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+ Wyoming Summit on Community Colleges September 18, 2012 Carol G. Puryear, Tennessee Board of Regents, Tennessee Technology Centers.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Wyoming Summit on Community Colleges September 18, 2012 Carol G. Puryear, Tennessee Board of Regents, Tennessee Technology Centers."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Wyoming Summit on Community Colleges September 18, 2012 Carol G. Puryear, Tennessee Board of Regents, Tennessee Technology Centers

2 + Who Are We? Part of the Tennessee Board of Regents TTCs- 27 Institutions serving approximately 30,000

3 + High Completion Rates 70-75% Average Statewide Completion Rate 75-80% Average Placement Rate

4 + A review of IPEDS data reveals that of 1,145 two-year, public postsecondary institutions in U.S., only 105 (about 9 percent) can report an average ― 150 percent of time graduation rate above 50% for the last five years. All twenty-seven Technology Centers are included in that group; during those five years the Technology Centers averaged above 70% completion. Complete College America-A Working Model for Student Success--- Tennessee Technology Centers

5 + Why such high completion rates? Competency-based, Self-paced learning model Highly involved Students Services Contextualized Foundation Skills Program Structure

6 + Not Burger King TTC students choose their program, their full time or part time status and the rest is done. Focus is on completion and placement

7 + Program Structure Students register for a program not classes Student Catalog Average size catalog for TTC 50-75 pages maximum Policies and Procedures Course listing Exit Points

8 + Program Structure (cont.) Students know the schedule prior to registration Begin date End date if full time or part time Approximate cost Jobs available Instructors

9 + Scheduling Full time students attend 30 hours a week Set time for technology foundations Three even terms of 72 days-no summer break Competency based 20-22 students max per class-one faculty Lecture and Hands On

10 + Attention Texas State Technical Colleges Ivy Tech Community Colleges National Public Radio Chronicle of Higher Education Community College Weekly American Radio Works New York Times

11 + Bill and Melinda Gates “Helping Students Beat the Odds” presentation/panel Visit by Bill and Melinda Gates to the TTC Nashville Champions of Change at the White House Complete College America-Nashville CCA Content Expert- Denver Utah Washington Monthly panel discussion, “A Jobs Bill That Can Pass: Community College Reform.” Pathways to Prosperity Project at the Harvard Graduate School of Education

12 + Tennessee Community Colleges Participation in a LUMINA Grant Developed the Tennessee Transfer Pathway Increasing articulation agreements with the TTCs "Fast Track" programs Using Prior Learning Credits Changing Developmental Classes

13 + Wyoming Summit on Community Colleges September 18, 2012 Carol G. Puryear, Tennessee Board of Regents, Tennessee Technology Centers

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