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Ashley Beauchamp # 5.  Building self esteem is important because it helps a child become more confident.  It makes every child unique.  Building self.

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Presentation on theme: "Ashley Beauchamp # 5.  Building self esteem is important because it helps a child become more confident.  It makes every child unique.  Building self."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ashley Beauchamp # 5

2  Building self esteem is important because it helps a child become more confident.  It makes every child unique.  Building self esteem helps the child in the areas of intellectual, social, physical, & emotional needs. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO BUILD? #6

3  Promotes a foundation for relationships with family, friends, teachers, & employers.  Having a good self esteem helps children achieve, take healthy risks, & makes them “bully proof.” WHY IT IS IMPORTANT TO BUILD? CONT.…

4  The areas of self esteem are intellectual, emotional, social, & physical.  Intellectual- how you feel about your ability to think & solve problems.  Social- how you feel about your ability to get along with others. WHAT ARE THE AREAS OF SELF ESTEEM? #1 #2

5  Emotional-how you feel about your feelings and how you express them.  Physical- how you feel about your body & health. WHAT ARE THE AREA’S OF SELF ESTEEM? CONT.… #3 #4

6  Encourage Decision Making.  Praise them.  Help your child be self motivated.  Teach your child to be independent.  Teach your child to be original & creative.  Be there to listen to your child, especially when they have problems.  Teach them that its normal to have disappointments. HOW CAN WE IMPROVE THE SELF ESTEEM IN CHILDREN? #7

7 Picture #1- Picture #2- Picture #3- Picture #4- Slide #2 & 3 – From here to Self Esteem notes & Top Ten Reasons notes Slide # 4 & 5- self concept notes & self esteem chart. Slide # 6 – Tips on Promoting Self Esteem & From here to Self Esteem notes. Picture #5- Picture #6- children-education-opportunities.html Picture #7- project.html Picture # 8- SOURCES

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