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Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy

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1 Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy
In The Name of GOD An Introduction to: Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy Nanophotonics Course Research Dr S.M.Hamidi Mohammad Reza Sharifimehr Laser and Plasma Research Institute-SBU April 23,2013. LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 1/36

2 Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy
Outline An Introduction to Microscopy Classes A brief history of TPA Nature of Two-Photon Absorption (TPA) Difference between TPA and SHG Comparison of Two-Photon Absorption and One-Photon Absorption The order of required intensity for Two-Photon Excitation (TPE) Design of a Two-Photon Microscope Conventional Confocal and Two-Photon light microscopy Advantages and Disadvantages of TPA Recent TPA applications LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 2/36

3 An Example of Microscopy
Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of pollen LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 3/36

4 Microscopy classes Microscopy techniques has developed since 1590!
18th century microscopes LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 4/36

5 Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy
Microscopy classes Microscopes can be separated into several different classes. One grouping is based on what interacts with the sample to generate the image Microscopy Optical (Photon) Microscopy (EM wave interaction with sample) Electron Microscopy (Electron wave interaction with sample) Scanning probe Microscopy (force, voltage, current, … measurement, using a cantilever) Other types Common techniques LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 5/36

6 Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy
Microscopy classes Optical (Photon) Microscopy (EM wave interaction with sample) White Light Microscopy Fluorescence Microscopy Dark field microscopy Electron Microscopy Bright field microscopy (Electron wave interaction with sample) Polarized light microscopy Phase contrast microscopy Dispersion staining microscopy Microscopy Scanning probe Microscopy Oblique illumination microscopy (force, voltage, current, … measurement, using a cantilever) Other types Confocal microscopy Two-photon excitation microscopy Light sheet fluorescence microscopy Common techniques LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 6/36

7 Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy
Microscopy classes Optical (Photon) Microscopy (EM wave interaction with sample) Electron Microscopy Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) (Electron wave interaction with sample) Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Dark Field Microscopy Microscopy Scanning probe Microscopy (force, voltage, current, … measurement, using a cantilever) Other types Common techniques LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 7/36

8 Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy
Microscopy classes Optical (Photon) Microscopy (EM wave interaction with sample) Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) Electrostatic Force Microscopy (EFM) Electron Microscopy Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) (Electron wave interaction with sample) Scanning Thermal Microscopy (SThM) Scanning Capacitance Microscopy (SCM) Microscopy Scanning probe Microscopy Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy (SNOM) Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy (NSOM) (force, voltage, current, … measurement, using a cantilever) Other types Common techniques LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 8/36

9 Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy
Microscopy classes Optical (Photon) Microscopy (EM wave interaction with sample) Electron Microscopy (Electron wave interaction with sample) Microscopy Scanning probe Microscopy (force, voltage, current, … measurement, using a cantilever) Other types X-ray microscopy Scanning acoustic microscopes Ultrasonic Force Microscopy (UFM) Common techniques digital holographic microscopy (DHM) LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 9/36

10 Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy
Microscopy classes Optical (Photon) Microscopy (EM wave interaction with sample) Electron Microscopy (Electron wave interaction with sample) Microscopy Scanning probe Microscopy (force, voltage, current, … measurement, using a cantilever) Other types Microscope Image Processing Digital Microscopy (CCD+Microscope) Multifocal Plane Microscopy (Multiplane Microscopy) Common techniques LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 10/36

11 An Example of Fluorescence Microscopy
The microtubules are red DNA is stained blue A protein called INCENP is green LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 11/36

12 An Example of Fluorescence Microscopy
+ fluorescent imaging of the human cancer cell LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 12/36

13 Fluorescence Microscopy
Schematic of a fluorescence microscope LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 13/36

14 A brief history of Two-photon fluorescence light microscopy:
1929 Maria Goppert -Mayer- Theoretical basis of two-photon excitation was established 1963 Kaiser and Garret - two-photon excitation was verified experimentally 1990 Denk et al. - The invention of two-photon fluorescence light microscopy Theory --> Experiment --> Application LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 14/36

15 A brief history of Two-photon fluorescence light microscopy:
Milestones relevant to the development of two-photon microscopy LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 15/36

16 Two-Photon Absorption and Fluorescence Definition
The familiar one-photon fluorescence process involves exciting a fluorophore from the electronic ground state to an excited state by a single photon. This process typically requires photons in the ultraviolet or blue/green spectral range. However, the same excitation process can be generated by the simultaneous absorption of two less energetic photons (typically in the infrared spectral range) under sufficiently intense laser illumination. This nonlinear process can occur if the sum of the energies of the two photons is greater than the energy gap between the molecule’s ground and excited states. Under sufficiently intense excitation, three-photon and higher-photon excitation is also possible and deep UV microscopy based on these processes has been developed. LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 16/36

17 Two Photon Absorption (TPA) Process
Jablonski diagram of one-photon (a) and two-photon (b) excitation, which occurs as fluorophores are excited from the ground state to the first electronic states. One-photon excitation occurs through the absorption of a single photon. Two-photon excitation occurs through the absorption of two lower-energy photons via short-lived intermediate states. After either excitation process, the fluorophore relaxes to the lowest energy level of the first excited electronic states via vibrational processes. The subsequent fluorescence emission process for both relaxation modes is the same. LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 17/36

18 Difference between TPA and SHG
Two-Photon Excitation (TPE) is different from SHG, because in SHG the optical output is fixed at 2ω and is a very sharp line at 2ω, related to the line width only of the fundamental at frequency ω. In the TPE, ω3 is a higher frequency compared to either ω1 or ω2, but it is not 2ω1, 2ω2, or ω1 + ω2. In most cases, ω3 < (ω1+ ω2). LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 18/36

19 Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy
TPA Equations LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 19/36

20 Two (Multi)-Photon Absorption versus One-Photon Absorption
One-photon and two-photon excitation are fundamentally different quantum-mechanical processes and have very different selection rules. A fluorophore that is one-photon active at wavelength λ can often be excited by two photons of twice the wavelength (2λ). A fluorophore’s emission spectrum, is independent of the excitation mechanism, since the molecule relaxes to the same excited state through vibrational mechanisms before emission. A fluorophore’s two-photon excitation spectrum scaled to half the wavelength is typically not equivalent to its one-photon excitation spectrum. Further, fluorophores designed for one-photon excitation are not necessarily optimized for good two-photon absorption characteristics (such as σ). LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 20/36

21 Two (Multi)-Photon Absorption versus One-Photon Absorption
Comparison of one-photon (broken lines) and three-photon (solid lines) fluorescence excitation LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 21/36

22 Other differences between one-photon and two-photon excitation
For a spatially uniform specimen, fluorescence signals are generated equally from each z-section above and below the focal plane for one-photon excitation. In contrast, over 80% of the total fluorescence signal can be confined to a region 1µm thick about the focal point using two-photon excitation. This property is a base for depth discrimination. A demonstration of the localization of two-photon excitation volume LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 22/36

23 Two Photon Absorption (TPA) Process
Question: What’s the order of required intensity for two-photon excitation? Answer: A high-radiance light source on the order of is required for efficient two-photon excitation. High repetition rate (100 MHz), ultrafast (femtosecond or picosecond pulse widths) lasers, such as titanium–sapphire and Nd:YLF lasers, are the most widely used light sources. LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 23/36

24 Confocal versus Two-Photon Light Microscopy
Conventional Light microscope --> Confocal Microscopy (1960s) --> Two-Photon Microscopy (1990s) --> 3D Imaging Confocal microscopy is a technique very similar to two-photon microscopy. The resolution of a microscope system scales inversely with the wavelength of light used. For a given fluorophore, two-photon excitation requires the use of excitation at twice the one-photon wavelength, resulting in approximately half the resolution. Two-photon excitation wavelengths are typically about twice the one-photon excitation wavelengths. This wide separation between excitation and emission spectrum ensures that the excitation light and the Raman scattering can be rejected while filtering out a minimum of fluorescence photons. Near-infrared radiation used in two-photon excitation has orders of magnitude less absorption in biological specimens than UV or blue-green light. The attenuation of excitation light from scattering is also reduced, as the scattering cross-section decreases with increasing wavelength. LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 24/36

25 Confocal versus Two-Photon Light Microscopy
Compared with confocal microscopy operating in the UV or blue-green excitation wavelengths, two-photon microscopy minimizes photobleaching and photodamage. The reduction in the photodamage volume results in a dramatic increase in viability of biological specimens. Confocal microscopy obtains 3D resolution by limiting the observation volume, whereas two-photon microscopy limits the excitation volume. The reduction in the photodamage volume results in a dramatic increase in viability of biological specimens. LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 25/36

26 Typical two-photon microscopy design
Galvo Mirrors ? Barrier filter A schematic drawing of typical components in a two-photon microscope. This system typically consists of a high-peak-power pulsed laser, a high-throughput scanning microscope and high-sensitivity detection circuitry. LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 26/36

27 TPA Imaging Disadvantages
A critical component in a two-photon microscope is its light source and very kind of light sources can’t be use in this method. A High-sensitivity detection electronics, such as single-photon counting circuitry, is needed to ensure maximal detection efficiency. Photodamage maybe caused by dielectric breakdown, resulting from the intense electromagnetic field of the femtosecond laser pulses. LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 27/36

28 Concept --> Experiment --> Application
My Experiment Concept --> Experiment --> Application My Experiment LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 35/36

29 Typical two-photon microscopy-Image Construction
3D Images are constructed by raster scanning the fluorescent volume in three dimensions using a galvanometer driven x–y scanner and a piezo-objective z-driver. A two-photon laser-scanning fluorescence microscopy 3D image of sulphorhodamine-stained human epidermis in vitro. A voxelgram generated from a two-photon image stack of a GFP-labeled cortical pyramidal neuron. LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 28/36

30 Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy
TPA microscopes Carl Zeiss (over 160 years): Laser scanning microscope for multiphoton imaging LSM 710 NLO & LSM 780 NLO LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 29/36

31 TPA microscopes scanning microscope for multiphoton imaging Movie 1
LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 29/36

32 Recent TPA Application
- High-speed 3D printing - Two-Photon Microscopy for 4D Imaging of Living Neurons - 3D Photonic crystals Fabrication using Two-Photon lithography - Single Molecule Detection LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 30/36

33 Recent TPA Application
Two-Photon Microscopy for 4D Imaging of Living Neurons Movies 2 LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 31/36

34 Recent TPA Application
3D Photonic crystals Fabrication using Two-Photon lithography Tightly focused in a photosensitive material, femtosecond laser pulses initiate two-photon polymerization and produce structures with a resolution down to 200 nm. SEM image of a photonic crystal fabricated by two-photon lithography. From Cumpston et al. (1999) SEM image of structures produced by two-photon polymerization of Deso-Bond A resolution of ~200 nm was achieved. LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 31/36

35 Recent TPA Application
High-speed 3D printing of tiny objects: A race car model no larger than a grain of sand, created using the new high-speed two-photon lithography process A model of St. Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna, created using the new high-speed two-photon lithography process A model of London's Tower Bridge, created using the new high-speed two-photon lithography process LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 32/36

36 Recent TPA Application
Single Molecule Detection Single Molecules and Nanotechnology- R. Rigler-2008, Springer: Single emitting molecules are currently providing a new window into nanoscale systems ranging from biology to materials science. The amount of information that can be extracted from each single molecule depends upon the specific photophysical properties of the fluorophore and how these properties are affected by the nearby environment. Two-Photon Fluorescence scanning confocal image of single DCDHF-6 molecules in a PMMA film. LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 33/36

37 Recent TPA Application
Single-molecule spectroscopy has two requirements: 1-There is only one molecule present in the volume probed by the light source. This condition is met by using appropriate dilution together with microscopic techniques to probe a small volume. 2-The signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio for the single-molecule signal is sufficiently greater than unity for a reasonable averaging time to provide adequate sensitivity. For this purpose, large absorption cross sections, high photostability, operation below saturation of absorption, and (in the case of fluorescence detection) a high fluorescence quantum yield are needed. Fluorescence NSOM images of single molecules. LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 33/36

38 We need a powerful software for Image processing
References We need a powerful software for Image processing Movies 3 LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 34/36

39 Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy
References [1] Topics in Fluorescence Spectroscopy- Volume 5- Nonlinear and Two-Photon-Induced Fluorescence-Joseph R. Lakowicz-kluwer academic publishers [2] Two-Photon Fluorescence Light Microscopy-(2002),Peter TC So- ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES / & 2002 Macmillan Publishers Ltd, Nature Publishing Group [3] Single Molecules and Nanotechnology- R. Rigler-2008, Springer [4] Multiphoton Fluorescence Light Microscopy -15th June 2012, Konstantinos Palikaras-John Wiley & Sons, Ltd [5] Nanophotonics- Paras N. Prasad, 2004, John Wiley & Sons- Chapters 3, 9, 11 [6] Properties of single organic molecules on crystal surfaces, Peter Grütter, 2006-Imperial College Press [7] Nonlinear and Two-Photon-Induced Fluorescence, JOSEPH R. LAKOWICZ, 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers [8] Photophysics of Molecular Materials, Guglielmo Lanzani, 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH [9] Photonics, Ralf Menzel, 2006 Springer [10] Nonlinear Optics, second edition, Robert W..Boyd, 2003 LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 34/36

40 There is a big difference between knowing and understanding.
For example, you can “know” the sky is blue but “understanding” why it’s blue is so much more important. Thanks LAPRI-SBU Two-Photon fluorescence Light Microscopy M.R.Sharifimehr 36/36

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