Hour Nurse HelpLine Travel Assist* Our optional discount services program includes discounts on: UA Partners is not a health insurance policy. Members will receive discounts on medical services when they go to certain healthcare providers who are contracted with the plan. Members are solely responsible for payment of all healthcare services. No portion of any provider’s fee will be reimbursed or otherwise paid by the plan. This plan is administered by Best Benefits, Inc. 8420 Bryn Mawr, Suite 700, Chicago, IL 60631, * Availability may vary by state.

29 Chiropractic Dental Eye Care Hearing Aids Prescriptions Mail Order Pharmacy 20% to 40% 10% to 50% 20% to 50% 10% to 20% Up to 30% Save Even More Money UA Partners ® Program Non-insurance discount services program with savings for:

30 Stability Service Quality Commitment

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