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Global Warming: Ice Caps and sea By Hugh and Joel.

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1 Global Warming: Ice Caps and sea By Hugh and Joel

2 What is Global Warming? Global Warming is the effect of the greenhouse gasses that are floating in the air due to human activities; such as deforestation, the burning of fossil fuels and just everyday car gas polluting the air. This has caused the Earths temperature to rise by 0.8 degrees Celsius since the early 20 th century. This causes the sea to rise and the ice caps to melt at a rapid rate. In times to come flat countries such as Tonga, Samoa and other Pacific Islands could be totally submerged in water. Heavy rainfalls, heat waves and glaciers melting also could occur somewhere along the line. This is a picture of a melting glacier WE DONT WANT THIS TO HAPPEN!!!

3 G.W.I.C.A.S. G.W.I.C.A.S. stands for Global Warming: Ice Caps and Sea. This is the part of Global Warming we are officially studying. Ice Caps are probably the largest source of fresh water, the water we drink. So if they were to melt and our rivers over flow, then what would we drink? We must try to stop Global Warming by walking places if possible. You may think that that won’t make a difference. But it might if the whole world tried, wouldn’t it. The sea is rising fast and by 2200 more than a quarter of the world’s countries could by vastly under water. Not only that but many species of animals could become extinct in the process. This could mean that animals and humans alike could come flowing into other countries and over-populate smaller countries and many people would have to live on the streets. Riots could spread out and many people would use guns, and we don’t want that to happen. Some countries have already started to build enormous submarines for whole countries to fit in.

4 Ice Caps The Arctic Ice Caps have the strongest warming in the whole world and melt very quickly. The warming at some points can be so strong that in one year they melt at 0.2 metres, which (below right) was as much as the warming was in 1920 for 30 years! But usually, if a heat wave such as this occurs, then the wind would become colder than usual and melt at a slower rate. In addition to that, if the Ice Caps melt, water takes its place and fills the world with more water, therefore over flowing countries and islands. This chart shows the rate that the Ice Caps are melting in metres, per 30 years. See how much it has risen from 1920 – 2010.

5 The Sea The Sea takes up around 73% of the whole world. And due to Global Warming, that could rise. The Sea is rising quickly and will continue to rise if somebody doesn’t promote the fact. 3.3 millimetres that it rises by per year is HUGE! That is rising so fast, that by 2300 the whole ocean would have been raised by 9.5 centimetres!!! This chart shows around how high it was rising at that time. See how high its rising today! Over 3 millimetres per year!!

6 We Need To STOP! Global Warming is ruining our world and if we don’t stop then the world could become under water like this background. And if this doesn’t happen, the atmosphere would be to hot to live in. So if stop polluting the water and the air and littering in general, then we can create a much better future for our world. This will happen to the world This has happened to the world!

7 THANKS FOR WATCHING!!! Made by these 2: Not this guy!! Hope you never litter again!!!

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