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Criminal Courts by Lisa Incledon. Key Feature of Criminal Trials Criminal offences are offences against the state or society as a whole. Therefore the.

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Presentation on theme: "Criminal Courts by Lisa Incledon. Key Feature of Criminal Trials Criminal offences are offences against the state or society as a whole. Therefore the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Criminal Courts by Lisa Incledon

2 Key Feature of Criminal Trials Criminal offences are offences against the state or society as a whole. Therefore the state prosecutes – not the victim. The police investigate the crime and Crown Prosecution Service prosecute.

3 Criminal trials The parties in a criminal trial are referred to as: The prosecution The defendant The Prosecution must prove their case beyond all reasonable doubt.

4 Criminal Procedure Rules 2005 Overriding objective: dealing with cases justly. Courts should actively manage cases. Lawyers should co-operate with this process.

5 Categories of Criminal Offence What are the three categories of criminal offences? What are the differences between them? Give some examples of each category.

6 Magistrates’ Courts There are around 430 Magistrates’ Courts in England and Wales. List all the work that Magistrates’ Courts do.

7 Preliminary Hearings in the Magistrates’ Court Triable-either-way offences Mode of trial proceedings Committal proceedings if they are to be tried in the Crown Court Indictable offences Sending defendants for trial in the Crown Court

8 Trials in the Magistrates’ Court What do the Magistrates’ decide? Maximum sentence in the Magistrates’ Court: 6 months imprisonment and/or £5,000 fine For 2 triable-either-way – 12months Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 - £50,000 fine

9 Sentencing by the Magistrates What can the Magistrates’ Court do if they think an either-way offence requires more severe sentencing? Sentences in the Youth Court: Detention and Training Orders Fines Supervision Orders Community Orders

10 Crown Court Crown Court Centres are divided into three tiers depending on seriousness: First – can try all indictable categories Second – can try all indictable categories Third – usually do not try the most serious cases Which judges are found at each tier? Maximum sentence in the Crown Court?

11 Criminal Appeals If a party appeals against the decision of a trial court they are then termed the ‘appellant’ and the other side is the ‘respondent’. What are the routes of appeal from both the Magistrates’ Court and Crown Court?

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