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EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY The Faculty Fellows Program Forming a Community of Educators Around High-Performance Computing Jeff Sale and Kris Stewart.

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Presentation on theme: "EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY The Faculty Fellows Program Forming a Community of Educators Around High-Performance Computing Jeff Sale and Kris Stewart."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY The Faculty Fellows Program Forming a Community of Educators Around High-Performance Computing Jeff Sale and Kris Stewart NPACI Education Center on Computational Science and Engineering San Diego State University

2 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY Copyright Notice Copyright, Jeff Sale, 2001. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.

3 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY Rationale for a Fellows Program Lack of a system of rewards encouraging time-consuming curriculum innovations Low awareness of faculty and students about available computational science tools Absence of a support network for computational science and high- performance computing

4 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY What is …? What is Computational Science? What is High-Performance Computing? What is Modeling and Simulation? What is Visualization?

5 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY What is Computational Science? Science Discipline Physics, Chemistry, Biology, etc. Computer Science Hardware/Software Applied Mathematics Numerical Analysis, Modeling, Simulation

6 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY What is Computational Science? Science Discipline Physics, Chemistry, Biology, etc. Computer Science Hardware/Software Applied Mathematics Numerical Analysis, Modeling, Simulation Computational Science Teamwork and Collaboration

7 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY What is Computational Science?

8 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY What is Computational Science?

9 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY Usually, Computational Science Involves One or More of... Modeling Simulation Visualization Large amounts of (different kinds of) data

10 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY...Like World-Building Skyline TerraExplorer Virtual Los Angeles The Digital Earth Fly San Diego I-cubed ts/CityModels/3d_models. htm

11 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY My Own World

12 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY What is High-Performance Computing? Massively parallel systems Commodity Clusters High-speed Communication Data-Intensive Computing Never-ending demand for increasing performance –Giga -> Tera -> Peta -> ??

13 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY What is Modeling and Simulation? Empirical vs. Theoretical Data-driven vs. Equation-driven Rigged Animation Rigorous, Testable, Predictable

14 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY hat is Visualization?

15 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY This is Your Brain This is Your Visual System Photic Chauvinism Are we perhaps neglecting something?

16 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY Perceptualization

17 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY Who is Doing Computational Science? NPACI is The ‘National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure’ – NPACI is a partnership of over 40 institutions in the US and more worldwide –

18 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY NPACI/NCSA/Alliance Partnerships are NSF Programs The EdCenter works closely with: NPACI ( San Diego Supercomputer Center ( NCSA Alliance (

19 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY EDUCATION, OUTREACH, AND TRAINING 4 APPLICATIONS Molecular Science Neuroscience Earth Systems Science Engineering 4 TECHNOLOGIES Metasystems Programming Tools and Environments Data-intensive Computing Interaction Environments RESOURCES NPACI Partnership Organizing Principle: “Thrusts”

20 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY Resources -- Today’s Digital Laboratory High-performance computing available today to the academic community Develop and Deploy Technology and application collaborations to push the capabilities of tomorrow’s digital laboratory Use and Apply Computational scientists applying enhanced capabilities to achieve new scientific results Disseminate and Incorporate Incorporating technologies into the digital laboratory and disseminating them for use in new communities Advancing the Computational Infrastructure

21 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY Sources of Information on NPACI NPACI Partnership Reports enVision quarterly science magazine – Online biweekly electronic publication –

22 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY Who Is Doing Computational Science In the Undergraduate Curriculum? Rubin Landau at Oregon State is close to establishing a B.S. in Computational Physics Illinois State - B.S. in either Computational Physics or Chemistry Numerous courses in various undergrad programs

23 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY Who Is Doing Computational Science In the Undergraduate Curriculum?

24 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY The EdCenter is an NPACI/CSU Collaboration

25 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY About the EdCenter 25 Home Page: Meet the EdCenter Team: Some of our projects: Some of our activities: Some resources:

26 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY The EdCenter is Directed by Kris Stewart Director, NPACI EdCenter on Computational Science and Engineering (supported by NSF, SDSU Academic Affairs, CSU Chancellor Office) Computer Science Professor, Math & Computer Sciences Department, SDSU College of Sciences Co-PI for NSF grant “CalREN2-Phase2” – our access to Internet2 ( Faculty Advisor to Student ACM Club Former Director of the first K-12 Supercomputing Education Outreach program, the Supercomputing Teacher Enhancement Program (STEP)

27 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY The EdCenter’s Mission 27 The EdCenter’s Mission is to foster the incorporation of high performance research tools for scientific investigation into the undergraduate curriculum to better prepare learners for post- baccalaureate activities where collaborative, interdisciplinary teams, sophisticated computer tools, and effective communication are used in research and problem solving.

28 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY The EdCenter is Part of the ‘Education, Outreach, and Training’ Thrust of NPACI The mission of EOT-PACI is to develop human resources through the innovative use of emerging information technologies in order to understand and solve problems in education, science, business, government, and society.

29 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY EdCenter Students and Staff Kirsten Barber, Lead Programmer, CS graduate Melody Hoolihan, Office Manager Over 20 students hired during past 4 years, mostly undergraduates –

30 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY How does the Fellows Program Work? Kris Stewart contacts College Deans and Department Chairs in the summer to identify potential Fellows Release time provided equivalent to 1/4 time (1 course) Bi-weekly hour-long meetings - ‘synergy sessions’

31 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY Synergy Sessions Expose Faculty to: NPACI/NCSA/Alliance Resources Cal IT2, HPWREN, Internet 2, Access Grid, EOT-PACI Eachother’s projects, experiences, funding efforts, brainstorms, interests

32 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY Resources to Promote Access & Inclusion Goal: Increase participation and success of women, minorities and people with disabilities in CS&E and in PACI Universal design and disability access CDC Coalition to Diversify Computing GirlTECH Spend a Summer with a Scientist

33 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY The TRACE Center An NPACI Parther Universal Accessibility To prevent the barriers and capitalize on the opportunities presented by current and emerging information and telecommunication technologies, in order to create a world that is as accessible and usable as possible for as many people as possible.

34 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY Network Traffic Analysis IEC - Internet Engineering Curriculum Repository

35 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY Internet 2


37 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY Projects From Past Fellowships

38 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY 2001 Fellow Tom Impelluso Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering Students run physics simulations on SDSC Cray T3E

39 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY 2001 Fellow Kathleen McGuire Dept. of Biology, College of Sciences Incorporate the Biology WorkBench into undergraduate Molecular Biology course

40 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY 2001 Fellow Christina Tague Dept. of Geography, College of Arts and Letters Student-Friendly GUI to Ecological Hydrology Model RHESSYss Java Swing interface to OpenDX/RHESSYss Spatial Organization of Hydro- Ecological Interactions

41 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY physically-based spatially distributed hydro-geo-ecologic GIS framework RHESSys

42 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY Time Series Output

43 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY Spatial Output

44 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY RHESyss Visualization in OpenDX


46 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY 2001 Fellow Fred Kolkhorst Department of Exercise and Nutritional Science, College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts Use the NPACI EdCenter’s own Sociology WorkBench to assess student attitudes towards inquiry-based learning in exercise physiology lab

47 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY 2001 Fellow Kathy Williams Dept. of Biology, College of Sciences NSF Funded (DUE-9952816) effort to provide High-Speed Wireless (45 Mb/sec) to stream field data into the classroom and lab Model Prototype: SDSU’s Santa Margarita Ecological Reserve SDSU, SDSC, HPWREN collaboration

48 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY 2001 Fellow Eric Frost Department of Geological Sciences, College of Sciences Cal-IT2, Larry Smarr, High -speed wireless seismological sensor technology distributed statewide

49 EDUCAUSE 2001 - AN EDU ODYSSEY Contact Us Kris Stewart, Director Jeff Sale

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