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Color Vision Topic 2: History of Color Vision. About the Author Professor: Cambridge President: International Color Vision Society (ICVS) Research interests.

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Presentation on theme: "Color Vision Topic 2: History of Color Vision. About the Author Professor: Cambridge President: International Color Vision Society (ICVS) Research interests."— Presentation transcript:

1 Color Vision Topic 2: History of Color Vision

2 About the Author Professor: Cambridge President: International Color Vision Society (ICVS) Research interests visual perception of colour, motion, form and depth genetic basis for individual variations in perception nature of the information carried by the cerebral bus history of neuroscience and of colour theory

3 A few terminologies Visible spectrum Trichromacy: Color mixture Color matching Color constancy

4 Electromagnetic Spectrum


6 Visible Spectrum

7 Light Behavior & Color

8 Absorb and Reflect

9 Additive & Subtractive Color Mixture Additive – the wavelengths add to each other! More light reflected! Subtractive mixture – paints, ink or color filter More light absorbed, so less reflected!

10 Additive & Subtractive Color Mixture

11 Color Matching Red (700 nm) Green (546 nm) Blue (436 nm) rR + gG + bB  mM Trichromacy: Given three different colored lights of variable intensities, it is possible to mix them so as to match any other test light of any color. Test fieldMatching field

12 Chromatic Discrimination


14 Color Constancy perceived color of objects remains relatively constant under varying illumination conditions

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