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SE 5145 – eXtensible Markup Language (XML ) XSLT - (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) 2011-12/Spring, Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul.

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Presentation on theme: "SE 5145 – eXtensible Markup Language (XML ) XSLT - (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) 2011-12/Spring, Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul."— Presentation transcript:

1 SE 5145 – eXtensible Markup Language (XML ) XSLT - (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) 2011-12/Spring, Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul

2 2nd Assignment: CV Preparing an XML/XSLT Resume Redesign your own resume as an XML document including at least five sections («education», «employment history», «social skills», «technical skills», «accomplishments», etc.) As you design your XML file, think about items that would be of more interest to a management reader and other items that would be of more interest to a technical reader. For example, a management reader might be more interested in your «social skills» while a technical reader would be more interested in «technical skills». Create a Document Type Definition (DTD) file resume.dtd specifying the content of your resume. Now create two stylesheets, manager.xsl and technical.xsl, which display the manager and technical "views" respectively. There will be some overlap (both classes of reader would want to know your name!) but there should be several differences as well. How to Submit Pay attention to naming your files: Keep your files under /Name.Surname/Assignment2 and send me one unique archived RAR file: Name.Surname.Assignment2.rar Submit only SOFT COPY by uploading to till due date: Next lesson (2 weeks later) Randomly selected students will be asked to present the solutions on the due date 2

3 3 Remember the Styling.. Your first XML file Associating an XML file with a CSS stylesheet Styling XML tags with CSS Working with XML and CSS2

4 4 Associating an XML file with a CSS stylesheet CSS: FirstTag { display : block; font-family : Arial; font-size : large; color : Blue; } XML Updated: This is our first XML file

5 5 Styling XML tags with CSS businesscard_nostyle.xml businesscard.css businesscard_style.xml ( ) CSS does not allow to display labels, but CSS2 does.

6 6 Working with XML and CSS2 businesscard_CSS2.css email:before {content: "e-mail: "} phone:before {content: attr(type) ": "} phone[primary]:after {content: " (" attr(primary) ")"} businesscard_style_CSS2.xml

7 7 Using XSLT

8 8 Creating XSLT Stylesheets

9 9 How XSLT Works

10 10 How XSLT Works

11 11 An Example XSLT Template

12 Simple XSLT Styling 2011-12/Spring, Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul

13 13 Simple XSLT Styling

14 14 Simple XSLT Styling

15 15 Simple XSLT Styling

16 16 Using XSLT with CSS

17 17 Using XSLT with CSS

18 18 Repeating Items

19 19 Repeating Items

20 20 Repeating Items

21 21 Repeating Items repeating_items.xslt

22 22 Conditional Logic - 1a

23 23 Conditional Logic – 1b

24 24 Conditional Logic – 1c

25 25 Conditional Logic – 2a

26 26 Conditional Logic – 2b

27 27 Conditional Logic – 2c

28 28 Conditional Logic – 2d

29 29 Sorting & Rearranging XML Data

30 30 Sorting & Rearranging XML Data

31 31 Sorting & Rearranging XML Data Then try changing: order (asc > des..) sort select (name > available)

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