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Presented to: Certified Flight Instructors By: National FAASTeam CFI Workshop group Date: April 1, 2011 Federal Aviation Administration IACRA Integrated.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented to: Certified Flight Instructors By: National FAASTeam CFI Workshop group Date: April 1, 2011 Federal Aviation Administration IACRA Integrated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented to: Certified Flight Instructors By: National FAASTeam CFI Workshop group Date: April 1, 2011 Federal Aviation Administration IACRA Integrated Airman Certification and/or Rating Application

2 Federal Aviation Administration 2 IACRA April 1, 2011 What is IACRA? IACRA stands for “Integrated Airman Certificate and/or Rating Application”. It is a paperless, web-based system that replaces the need for the Airman Application Form 8710-1. IACRA processes applications for airman certification via the web.

3 Federal Aviation Administration 3 IACRA April 1, 2011 Why Use IACRA? It is designed to reduce errors in the certification process. IACRA automatically ensures applicants meet regulatory and policy requirements through business rules and data validation. Upon satisfactory completion of a practical test, IACRA will print out the temporary certificate.

4 Federal Aviation Administration 4 IACRA April 1, 2011 Why Use IACRA? (cont’d) It implements use of digital signatures throughout the certification process. IACRA automatically forwards your 8710-1 application and your test results to the Airman Registry. No paper documents are sent to the Registry! “Nothing to get lost in the mail”

5 Federal Aviation Administration 5 IACRA April 1, 2011 How do I use IACRA? (cont’d) To set up an account, go to the IACRA homepage at: and click on “Register”. Chose the role that you are registering for: - “applicant” or “recommending instructor” - fill in the required personal information

6 Federal Aviation Administration 6 IACRA April 1, 2011 How do I use IACRA? There are three individuals involved in most checkrides: 1.The applicant 2.The Recommending Instructor 3.The Examiner All three must have an account set up in IACRA

7 Federal Aviation Administration 7 IACRA April 1, 2011 IACRA Roles Role Description ApplicantAny person applying for an airman certification Recommending Instructor (RI) Any person who is authorized to instruct applicants and considers them ready to take a practical test Designated Examiner A person designated by the FAA to conduct practical test and issue airman certificates

8 Federal Aviation Administration 8 IACRA April 1, 2011 How to assign roles in IACRA? Note that each role is accompanied with the following: FTN number: A4403549 Login: jpilot Password: * * * * * * * * The “FTN” (FAA Tracking Number) is the identification number that is permanently assigned to each airman that registers on IACRA.

9 Federal Aviation Administration 9 IACRA April 1, 2011 IACRA is not just for Pilots! IACRA can also be used for the issuance and renewal of an Inspection Authorization – IA and the issuance of the following certificates: Repairman – Experimental Aircraft Builder Repairman – Light Sport Aircraft - Inspection - Maintenance

10 Federal Aviation Administration 10 IACRA April 1, 2011 Still not sure about using IACRA? Try out the “IACRA Training Site” Designed to lead you step by step Downloadable instruction manuals Allows those new to IACRA the ability to practice without fear of “messing up”

11 Federal Aviation Administration 11 IACRA April 1, 2011

12 Federal Aviation Administration 12 IACRA April 1, 2011 IACRA Questions!

13 Federal Aviation Administration 13 IACRA April 1, 2011 General Tips Have your flight times calculated before starting the application. If you received your training at a 141 flight school or 142 training center, you will need the schools 4 digit alphanumeric designator code before you start. Read the instructions that appear on each screen carefully before continuing. If in doubt, use the Help button found on each screen.

14 Federal Aviation Administration 14 IACRA April 1, 2011 FAASTeam CFI Workshop 3 Module 3, Core Topic #5 Questions? Comments? Ideas? Quiz time ~

15 Federal Aviation Administration 15 IACRA April 1, 2011 FAASTeam CFI Workshop 3 1.Your individual FTN refers to : a. Flight training number b. FAASTeam number c. FAA tracking number d. Flight school training number

16 Federal Aviation Administration 16 IACRA April 1, 2011 FAASTeam CFI Workshop 3 2. What is a designation code ? a. 4-digit alpha-numeric code that identifies a flight school. b. The 6-digit code used to identify the pilot examiner. c. The student’s assigned log-in number. d. The Flight Standards District in which the application is made.

17 Federal Aviation Administration 17 IACRA April 1, 2011 FAASTeam CFI Workshop 3 3.True or False; The 4-digit alphanumeric code that identifies a flight school is called a “log number”.

18 Federal Aviation Administration 18 IACRA April 1, 2011 FAASTeam CFI Workshop 3 4.I am a pilot and a certificated mechanic. Can I utilize the IACRA process to apply for my IA, Inspection Authorization Rating ?

19 Federal Aviation Administration 19 IACRA April 1, 2011 FAASTeam CFI Workshop 3 5.Submissions for certification using IACRA are automatically edited for errors during the creation of the document and are less likely to be returned and delayed because of errors. True or False ?

20 Federal Aviation Administration 20 IACRA April 1, 2011 FAASTeam CFI Workshop 3 1.Your individual FTN refers to : a. Flight training number b. FAASTeam number c. FAA tracking number d. Flight school training number c. “FAA Tracking Number” – IACRA Instructions

21 Federal Aviation Administration 21 IACRA April 1, 2011 FAASTeam CFI Workshop 3 2. What is a designation code ? a. 4-digit alpha-numeric code that identifies a flight school. b. The 6-digit code used to identify the pilot examiner. c. The student’s assigned log-in number. d. The Flight Standards District in which the application is made. a. “Flight School Number” – IACRA Instructions

22 Federal Aviation Administration 22 IACRA April 1, 2011 FAASTeam CFI Workshop 3 3.True or False; The 4-digit alphanumeric code that identifies a flight school is called a “log number”. “False”, its called a “designation code” – IACRA instructions.

23 Federal Aviation Administration 23 IACRA April 1, 2011 FAASTeam CFI Workshop 3 4.I am a pilot and a certificated mechanic. Can I utilize the IACRA process to apply for my IA, Inspection Authorization Rating ? “Yes”, by using the on-line IACRA program and instruction manual.

24 Federal Aviation Administration 24 IACRA April 1, 2011 FAASTeam CFI Workshop 3 5.Submissions for certification using IACRA are automatically edited for errors during the creation of the document and are less likely to be returned and delayed because of errors. True or False ? “True”, the system will not accept incorrect entries.

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