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Teaching and Coaching the Dart Play 24/25

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1 Teaching and Coaching the Dart Play 24/25
Loren Montgomery Jenks High School Offensive Line Coach

2 Reasons for running the Dart
We feel the Dart play allows us diversity in our spread running game It allows us to gain numbers by pulling a lineman We can use a defense’s aggressive tendency against them We can run play from either side of QB

3 Rules 24/25 We prefer to run our Dart play to the A gap side
Although we prefer to run it to the A gap player, it is necessary for us to be able to run it at a 3 technique Offensive lineman must recognize the front to in order to determine pulling lineman

4 Tight End Frontside- If TE is covered stretch Backside- Scoop
If tackle is uncovered, double with tackle to OLB Backside- Scoop

5 Tackles Tackles must first determine whether we have 3 man front
If front is not 3 man, backside tackle pulls for frontside LB Frontside tackle will either stretch base, or pass set the DE If frontside tackle is uncovered, he will zone combo with TE

6 Tackles Continued If backside tackle does not pull, he will scoop
The pulling tackle must be ready for a trap block with aggressive defenses The pulling tackle must be able to keep shoulders square to the LOS i.e. skip pull etc.

7 Guards Determine where A gap player is
Frontside guard will double A gap player to MLB to BSLB Backside guard will base man on In a three man front, backside guard pulls for frontside LB

8 Center Center will always double A gap player to MLB to BSLB
Center should identify which LB to work too He should also make QB aware of check situations

9 Running 24/25 to 3 technique Frontside Guard will base the 3 technique
Center and backside guard will still double A gap player to backside Tackle and TE will zone combo to OLB

10 24/25 Vs. 4-3 Defense

11 24/25 Vs. Eagle Front

12 24/25 Vs. 3-3 Stack (Bluff)

13 24/25 vs. 4-4

14 24/25 to the 3 technique

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