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John Fitzgerald Kennedy

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1 John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Fakebook John Fitzgerald Kennedy Wall Info Write something… Just got off Air Force One in Dallas, Texas. #Back Hurts  Share View photos of Kennedy Image Send Kennedy a message 1963 I am a supporter of equal rights for African-Americans. I proposed a new Civil Rights bill to Congress.  Information Image 1963 I signed the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in the United States of America, with the United Kingdom, and Russia.  Presidential Number: 35th Political Party: Democrat State Elected From: Massachusetts Dates of Presidency: Vice President(s): Lyndon Baines Johnson Image 1962 I solved the Cuban Missile Crisis by demanding Russia dismantle missiles pointed to the United States in Cuba. I prevented a war between the United States and Russia.  Image 1961 The United States sponsored the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba but failed and the invasion was unsuccessful.  Image 1961 I promised to land a man on the moon before the end of the decade. I funded a 5 billion dollar space program to catch up to Russia.  Image 1961 I started the Peace Corps which was a way for young people to volunteer, and help developing countries. They help educate, farm, provide health care, and help with construction projects. 

2 John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Fakebook Wall Image John Fitzgerald Kennedy Wall Info Basic Information Birthday: May 29, 1917 Hometown: Brookline, Massachusetts Relationship Status: Married to Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Family Members: Father – Joseph Patrick Kennedy Mother – Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald Kennedy Children – Caroline Bouvier Kennedy John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. Patrick Bouvier Kennedy Following Personal Information Education: Harvard University (1940) Activities/Interests: - When I was young I liked to sail, swim and play touch football games with my siblings. - I enjoyed playing many sports but also enjoyed reading and writing. Pets: a rabbit (Zsa Zsa), 2 hamsters, 2 parakeets, 5 horses, 9 dogs (2 of which are Charlie, Pushinka) Previous Jobs: - Author / Journalist - Lieutenant U.S Navy - U.S Representative (1947 – 1953) - U.S Senator (1953 – 1961) Image Image Democrat Harvard University Image Image Fun Facts Navy and Marine Corps Roman Catholic I won a Navy and Marine medal for saving my crew when I served as Commander of a PT boat during WWII. I am the first president to be a Roman Catholic, and the youngest president ever elected. Image Image I have had four children, Caroline and John Jr. made it to adulthood, and Patrick died when he was two days old. The other child, going to be named Arabella, was a still born. Today only Caroline is alive, John Jr. died in a tragic plane crash. Rosie the Riveter Cape Cod Celebrates 50 years I have chronic back pain which was made worse when I was in a accident during WWII. I wear a back brace and receive many shots to help ease the pain. Click the following link to watch an overview of my life.

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