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1 A Christian Aid secondary assembly THAT’S NOT FAIR!

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Presentation on theme: "1 A Christian Aid secondary assembly THAT’S NOT FAIR!"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 A Christian Aid secondary assembly THAT’S NOT FAIR!

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4 4 Click here to watch the Divine Fairtrade film clip!

5 5 Fairtrade facts One in every foursixeight bananas we eat in the UK is fairly traded. Image:

6 6 Fairtrade facts One in every four bananas we eat in the UK is fairly traded. Image:

7 7 Fairtrade facts We drink more than 6 million 8 million 10 million Fairtrade hot drinks a day. Image:

8 8 Fairtrade facts We drink more than 8 million Fairtrade hot drinks a day. Image:

9 9 Fairtrade facts Fairtrade cotton sales rose an astonishing 220%440%660% in 2007. Image: Fairtrade Foundation

10 10 Fairtrade facts Fairtrade cotton sales rose an astonishing 660% in 2007. Image: Fairtrade Foundation

11 11 Fairtrade facts British shoppers spent an estimated £369m £493m £602m on Fairtrade products in 2007.

12 12 Fairtrade facts British shoppers spent an estimated £493m on Fairtrade products in 2007.

13 13 THAT’S NOT FAIR!? Principles of Fairtrade: Dialogue Transparency Respect

14 14 Fairtrade Fortnight

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