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Animal Sciences The Ohio State University Room 110 Animal Science Building 2029 Fyffe Road Columbus, OH 43210

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1 Animal Sciences The Ohio State University Room 110 Animal Science Building 2029 Fyffe Road Columbus, OH 43210

2 Mission of the Undergraduate Program The mission of the Animal Sciences undergraduate program is to educate qualified and motivated students in the animal sciences so they are equipped to gain entrance into and succeed in areas related to animal agricultureThe mission of the Animal Sciences undergraduate program is to educate qualified and motivated students in the animal sciences so they are equipped to gain entrance into and succeed in areas related to animal agriculture

3 Philosophy of Teaching The curriculum is designed to instill knowledge of, and to discover interrelationships between mathematics, statistics, and the physical, chemical, biological, social, and environmental sciences as related to animal production and well-being, and products of animal originThe curriculum is designed to instill knowledge of, and to discover interrelationships between mathematics, statistics, and the physical, chemical, biological, social, and environmental sciences as related to animal production and well-being, and products of animal origin

4 Philosophy of Teaching The curriculum gives students a basic framework for lifelong learning and personal development, opportunities for critical thinking and debate, an international awareness, and acquaintance with ethical conduct in business, research, and animal or product handlingThe curriculum gives students a basic framework for lifelong learning and personal development, opportunities for critical thinking and debate, an international awareness, and acquaintance with ethical conduct in business, research, and animal or product handling

5 What is Animal Sciences? Species to StudySpecies to Study DisciplinesDisciplines Course RequirementsCourse Requirements InternshipsInternships Honors ProgramsHonors Programs ScholarshipsScholarships ClubsClubs CareersCareers Life Sciences MinorLife Sciences Minor

6 What Puts the “Animal” in Animal Sciences? Beef CattleBeef Cattle Dairy CattleDairy Cattle HorsesHorses TurkeysTurkeys ChickensChickens SheepSheep SwineSwine Companion AnimalsCompanion Animals

7 Beef Cattle

8 Beef Products

9 Dairy Cattle

10 Dairy Products

11 Horses

12 Turkeys

13 Chickens

14 Poultry Products

15 Sheep

16 Sheep Products

17 Swine

18 Pork Products

19 What can you do as an animal scientist? Population and Molecular GeneticsPopulation and Molecular Genetics NutritionNutrition PhysiologyPhysiology Products / Food SafetyProducts / Food Safety Management / ProductionManagement / Production

20 Animal Sciences Major College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental SciencesCollege of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Bachelor of Science in AgricultureBachelor of Science in Agriculture Animal Sciences MajorAnimal Sciences Major

21 Internship Programs The primary purpose of an internship is to add value to the educational experience of studentsThe primary purpose of an internship is to add value to the educational experience of students An internship facilitates concrete experiences that encourage the link between theory and practiceAn internship facilitates concrete experiences that encourage the link between theory and practice

22 The Honors Program The agriculture honors program is designed to meet the needs of academically gifted studentsThe agriculture honors program is designed to meet the needs of academically gifted students The honors program is based on the concepts of flexibility in course selection, enrollment in challenging courses, and an honors projectThe honors program is based on the concepts of flexibility in course selection, enrollment in challenging courses, and an honors project

23 Student Clubs Buckeye Dairy ClubBuckeye Dairy Club Horsemen’s Association of OSUHorsemen’s Association of OSU Poultry Science ClubPoultry Science Club Saddle and Sirloin ClubSaddle and Sirloin Club

24 Co-Curricular Educational Programs Livestock selection and evaluation teamLivestock selection and evaluation team Equine selection and evaluation teamEquine selection and evaluation team Dairy cattle selection teamDairy cattle selection team Meats evaluation teamMeats evaluation team Poultry evaluation teamPoultry evaluation team Academic quadrathlonAcademic quadrathlon

25 Careers Animal pathologistAnimal pathologist Animal feed retailerAnimal feed retailer Animal geneticistAnimal geneticist Environmental TechnicianEnvironmental Technician Embryo transfer technicianEmbryo transfer technician Commercial livestock producerCommercial livestock producer Feed sales representativeFeed sales representative Meat inspectorMeat inspector Laboratory research scientistLaboratory research scientist Stockyards managerStockyards manager Chemical sales representativeChemical sales representative Breed association representativeBreed association representative Extension agent for 4-HExtension agent for 4-H Feedlot managerFeedlot manager Pharmaceutical sales representativePharmaceutical sales representative

26 Careers Agricultural extension service workerAgricultural extension service worker Animal science college professorAnimal science college professor Animal shelter managerAnimal shelter manager Artificial breeding technicianArtificial breeding technician Seedstock producerSeedstock producer Clinical laboratory technologists for animalsClinical laboratory technologists for animals Consultant for nutritional programsConsultant for nutritional programs Director of training and lessons for a horse farmDirector of training and lessons for a horse farm Environmental risk managerEnvironmental risk manager Equine farm managerEquine farm manager Farm consultantFarm consultant FarrierFarrier Feed mill processing managerFeed mill processing manager

27 Careers Guide Dogs for the Blind, Incorporated Licensed InstructorGuide Dogs for the Blind, Incorporated Licensed Instructor Human resource managerHuman resource manager Inspector for the Food and Drug AdministrationInspector for the Food and Drug Administration Insurance agent/broker for farmsInsurance agent/broker for farms Large animal trainer (horses)Large animal trainer (horses) VeterinarianVeterinarian Sire analystSire analyst Sire program consultantSire program consultant State inspector for dairyState inspector for dairy Teacher of agriculture in secondary schoolsTeacher of agriculture in secondary schools Waste management consultantWaste management consultant Wildlife biologistWildlife biologist

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