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Published byJulian Peters Modified over 9 years ago
Getting Started – An Overview of the Standards Writing Process, Version 2 Intended Audience – PC Chairs and Vice Chairs, but open to everyone Information that you will need is located in the PC Chairs Toolkit at this link: PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 21
Acronyms Used In This Presentation GPC – Guideline Project Committee MOS – Manager of Standards NVM – Non-Voting Member OM – Organizational Member PASA – Procedures for ASHRAE Standards Actions PC – Project Committee PCVM – Project Committee Voting Member PPR – Publication Public Review PSVM – Project Subcommittee Voting Member SCD – Standards Committee Document SGPC – Standing Guideline Project Committee SPC – Standard Project Committee SPLS – Standards Project Liaison Subcommittee StdC – ASHRAE Standards Committee SSPC – Standing Standard Project Committee TC – Technical Committee TPS – Title, Purpose and Scope WP – Work Plan 2PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2
Learning Objectives At the end of this training module, you should better understand: Essential principles of openness, balance, due process, and ethics First steps for starting a new PC Basics of the standards development process Resources that are available to assist you 3PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2
Due Process Requirements The following constitute the minimum acceptable due process requirements during the creation or revision of a standard: Openness Balance Lack of dominance Consensus Right to appeal ASHRAE Code of Ethics PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 24
Openness Participation shall be open to all persons who are directly and materially affected by the activity in question: Participation in a process is not necessarily the same as membership or vote on a committee Participation can be as simple as submitting a public review comment or a request for interpretation Tip: Participants can include non-ASHRAE members, non-voting members (NVMs), consultants, and International Organizational Liaisons 5PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2
Balance The objective of balance is to ensure that all stakeholders (directly and materially affected interests) related to a TPS are represented on a PC The criteria for balance is that no single interest category equals more than one-third of voting membership on a PC dealing with safety, and no more than half of voting membership on a PC for all other standards SPCs and SSPCs must achieve and maintain balance Balance on GPCs, SGPCs, and all subcommittees is desired but is not required PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 26
Balance and Interest Categories ASHRAE’s fundamental principles for guiding the identification and selection of interest categories for any PC align with ANSI Essential Requirements on balance: The interest categories appropriate to the development of consensus in any given standards activity are a function of the nature of the standard being developed. Interest categories shall be discretely defined, cover all materially affected parties and differentiate each category from the other categories. 7PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2
Balance and Interest Categories In defining the interest categories appropriate to a standards activity, consideration shall be given to at least the following categories: Producer User General Where appropriate, additional interest categories* should be considered where needed to ensure consensus of directly affected and interested parties related to a particular TPS. Appropriate representative user views shall be actively sought and fully considered in standards activities. * See “Approved Interest Categories” under the Membership Forms heading on the PC Chairs Toolkit page 8PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2
Lack of Dominance The standards development process shall not be dominated by any single interest category, individual or organization. Dominance means a position or exercise of dominant authority, leadership, or influence by reason of superior leverage, strength, or representation to the exclusion of fair and equitable consideration of other viewpoints. 9PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2
Balance vs. Dominance Balance and a lack of dominance are two distinct considerations: The existence of a balanced consensus body does not preclude the exercise of dominance. Similarly, the existence of a less than perfectly balanced consensus body does not necessarily reflect a process in which dominance automatically occurs. Balance is quantifiable, dominance is not: work with your SPLS Liaison if there is any indication of dominance in your committee. 10PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2
Consensus Consensus defined: Substantial agreement, in the judgment of a duly appointed authority, reached by directly and materially affected interest categories Substantial agreement means more than a simple majority but not necessarily unanimity Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that a concerted effort be made toward their resolution 11 PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2
Other Due Process Requirements Consideration of views and objections: Prompt consideration shall be given to the written views and objections of all participants, including PC members and those commenting on the TPS or a draft standard Consensus votes for Standards Actions: Evidence of consensus shall be documented and requires a “supermajority” 2/3 vote Appeals: The impartial handling of procedural appeals regarding any action or inaction. Procedural appeals include whether a technical issue was afforded due process. 12PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2
ASHRAE Code of Ethics Excerpts: As members of ASHRAE or participants in ASHRAE committees, we pledge to act with honesty, fairness, courtesy, competence, integrity and respect for others in our conduct. The confidentiality of business affairs, proprietary information, intellectual property, procedures, and restricted Society discussions and materials shall be respected. We shall avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest whenever possible, and disclose them to affected parties when they do exist. Entire ASHRAE Code of Ethics at this link: Code of EthicsCode of Ethics 13PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2
First Steps This section will help you understand what you need to do to get the PC started PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 214
What You Have at Outset A Project Committee Chair Congratulations! And thank you for volunteering! Several potential PC Voting Members (PCVMs) Approved Title, Purpose and Scope (TPS) Helpful SPLS Liaison Your advocate and coach regarding the process A comprehensive “rule book:” Procedures for ASHRAE Standards Actions (PASA) located on the PC Chairs Toolkit page at: 15PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2
PC Chairs Toolkit Page ALL PC related resources are available in one online location – the PC Chairs Toolkit page! ASHRAE Toolkit Quick Links: Standards Procedures Project Committee Deadlines Project Committee News Project Committee Meetings Project Committee Chairs Training Mandatory Language Guides Membership Forms Project Committee Forms and Templates Voting Tools and Templates Publication Public Review Submittal Forms Instructions for using the Online Comment Database Continuous Maintenance Forms Procedures for Proposing a New Standard or Guideline Project Committee Home Pages Helpful Links 16PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2
Membership In addition to yourself, request your potential committee members to complete a PC Membership Application form, Bias and Conflict of Interest statement and ASHRAE bio (complete online) ASHRAE Staff will process all applications and then send you information You will then completed and submit a Chair's Recommendation Form to your SPLS Liaison and to ASHRAE staff Remember: Only one Voting Member (VM) from any organization at anytime. At least one member in each of the default interest categories listed below, or other approved interest categories for your PC Producer User General Minimum of 5 VMs before any official business or standards action vote can occur. SPC/SSPC balance must be achieved before any standards action votes can occur. 17PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2
First PC Meeting Schedule PC meeting: At the next Society Meeting using the SPC Meeting Request Form found on the PC Chairs Toolkit page or the ASHRAE Conference page Get started as soon as possible! Prepare an agenda using the sample agenda templates found on the PC Chairs Toolkit page Distribute agenda 30 days prior to meeting Attend the PC Chairs’ Breakfast at each Society Meeting (this is a requirement) Distribute minutes to PC members, your SPLS liaison and ASHRAE staff (required). A minutes template can be found on the PC Chairs Toolkit page. The earlier the better! Distribute action items immediately 18PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2
Work Plan (WP) Establish milestones and estimate completion dates on the Work Plan form found on the PC Chairs Toolkit page Major project milestones on the WP should include: Completion of initial PC membership roster First PC meeting Completion of first working draft PC approval for public review PC approval of responses to public review comments (if any) PC vote for publication Discuss your draft WP with your SPLS Liaison, and then submit WP to ASHRAE staff for SPLS approval 19PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2
Title, Purpose & Scope (TPS) The TPS is the framework for a Standard or Guideline A PC must approved the TPS at its first official meeting If changes are needed, use the Proposed TPS Form found on the Toolkit page, and include: Rationale for changes Underscore/strikeout to show changes to original version A clean, final version of the proposed TPS PC vote tally to recommend approval Any change to the TPS must be approved prior to submission of a Publication Public Review draft Submit document to SPLS Liaison and MOS 20PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2
Working Draft For new standard/guideline, Staff will send you working draft template Work with PC to create initial Working Draft For revision standard/guideline, Staff will send you an editable version of currently-published standard/guideline Save backup copy of original document Work with PC to revise original document Update the working draft number and date each time you share a working draft with your PC Archive previous versions for future reference ASHRAE copyright language included on the cover of the working draft template prohibits PC member sharing a working draft, in whole or in part, outside of the PC without the express permission of the MOS. 21PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2
Definitions in SCDs Only include definitions that are necessary to apply the standard or guideline, and are not commonly understood All definitions shall appear somewhere in the body of the standard or guideline (or they shall not be included) Requirements shall not be included in definitions ASHRAE Terminology, found at resources/ashrae-terminology, is a potential resource for definitions resources/ashrae-terminology ASHRAE Terminology definitions, with or without subsequent editing, might fit your purposes, but you are not required to use ASHRAE Terminology definitions PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 222 Tip: Draft the new or revised standard or guideline by focusing on the requirements and other content while making a list of potential definitions instead of consuming PC time to write the definitions at the outset.
PC Chairs’ Meeting Deadlines Obtain deadlines in the PC Chairs Tool KitPC Chairs Tool Kit 23PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2 Chicago Winter Meeting 2015 SPLS Spring Meeting 2015 Atlanta Annual Meeting 2015 SPLS Summer Meeting 2015 Tech Weekend 2015 SPLS Meeting/Conference Call datesJan 23 & 27, 2015Mar 6, 2015*Jun 26 & Jun 30, 2015Aug 22, 2015*Sep 25, 2015* StdC/BOD meeting datesJan 24-28, 2015N/AJun 27-July 1, 2015N/ASep 25 – Oct 5, 2015* Membership New PC member applications & existing member changes (Bio/Bias/Applications** due) Oct 24, 2014N/AApr 17, 2015N/AJuly 24, 2015 PC Chair’s Membership Recommendation Form** dueNov 21, 2014N/AMay 8, 2015N/AAug 14, 2015 Publication Public Review Packages Chicago Winter Meeting 2015 SPLS Spring Meeting 2015 Atlanta Annual Meeting 2015 SPLS Summer Meeting 2015 Tech Weekend 2015 PC Chairs Publication Public Review Submittal Form** deadline for Normal Track PPR packages (see Note below for Fast Track Process) Dec 19, 2014Feb 17, 2015May 22, 2015Aug 2, 2015Aug 28, 2015 SPLS approval of Normal Track PPRsJan 23, 2015Mar 6, 2015*Jun 26, 2015Aug 22, 2015*Sep 24, 2015* Public Review Starts for 30 and 45 day PRsFeb 6, 2015Mar 20, 2015July 10, 2015Sep 6, 2015Oct 9, 2015 30-day Public Review endsMar 8, 2015Apr 20, 2015Aug 9, 2015Oct 6, 2015Nov 8, 2015 45-day Public Review endsMar 23, 2015May 5, 2015Aug 24, 2015Oct 21, 2015Nov 23, 2015 Publication Packages PC Chairs’ Final Publication Submittal Form deadlineDec 3, 2014N/AMay 4, 2015N/AAug 8, 2015 PC Chairs’ Galley Sign-off deadlineJan 14, 2015N/AJun 10, 2015N/ASep 10, 2015 Other Chicago Winter Meeting 2015 SPLS Spring Meeting 2015 Atlanta Annual Meeting 2015 SPLS Summer Meeting 2015 Tech Weekend 2015 Annual/Winter Meeting Room Request FormOct 31, 2014March 20, 2015 TPS Changes, Work Plans, and other items**Jan 9, 2015Feb 20, 2015Jun 12, 2015Aug 8, 2015Sep 10, 2015 PC Funding Requests (FY 2016)Feb 14, 2015
Basics This section will help you understand the basics of the ASHRAE standards development process PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 224
PASA Read PASA – Procedures for ASHRAE Standards Actions Defines formation, structure, and activities of Project Committees (PCs) Establishes criteria and procedures for writing and processing Standards Committee Documents (SCDs) Includes procedures to ensure due process is followed and consensus is achieved 25PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2
Mandatory Language ASHRAE Rules of the Board include these rules: All standards shall be written in definitive mandatory language. Standards that are intended for code use should be concise and written in appropriate code language with simple and direct prescriptive methods for compliance, with alternative performance paths. All guidelines shall be written in informative language. ASHRAE Guide to Writing Standards in Mandatory Language and the ASHRAE Guide to Writing Standards in Code-Intended Language can be found on the PC Chairs Toolkit page under the heading Mandatory Language Guides PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 226
Voting Rules Quorum: majority of voting members are present. Without quorum, PC work can continue, but standards action votes cannot be taken Standards Action: an action recommending or approving publication of a new, revised, or reaffirmed standard or withdrawal of a standard Except as the actions listed below, PC votes require approval by majority of those voting The voting actions listed below require (a) affirmative votes from a majority of all PC voting members, and (b) at least two-thirds of those voting, excluding abstentions and unreturned letter ballots Recommendation for publication public review Recommendation for publication Recommendation for issuance or revision of an official interpretation Use the vote calculations spreadsheet found on the PC Chairs Toolkit page to determine two-thirds vote results 27PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2
Two-Thirds Vote: 1 st Example Project Committee has 22 members ALWAYS need 12 yes votes for motion to pass 12 members present at meeting. All 12 must vote yes. Members not present did not respond to continuation letter ballot and are recorded as not voting. Vote record 12-0-0-10 (yes-no-abstain-not voting) Motion passes (meets the 2/3 of those voting requirement) Yes + no = 12 + 0 = 12 and 2/3 X 12 = 8 28PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2
Two-Thirds Vote: 2 nd Example Project Committee has 22 members ALWAYS need 12 yes votes for motion to pass 12 members present at meeting. 12 vote yes. On letter ballot, 2 vote yes and 8 vote no. Vote record 14-8-0-0 (yes-no-abstain-not voting) Motion fails Majority vote yes 2/3 vote: Yes + No = 14 + 8, 2/3 X 22 = 15 29PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2
Letter Ballot Voting (via Email) Chair may authorize an email letter ballot on any motion (sample letter ballot found on the Toolkit page) Remind recipients to “Reply” not “Reply All” when voting Negative voters are requested to comment on reasons for their vote If vote passes with negative votes with comments, results shall be held in abeyance until comments are transmitted to all eligible voters and they are given opportunity to change their vote through a recirculation ballot Chair may offer rebuttal to comments from negative voters in recirculation ballot 30PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2
Running Effective PC Meetings Have clear purpose Generate constructive action & share ideas; build consensus; plan next steps Only meet when communications require two-way interactions Be prepared Define reasonable list of issues to consider; assign time & speaker for each item Distribute agenda & related documents for review prior to meeting Keep meeting moving Be punctual: start & end on time Focus on agenda, encourage participation, but control digressions Follow Robert’s Rules of Order Follow up Distribute action items immediately and track progress between meetings Distribute minutes within 30 days, earlier if possible 31PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2 Tip: Review the training module titled, Running Effective Meetings, for more details
Typical Motions PCs vote to approve: 1.Original TPS (first meeting) 2.Proposed changes to the TPS 3.Meeting minutes 4.Publication Public Review Draft* 5.PC responses to commenters 6.Final Publication Draft* Standing PCs vote to approve: 1.Proposed changes to the TPS 2.Meeting minutes 3.Publication Public Review of addenda* 4.Responses to commenters 5.Interpretations 6.Responses to CMPs 7.Code Change Submittals 8.Final Publication of Addenda PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 232 Note: Items with * are Standards Actions.
PC Meetings and Interim Meetings All PC meetings are open to observation by directly and materially interested persons PC working meetings must be held at least once per year, but are normally held twice/year at Annual and Winter Society Meetings PC Chairs must advise SPLS Liaison and MOS of all meetings or teleconferences between Society Meetings in time to announce interim meeting in Standards Actions – 30 days before in-person meetings and 14 days for conference calls For help in setting up conference calls, webinars or in- person face-to-face meetings, complete and submit the Expediting Funds form found on the Toolkit page under Project Committee Meetings heading 33PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2 Tip: Join the list server to receive each issue of Standards Actions on Fridays herehere
Cognizant Technical Committee The cognizant TC is the one whose scope best matches your standard or guideline The cognizant TC recommends Chair and at least four other members for: New standard or guideline or Periodic revision of existing standard or guideline. The cognizant TC is a source for PC members with skills relevant to subject standard or guideline If the cognizant TC does not have a member or liaison on the PC, the PC Chair shall provide the TC Chair with updates about PC progress prior to each Society meeting. 34PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2 Tip: See the training module titled, TCs and PCs: Similarities and Differences, for more information.
PC Websites If a PC website is desired, ASHRAE Staff will assist you with creating your PC’s web site More information is available on the PC Chairs Toolkit page under Project Committee Home Pages PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 235
Resources SPLS Liaison Other PC Training Modules Online Resources Standards Staff 36PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2
Your Friendly & Helpful SPLS Liaison Represents PC at StdC: Membership Changes Work Plans TPS Changes Public Review Drafts SPLS Liaison contact information is on your PC roster 37PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2
Other PC Training Modules The following training modules are available in a webcast version or in PDF form on the PC Chairs Toolkit page: An Overview of PC Membership & Balance Writing Standards in Enforceable Language Running Effective Meetings Ethics, Bias, and Conflicts of Interest Public Review Process Overview Online Comment Database TCs and PCs: Similarities and Differences PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 238
Standards Staff Direct line 678.539.xxxx Standards Committee Stephanie Reiniche, Sr. Manager of Standards.......................ext. 1143 Status of Standards/Guidelines, SPLS and SPC 201 Susan LeBlanc, Standards Administrator………….............ext. 1143 Procedures, PPIS, SRS and Appeals Tanisha Meyers-Lisle, Procedures Administrator...............ext. 1111 Staff Review of Drafts Carmen Manning, Standards Analyst....................……..............ext. 1145 39PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2
Standards Staff Direct line 678.539.xxxx American Standards, Standards 62.1 and 62.2 Mark Weber, Mgr. of Standards - American………….....ext. 1214 Codes, CIS, Standards 90.1 and 90.2 Steve Ferguson, Mgr. of Standards - Codes………..…..ext.1138 Codes, Standard 189.1 Bert Etheridge, Asst. Mgr. of Standards-Codes..........…ext. 1125 International Standards and Standards 15 and 34 Nicole Jones, Asst. Mgr. of Standards-International...............ext. 1151 40PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2
Standards Staff Direct line 678.539.xxxx PC Membership Beverly Fulks, Standards Coordinator......................................ext. 1151 PC Membership, SSPCs 15 and 34 Angela McFarlin, Admin. Asst./ International Stds...................ext. 1177 PC Membership, SSPCs 90.1, 90.2, 90.4, and 189.1 Katrina Shingles, Admin. Asst…..............................................ext. 1159 41PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2
Questions? 42PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2
Self-Test Questions Does participation mean individuals must be PC voting members? How many PC members must a PC have before a vote to recommend a standards action can occur? What vote is required for standards actions to take place? If a voting member submits a negative vote with comment, is the PC Chair required to re-circulate the ballot to allow voting members to change their votes? Who should you keep informed of all activities regarding your PC? 43PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2
How did you do? If you knew the answers to all the questions Congratulations! You have mastered the material If you were able to answer most of the questions (70-99%) Please review the material you may have missed If you were unable to answer most of the questions (<70%) Please review all the material 44PC Chairs Training: Getting Started Version 2
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