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A First Grade STEM Project

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1 A First Grade STEM Project
The Three Little Pigs A First Grade STEM Project

2 A habitat is the home of a living thing.
Habitats A habitat is the home of a living thing. A living thing depends on its habitat for its food, water, and shelter.

3 Do you know the story of the Three Little Pigs?
Well you may not have heard this version!

4 Your Challenge In groups, you will build a house for one of the pigs.
We will test each group’s house by allowing the Big Bad Wolf to blow on the house.

5 What is the Engineering Design Process?
Ask Imagine Plan Create Improve

6 What materials may we use?
Legos Lincoln Logs Craft Sticks Tape K’Nex Cardboard Paper Ask if you think of something else you need. Plastic pigs and Big Bad Wolf blower

7 Pig House Standards A Great House- doesn’t fall down, pig stays still
An Okay House- doesn’t fall down but pig moves inside house A Not So Good House- falls downs, pig gets squished or flies away

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