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SCBC Town Hall May 6, 2012. Welcome Our Beginning Our Journey 2012 Future of SCBC Questions and Answers.

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Presentation on theme: "SCBC Town Hall May 6, 2012. Welcome Our Beginning Our Journey 2012 Future of SCBC Questions and Answers."— Presentation transcript:

1 SCBC Town Hall May 6, 2012

2 Welcome Our Beginning Our Journey 2012 Future of SCBC Questions and Answers

3 Our Beginning God’s Call for Woodridge

4 "Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work." Oswald Chambers

5 Our Journey God has prepared us

6 In the beginning…

7 1.8.06 Our first Sunday – Woodridge Fall Creek Meeting at Kids R Kids Fall Creek

8 40 in Sunday School, 80 in Worship

9 Paul Lyle – Pastor/Youth Pastor Joelle Taft – Worship Leader

10 All of our equipment including chairs was stored onsite in a single closet

11 2007 Begin having mid-week prayer meeting and children’s choirs Began a year long study of Nehemiah Looked at nearby property*

12 2.08 Unexpected relocation to KRK-Lakeshore Kevin Kilgore allows us to stay rent free Mariella Suescun is our first PT staff Brandon Bello leads worship

13 80% The percent of our attendance living in the Lake Houston corridor

14 Identity Crisis Leadership team develops new name and new identity

15 Identity Crisis New mission statement (what we’re doing)

16 Identity Crisis New strategy (how we accomplish our mission) encounterengageequipextend

17 Community Involvement Lakeshore Spring Carnival Kids Hope Summer Creek High School Summerfest National Night Out Wounded Warrior Woodcreek 5K Sponsor Fall Festival

18 Summer 2010 Plans are made to move to Lakeshore Elementary after considering Summerwood Elementary*

19 Big Changes Offsite Storage Equipment and supplies for preschool and children Additional sound and video equipment Partitions for classrooms Signs and banners Trailers and set-up teams Switch from rotational set-up to dedicated ministry teams

20 Fall 2010 We begin meeting at Lakeshore Elementary Our average attendance in worship is 102

21 6.11 – Staff Changes Susan Risinger – PT assistant Matt Koen – Minister of Music & Youth

22 8.11 – Our Vision LRP meets with architects to discuss plans for the future home of SCBC The new vision is presented at our Thanksgiving dinner

23 Fall 2011 Our average attendance in worship is 165

24 Spring 2012 Our attendance last week in worship was 181

25 "No one is a firmer believer in the power of prayer than the devil; not that he practices it, but he suffers from it." Guy H. King

26 2012 God is Moving Again

27 Autonomy: Why? Biblical Model for the Church Our unique ministry and evangelism

28 READY – Numerical Growth Autonomy: Why Now?

29 SCBC Attendance

30 READY – Numerical Growth WILLING – Spiritual Growth Autonomy: Why Now?


32 READY – Numerical Growth WILLING – Spiritual Growth ABLE – Financial Growth

33 SCBC Attendance Land

34 Autonomy: What does it mean to Us? For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? (Luke 14:28)

35 "The reason why we obtain no more in prayer is because we expect no more. God usually answers us according to our own hearts." Richard Alleine

36 Our Future Following God’s Will

37 Our Identity A church that… – can be trusted in a community leery of trust – gives when many churches are seen as takers – is truly a community church Most important – A church that believes in prayer

38 Timeline to Autonomy Current target is September – Financial benefits – Organizational activities – Architectural activities Refinance of property Woodridge 3Q12 Business Meeting

39 Challenges Ahead Financial – How are we going to build a building? Staff – Will we need to add? Spiritual – How will each of us engage?

40 Building Committee Lori Twomey is the Phase 1 chair – 350 seats in worship – Next step is to fund the schematic design Phase 2 for future growth – 500 seats in worship

41 "Every great movement of God can be traced to a kneeling figure." D. L. Moody

42 Questions and Answers

43 Pray for your church

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