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Steve Parker LAT, ATC, MA.  Pro Soccer  Pro Tennis  High School  College  PT Clinic Owner/Manager  Clinic Operations Manager/ Texas  LAT Outreach.

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Presentation on theme: "Steve Parker LAT, ATC, MA.  Pro Soccer  Pro Tennis  High School  College  PT Clinic Owner/Manager  Clinic Operations Manager/ Texas  LAT Outreach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steve Parker LAT, ATC, MA

2  Pro Soccer  Pro Tennis  High School  College  PT Clinic Owner/Manager  Clinic Operations Manager/ Texas  LAT Outreach Program

3  Proprioception  Ham Weakness  Jumping and Landing  Cutting  Abdominals  Specific Sport Drills

4  ACL Prevention

5  Tip Drill  3 Man Weave  Single Leg Passing  Ham Curl with ball

6  Single Leg Passing  Blocking at Net(landing)  Cutting for Dig  Ham curl with Ball

7  Cutting/ running bases  Fly balls for jumping and landing  Single leg throwing and catching  Russian Ham

8  Single Leg Passing  Cutting to goal  Jumping for ball  Russian Ham

9  Single legged volleys at net  Overhead shot jumping  Cutting side to side on baseline  Russian Ham

10  Depending on position/ Coaches love new drills  Skilled  Single legged passes  Oskie drill  Cutting around dummy  Russian Ham/ Bridges on Ball  Teach the coaches and players correct mechanics

11  Use your imagination  Keys to success  Routine/ Before every practice and game  Proper Biomechanics/ Sell program to coaches and let them make it their own

12  SI Dysfunction  Piriformis Syndrome  Avulsion of ASIS  Osteitis Pubis

13  Check with ham pull or Hip flexor pull  PSIS pain but not always

14  Sciatic pain- Ischial Tuberosity  Figure four stretch  Look for leg length difference/ externally rotated foot-longer leg  Ice, stretching, sit upon pillow, innersole

15  Palpate ASIS for divot and pain  Girls- usually overuse  Boys- usually trauma  Hip Spica wrap helps with ambulating  PREs to pain tolerance

16  Pain centered posterior to genitalia and anterior to anus  High adductor and lower abdominal pain  Ice, stim, rest, PREs as pain tolerates  Can last forever if not addressed  Surgery if debilitating  Xray or MRI for proper diagnosis

17  Give coaches principle mechanics and let them design drills  Have your own exercises to help them out  Acknowledge that practice time is precious but if one injury can be prevented it can save a season or a job  Make sure the exercises become a habit

18  Concussion info for parents and coaches  articles and videos

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